
Chapter 548 - Searching Lut Gholein

Chapter 548 Searching Lut Gholein

The search in Lut Gholein began. Although there weren’t any citizens, the buildings were preserved quite well. If he could find any bread crumbs, then he would be able to understand this city even better.Drognan’s potion store was just east of the teleportation station. Abel wanted to head there first.

He stepped in front of the potion store. He realized all the windows and doors were tightly shut. The law of this place had preserved the wood of the building; it was just like back in the days,

Abel gently pushed open the door. Inside, there was a line of shelves with many bottles on it.

Abel suddenly felt his heart lifted. He stepped up and picked up a bottle. The bottle was very Dark, and it was filled with red liquid inside. It was a “Light Healing Potion.”

A “Light Healing Potion” was a level up from the ‘Minor Healing Potion”. It could double a person’s health points. But to a person with so many Full Recovery Potions like Abel, these things didn’t really matter.

He did not scan the potion for its formula. Instead, he continued to pick out the potions off the shelf and placed it in his portal bracelet.

Abel didn’t take that many: 12 bottles of ‘Light Healing Potions’, and 10 ‘Light Mana Potions,’ but Abel had never seen these things before. It was good to play around or collect them.

The shelf was now empty, but Abel knew a wizard like Dragnon would not place anything important on the shelf. This shelf was just for show. A wizard with a portal object would often store their stuff within it.

Abel then pushed open the door to a smaller room. It looked like an alchemy room. Too bad it was cleaned up. There was nothing other than an alchemy bench.

There was a locked wooden door by the end of the alchemy room. The owner of this place was gone, so Abel just twisted open the lock without hesitation.

He pushed open the wooden door. Abel knew it was a storage room. Normally, wizards would not store anything too important in their accommodation. They would only put stuff that they could not fit in their portal object in their storage room.

This was exactly the case with this storage room. There were large amounts of dried up unusable alchemy ingredients that were neatly placed on a shelf inside. There were also some weird animal specimens on the display stand of the room.

In the furthest corner of the storage room was a box filled with patterns. Due to the passing of time, the magical abilities of these patterns faded. They could no longer protect this box.

Abel gently pressed on the lock, and the box opened just like that.

Inside, there was the most valuable treasure in this world: a book made out of lambskin parchment. Lambskin parchment books were extremely precious in both the Holy Continent and the Dark World. However, the lambskin parchments on these books seemed to be much more complex than any other ones.

Knowledge was power. and knowledge could only be inherited among nobles. Their exclusive nature was what made them valuable–especially one preserved by an old wizard.

Abel took out the books one by one. They were magic theory books, which could be beneficial to Abel. The first one was a biography by Dragnon, which could allow Abel to understand the Dark World a lot better.

The second book was called the “Beginner Potion Guide”. This book made Abel feel like he had gotten a treasure. There were only the method and formula for 4 potions in the book, but Abel already knew how to make 2 of them. Also, he had already gotten the formula for those ‘Light Healing Potion’ and ‘Light Mana Potion’ from the two potions he just got.

He flipped open the book. Just as he expected, the method and formulas for those two potions were very similar, other than a slight difference in ratio.

There were no Mana Potions in the Holy Continent, and the Healing Potion was miles behind the ones in the Dark World. The 4 potion formulas Abel had gotten were the result of countless years of progress in the Dark World. Maybe there was even some help from the unknown.

Abel couldn’t wait to make these 2 potions himself. He had all the ingredients he needed in his portal bracelet anyway.

He walked in front of the Alchemy bench, and took out the full set of Akara Alchemy Bottles and placed the ingredients by the side.

He then took out a red gem and etched out a pattern on to it with his power of will. The gem ignited, and a steam of fire shot up.

As Abel began to make the ‘Light Healing Potion’ with an Akara Alchemy Bottle in his hand, everything slowed down. Although the World Stone was not ignited, he still had the ability to precisely control and analyze everything that touched his eyes.

Countless data flew in front of him. Under the heat of the flame, the potion began to change. Abel could even see the temperature of the alchemy bottle. Since Abel’s body exceeded the human limit, he could always make the most precise action to correspond with the changes.

By that point, Abel relapsed. He had underestimated the power of that little piece of world stone. It was a cheat. Every action he made during alchemy had reached perfection.

Abel added the ingredients one by one, and the alchemy bottle became more and more unbalanced. However, Abel could always correspond it with the most suitable temperature. The data in his mind was constantly telling him what to do.

In the past, he would need to test out countless times before he could make a new potion. Now he had done it in one take. Not only that, but the ‘Light Healing Potion’ was at its peak performance. It could increase health by 60 points.

Afterward, Abel had also made the ‘Light Mana Potion’ in one take. From then on, Abel had mastered how to make all 4 potions from the Dark World.

Abel then walked out Dragnon Potion store and kept walking south. soon, he had spotted Atma’s Hotel. The windows of the hotel were very big, so the inside was filled with dust. Abel walked in and looked around. Luckily everything was still in good shape. He just needed to clean a little bit.

The rooms on the second floor also just needed a bit of cleaning. Abel decided to make this place his accommodations. Even the best tent would not be as comfortable as a real house.

Afterward, Abel left the spirit guardian knights to clean while he continued to search around.

As Abel reached the edge of the south, he came across a broken wooden ship in the harbor. It was only still floating because the base had not been broken yet; at first, Abel wanted to see if there was a map on the ship, but everything inside had been corroded by the sea.

So, Abel left the harbor and headed towards the city center. There were only some roofless shacks on the spot. The whole place looked like a dump.

The only thing useful was the well. It was the most important resource in the desert. According to legend, Lut Gholein had only come into existence because of this well.

Abel then spotted a grand looking palace on the edge of the city; it was the best looking building in the entire city. It was made entirely out of the rubble, and there were even some multicolored tiles on the surface.

The inside of the palace was just as beautiful. The floor was made out of square marble, and their beauty was preserved after all these years. The giant palace was supported by a few enormous poles with delicate etching.

Every room in the palace was perfectly preserved since it was protected by the indoor laws. There was a diverse range of art pieces from all kinds of places. It seemed like no one had paid attention to them for a long time.

Just from this, Abel guessed that there was a large number of goods being traded in this wealthy desert harbor. If not, how could they find so much marble to build this palace in the desert? And where did they get all of these art pieces?

But since heaven and hell had invaded. Art pieces were useless–no matter how good they were. They wouldn’t even worth a piece of bread, let alone a weapon.

However, Abel started thinking to himself. If he had time, maybe he should carry these art pieces back to the Holy Continent to decorate his magic tower.

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