
Chapter 390 - Horadric Malus

Chapter 390 Horadric Malus

Just when Abel felt pressured, a perfect pattern appeared on top of the Pelta Lunta. Mana began to run through his brain. 2 points of mana were added to the pattern. Just like lighting a match stick, a white light flashed.

The Pelta Lunta started to glow white was and smashed into the Smith’s fist. Bang! The white light glow did not stop. Instead, it departed from the Pelta Lunta and flew towards the Smith.

The Smith was struck dumb; its body froze. However, Abel did not take this opportunity to strike. Instead, he waited for half a second for the Smith to recover before striking it again. Since he now had the experience, he unleashed another ‘Shield strike pattern. Another white glow rushed towards the Smith.

This Smith in front of him was like a perfect training partner since it could only make physical attacks. Although they were extremely strong, it was only that-strong. Abel didn’t have to care about his own safety, so this was such a rare opportunity.

After a few Shield Strikes, the Smith realized something was wrong. When Abel was preparing another White Light, the Smith suddenly retracted its fist. The white glow gently brushed against its body, but it didn’t get knocked unconscious.

Still, Abel still grasped some fundamentals of the knight Shield Strike after a few attempts. The target would only become if the strike had hit the target directly.

Abel had gotten what he wanted, so he glared at the Smith grimly and mumbled, “too bad!”

The Jade Tano Do flashed, and the extra 50 points of agility added to his immense speed. The dragon core had totally resolved his previous lack of speed. The Jade Tan Do didn’t have much attacking power, but it had 180 points of poison. On top of the powerful combat qi string and after a few more shield strikes, the Smith had fallen.

A gold shadow and a grey shadow entered his Horadric Cube. Abel loved these ‘Power Potion,’ but the ability he could gain from it depended on luck.

The Smith was a pure force hell creature. It didn’t have any single gear on it. Abel sighed. It was such a poor dark gold boss.

Abel kept complaining to himself, but as soon as he walked passed the corridor, he felt something weird from his Horadric Cube. This feeling felt a little sentimental.

Abel looked around at the things in the room. The most eye catching thing was the furnace; it was a Blacksmith furnace. Although it looked different from the ones in the Holy Continent, as a blacksmith, he could still recognize it immediately.

There was an iron bench next to it. On the bench, there were some iron needles and hammers. By then, Abel looked deeply drawn to one particular hammer. It was shining in dark gold, but not only that, the sentimental feeling from the Horadric Cube was directed towards this hammer.

This was the legendary Horadric Malus, a dark gold blacksmith hammer. It was made at the same time as the Horadric Cube, or in another word, the same batch of equipment. This was the dark old hammer that Charsi was looking for back in the Rogue Encampment a long time ago.

Abel walked towards the bench and picked up the Horadric Malus. According to the legends, only someone from Charsi’s tribe could use this hammer. Abel gently waved it around in his hand; it felt like just another 100 pounds hammer to him.

Was this really the Horadric Malus that could make iron sing, and create an impenetrable knight armor? Abel doubted it.

While Abel was still confused, a dark gold glow emerged from the Horadric Cube and connected with the Horadric Malus. Afterward, the dark gold glow on the Horadric Malus became lit up tremendously. It seemed like it was about to unleash some kind of energy.

Afterwards, Abel received a message from his Horadric Cube.

Horadric Malus

Agility required:15

Strength required:15

Weight adjustable

Can use a random socket open every 30 days

Other abilities locked

Must use with the Horadric Cube to be effective

Never deteriorates

Abel was stunned. They were only 2 abilities, but Abel truly realized how lucky he was to have the Horadric Cube. Only a person with a Charsi tribe inheritance could use this Horadric Malus. If he didn’t have the Horadric Cube, who knew how long that would take Abel to find something similar. Maybe the other’s with Charsi’s inheritance were not even in the Dark World anymore.

The Horadric Malus’s attributes were basically what Abel needed at this point. Those 100 pound hammers were way too light for him, but now he could truly unleash his full potential.

Abel was also very happy with the socket opening ability since there weren’t many blacksmiths in the world who could have the ability to open a Dark World socket.

Although he didn’t know the probability of this random socket opening ability, Abel still had weapons. He got countless white attribute-less Magic Staff from those Fallen shamans, so he could try it out countless times. Although they were called the White Magic Staff in the Dark World, they were still magic weapons back in the Holy Continent.

Abel happily shoved the Horadric Malus in his portal bracelet. Afterwards, he continued to look at the other hammers on the bench. He didn’t have too much hope, but he still wanted to find a blue level hammer. Too bad, all of the other ones were extremely bland, and they were all worn out by the scent of hell.

Abel no longer felt like cleaning up. He had already gotten something he liked, so it was time to return to the Rogue Encampment.

Abel felt the urge again when he saw that Blacksmith guild back in the Rogue Encampment. He had just gotten a top-level dark gold hammer, so he just had to try it.

Before that, though, he had to give out the ‘Power Potion’. The moment Abel had gotten this Potion, he already knew who would be the most suitable candidate to have it.

The spirit guardian knight captain! It was the only one who purely depended on physical attacks. Not only that, but it could also strengthen it’s 6 followers by 75% after it had taken the potion.

Abel took out that ‘Power Potion’ he got from the Smith, and handed to the spirit guardian knight captain. It knew this process all too well; it gently opened the lid, poured the liquid in its mouth, and handed the bottle back to Abel.

As the golden liquid came to effect, that spirit wolf below the spirit guardian knight captain began to howl. Although they seemed like a knight and mount, they were actually one. The muscles on the spirit guardian knight captain were basically made from the spirit wolf, and the spirit wolf had replaced the legs of the original Rib Bone no.1.

The spirit guardian knight captain’s body began to swell up. Its muscles squeezed tightly in its armor. Upon seeing this, Abel quickly stepped up and helped the spirit guardian knight captain adjust its armor.

If its muscles continued to swell, maybe Abel would need to make an entirely new set of armor for the spirit guardian knight captain. Luckily, its muscles were not real muscles. Although they looked strong, it was still the half physical substance of the spirit wolf. There was a limit to how much they could grow.

By this point, Abel no longer needed to ask. He knew it had gotten the Extra Strong Enchainment.

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