
Chapter 481 - Time to Get to Work

Chapter 481 Time to Get to Work

While Isiah was still trying to understand what he was looking at, a gigantic body appeared out of the black hole. It wasn’t walking, but waddling its way out.It was Johnson. It’s multi-surfaced metal balls wrapped all over the fifty-meter tall magic tower. Isiah and the rest didn’t know that, so all they could see was a giant monster that was walking on a bunch of tiny metal balls that were rolling around.

Not Abel. As far as he knew, having to carry the magic tower this entire time had been very inconvenient for Johnson. It was like it was pregnant or something, to put it in a strange way. The heavy load in its body stopped it from moving. If it wasn’t with its friends inside the “blessing of the Moon Goddess,” it would’ve been in a lot of discomfort this whole time.

Abel commanded through the soul chain, “Alright, alright! Just move already! I’ll give you a power potion once this is all done.”

As soon as Johnson heard that, it started moving at a much faster pace. Like Abel’s other summoned creatures, it became smart enough to beg its master for potions.

“And this, can it be your summoned creature by any chance, Grandmaster?” Wizard Cyril asked as he gulped down his throat.

“Yes, this is Johnson,” Abel said, then closed the balck hole after Johnson had walked out.

“Such work you’ve put in it!” Wizard Cyril’s eyes started to sparkle, “So, what did you use to make its base, Grandmaster? How did you make it control so many spell runes at the same time?”

“Well, that’s because it’s a stone giant,” Abel replied. This time, he didn’t bother to lie or make up stories.

Wizard Cyril raised his voice dubiously, “Stone giant, you say? Since when can intelligent creatures form contracts with stone spirits? I thought Mother Earth had more pride than that.”

It wasn’t Wizard Cyril’s first to have encountered a stone giant. In fact, he’s seen them twice before in his life. The dwarves referred to them as “earth spirits.” They were the direct descendents of Mother Earth herself. They were the spawns of nature. The longer they’ve existed, the stronger their abilities were.

Usually, it was impossible to form a spiritual contract with earth spirit. They were too proud as a species to begin with. They thought that they were a higher being than humans, elves, and dwarves, so naturally, they didn’t like the idea of subjugating to them.

They were also a very stubborn bunch. Stubborn to the bones, if they had any. Even if they lost their lives, they would still refuse any contracts that they were forced to sign. With that in mind, Wizard Cyril could tell that Abel didn’t use force to make the stone giant his summoned creature.

How else, then, could a human make a stone giant his master? Wizard Cyril was starting to gain a whole new understanding of how mysterious Abel was.

While the dwarves, still shocked at what they were witnessing, something more shocking just happened. Johnson walked to the center of the platform. It was doing this under Abel’s command, and when it looked at Abel, it asked him for the next instruction.

“Yeah, that’s the spot,” Abel nodded his head.

Slowly and steadily, Johnson “poured” the fifty-meter tall magic tower out of its body. It had to be very careful when it was doing this. If the tower fell down, no one would be able to lift it back up.

“Let’s go help!” Isiah shouted to the other ten dwarves, and they all got up to ride their iron puppets.

As the magic tower began to show its face, the dwarves started to realize who it once belonged to. It was a sixteen-floor tall tower. That meant the original owner was an advanced wizard. Of course, this wasn’t the first time that someone did something like this. In the past, there have been cases, magic towers being stolen before the Wizard Union could retrieve them.

But there was something special about this particular tower.

“Mourning stones!” Wizard Cyril called out as he was the first to notice it. The other dwarves saw it, too. So this was why Bernie was so secretive when he told them to come here.

There was no way that they could not recognize it. It was the Cliff Magic Tower, one of the most famous magic towers in the Holy Continent because of its defensive capabilities. As the news had it, the previous owner of the tower, Wizard Cliff, was killed some times ago. Shortly after that, his magic tower disappeared from its original location.

Wizard Cyril could feel the creep crawling up his spine. He’d never expected to be standing next to someone that could kill an advanced wizard. The last time someone could do that was, well, it actually never happened since the last few centuries.

In a very subtle way, Wizard Cyril took some very small steps away from Abel. In his mind, he already thought of Abel as an extremely dangerous man. He was an advanced wizard himself, after all, so he knew how hard it was to kill one, let alone do any damage to one.

So Abel wasn’t joking when he said he wanted one hundred iron puppets and one hundred giant ballistas. He wasn’t joking when he said how hard it was for advanced wizards to dodge all the ballista arrows at once. None of that was a joke. He was seriously considering piling up enough weapons to fight against advanced wizards.

After Johnson had completely taken out the magic tower, Isiah began to scan the tower to check its durability status.

Isiah said to Abel after he was done, “Nothing wrong with the outside, Grandmaster. All the rune patterns are still intact. Ok, now we’re going to fix the tower’s base to the platform.”

“Make sure they’re sturdy enough, Isiah,” Abel said with a bit of concern. Since he was the one who shot this tower down, he knew that its weakness was in its bottom.

“Rest assured, sir!” Isiah said confidently, “To do that, I just need you to give me the permission to do construction work on the platform.”

Then, after Abel gave temporary permission to let Isiah do his work, Isiah started working on the operation board of the platform.

“Johnson, lift me up!” Abel turned to Johnson since he was too lazy to watch while standing. Johnson was just done with its work. As it walked towards Abel, it lifted him up and placed him on top of its shoulders.

As the multi-surfaced metal spheres started moving about, a chair started forming at the spot behind Abel’s back. Abel sat almost immediately. At the same time, Wizard Cyril used his “instantaneous movement” spell to sit at the seat next to him.

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