
Chapter 404 - Stone Metal Monster

After picking up Johnson’s head, he inserted his power of Will into the stone metal monster that was lying on the ground. Since there was the essence of a dragon in his soul, he was able to kill the stone metal monster’s remaining soul.

The stronger Abel became, the more control he had over the dragon’s power that was inside of him. As little of it there was, it was powerful enough to kill many, many creatures with the slightest dose. It was the same for the stone metal monster. Now that its soul was eradicated, all that remained was a pile of useless metals.

When Abel scanned the stone metal monster’s remains with his power of Will, he realized how complex its inside was built to be. He then opened it apart, then stuffed Johnson’s head in the opening. After that, he solidified the parts that were connected with some metal pieces he had.

“Do you need a pair of eyes?” Abel asked.

Johnson replied, using the soul chain, “No need, master. I can make it with the parts that are near my head.”

That’s what Abel liked to hear. This way, he didn’t have to do more damage to the stone metal monster’s defensive capability. When he tried to put the parts back, the stone metal monster suddenly started walking.

It was Johnson that was doing this. Now that it was connected to the stone metal monster’s body, it could very easily move it around.

“That’s great, Johnson! You’re doing great!” Abel praised. To be fair, he didn’t expect most of the stuff he tried to work. After all, the stone metal monster was a creation of the orc priests. If he didn’t have full control of it, Wizard Cliff might just charge him with the crimes of “siding with the Orc Empire.” That’s something that he really wasn’t into at this point.

Now, then. The ordinary “stone metal monster” didn’t have much of an effect on his whole squad’s fighting capability. That didn’t matter too much, though. It was more of an experiment to him. If it was destroyed in a battle, he could also break it apart to do more research.

In fact, he was already thinking about some new runes that he could make. If he had the rune pattern for a glowing metal gear, he could just make a new stone metal monster from scratch. By that point, he could make any number of new bodies for Johnson.

One question remained, though. Abel wasn’t sure how he was going to summon the stone metal monster. So far, he tried to use the “command skeletons” spell to boost the powers of his spiritual guardian knights. As it was in the same class of spells as the ones that the orc priests used, he might have to put the research for both into the same place.

Before that, Abel called Johnson to stop running around. When Johnson listened to him, a bunch of the multi-surfaced spheres started rolling towards it.

As more spheres started piling on top of Johnson, it became taller and stronger than before. It was very sensitive to magic gemstones, so it quickly realized how different the metal spheres Abel built were.

Abel explained to Johnson, “Remember this, Johnson! Red is fire, blue is ice, and yellow is lightning!”

Stone giants were born to control metals. As soon as Johnson listened to the explanation, it quickly sorted out metal spheres that were inside of it into their own groups. Eventually, once all ten thousand something spheres were absorbed, Johnson reverted back to its 10 meter tall height.

It was a lot stronger than its original form, though. The most evident indicator of that would have to be its weight, which was now a total of 10,000 pounds. Once it started moving, even Abel wouldn’t dare to stop the destructive force that could be produced. In terms of physical damage, it was now invincible on both the offensive and the defensive side.

And the geometry that Abel designed; Spheres were perfect for taking massive hits. If the attacks became too much for it to take, the shock would easily be distributed from the part that it was hit.

Right now, Johnson’s main part was the stone metal monster’s body, which was sealed with a layer of metal balls on its edge. If someone dared to attack its head, he would have to face the stone metal monster’s attacks right after the metal balls were cleared off.

For the sake of testing, Abel took out a knight’s big sword and slashed at Johnson. He didn’t use his combat qi for it, but still used a lot of strength.


And just like that. Abel’s knight’s big sword flew into the air. At the same time, he couldn’t stop his hands from shaking.

Abel said as he rubbed his hands together, “This... this is absolutely frightening! Whoever tries to launch a physical attack at this, it would be completely useless!”

Luckily, he wasn’t using his full strength. If he was, all that power would be bounced back to him using “full counter damage,” which was the strongest ability that the stone metal monster possessed. And judging by the amount of force that came back, Johnson must be at least level 12 after it was connected to the stone metal monster. The rebound was about three times to what Abel put in

“What monster have I made?” Abel said in his own mind.

In terms of power, there wasn’t anything that he could compare Johnson to. In terms of speed, Johson had two meter legs. Nothing could outrun that. Even if there was something faster, Johnson could always attack them with its long-distance attacks, which was basically done by throwing the metal balls that were on its body.

If Johnson had to throw the metal spheres, it was told to always pick them back up. It had no problem doing it because of how sensitive it was towards gemstones. Even if it couldn’t, Abel could always make more with his skills as a grandmaster blacksmith.

Abel wasn’t satisfied with that, yet. He could also make Johnson learn to use a weapon. While thinking about it, he shot a fireball from his hand towards it. Once the fireball landed, the part that was hit was suddenly covered in red gemstone metal balls. Obviously, no damage would be taken. With all the buffs placed on it, it was pretty much close to being immune to fire.

Abel tried to shoot an “ice bolt” at it. The same thing happened. The part that was hit was covered in blue gemstone metal balls. After that, he tried attacking it with lightning attacks. More specifically, he tried to attack it with his “static field” spell, which was a lightning spell that could cover up an entire area with a deadly electric shock.

As powerful as the “static field” was, its weakness was very obvious. While casting it, its caster would lose all chance to protect himself. If the enemies were fast enough, they could pretty much attack the caster many times before they became affected. Also, if the target was resistant against lightning, the damage that could be dealt with would decrease by a whole lot.

Despite all that, this spell had a lot of strength that shouldn’t be ignored. For starters, its initial hit could decrease by about 25% of the opponent’s health points. This effect would become weaker as the opponent’s health became close to 50%. While it was not recommended for fighting against intelligent, living beings, it could do a whole against inanimate objects like, say, Johnson.

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