
Chapter 304 - Contact

Chapter 304 Contact

Prince Adolf seemed like a nice guy, and Abel was also drawn by his. But suddenly, a dragon roared in Abel’s soul and woke him up. His face immediately changed. It was some strong brainwashing ability.

Now Abel felt disgusted as he looked at Prince Adolf’s smile again. Prince Adolf’s power of will must be huge to make all the normal elves in the hall feel good about him. No matter what secret technique he was using, it really disgusted Abel.

Prince Adolf was not a normal noble. He would be in charge of a huge city in the future. Therefore, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for those elves living in Begro City with a ruler like this.

Since Derek said Prince Adolf’s imagine was not bad, he gazed at Derek. To his surprise, Derek had not been brainwashed. Maybe he had known about Prince Adolf’s background and had prepared. Abel had just been caught off guard and got attacked by the Prince’s power of the will. Yes, this mysterious power of the will technique attacked.

“Lord Bennett, can you see it? Prince’s Adolf’s image really was not bad at all.” Derek repeated himself again. But, by this point, Abel had truly understood where he was coming from.

The reason why Grand Duke Edwina had sent Derek here was to understand this Prince’s mysterious power of the will ability. It was a very secretive technique. It could not be seen nor heard, but it could subtly change someone’s perception of another. Although it couldn’t really do much damage, it could alter a person’s ability to think critically.

Of course, if this technique would cause damage, there was no way Prince Adolf could keep it as a secret this long. It was the harmless nature that made it so effective

But, Abel was different. As Lorraine’s boyfriend of Lorraine and a Master Alchemist, he needed to have a clear understanding of Prince Adolf and Begro City. That was why Derek was there.

The tension between the 2 cities dated back to a long time ago. Angstrom City had the strongest military power among the elves. It was located in the south of the double moon forest near the dwarfs and humans, so of course, it needed the strongest military power other than the elven shrine.

Begro city was a City known for trades due to its wide range of resources and large amounts of iron ore nearby. Although Begro City’s power had increased since they became wealthy, Angstrom City had always been an attraction for Druids with a perfect system, power, and resources that were on par with Begro City.

Angstrom city had always been Begro Cities target, and the tension remained. The reason Prince Adolf had come here was to defuse this tension between the two cities.

“Welcome, everyone! I hope Begro City and Angstrom City can be good friends for the distant future. Cheers!” Said Prince Adolf lifting up a wine-filled glass. He looked extremely handsome and alluring under the shimmer of the illumination circle.

However, Abel had good eyesight. He could see that Countess Carrie give out a cold laugh from a distance. Yes, he did not make a mistake. Countess Carrie was laughing as though what Prince Adolf had just said was some kind of joke.

“Cheers!” All the noble elves in the hall lifted their crystal glass, and the chatters began.

Soothing music filled the hall. As soon as the elves heard the music, smiles emerged from their faces. With the company of wine and the surrounding atmosphere, the hall had become vivid and lively all of a sudden.

The music was played by a harmonica, which was very uncommon in a banquet like this, even among the humans or dwarfs. It seemed like music was normally only played in temples.

Abel gave Derek a puzzled look and asked: “Derek, is music very uncommon in Angstrom City?” According to the legends, the elves loved all kinds of beautiful things, including music.

“Lord Bennett, in Angstrom City, we have a law that music can not be played in public gatherings. Only for personal enjoyment!” Derek said with a soft voice.

“Why? Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.” Abel asked again.

“Back in the days, some dark elves had almost successfully invaded our city in a huge music festival. From then on, music could only be enjoyed personally!” Derek explained.

“No wonder!” Angstrom City might seem like a peaceful city but just look at that huge wall of trees and that tall city wall. This city was not always peaceful like this.

Despite the mysterious power of the will technique, Prince Adolf was still a charismatic person. As he roamed around the hall, waves of laughter were evoked.

When it came to this, Countess Carrie was miles behind. She only had a common language with the 4 young female noble elves. Every time a male elf tried to approach her, she would always drive them away in a sentence or two.

Although Abel was sitting by a corner, Derek’s presence showed that his identity was not ordinary. From time to time, some elves would come and greet him, and he would always respectfully greet them back and end the conversation.

That was one of the reasons why Abel disliked banquets. All elves were showing their best sides, and it just seemed too inauthentic to Abel. Since he had an enchanted commander intuition, he could see the intention of every elf who had approached him.

He had no interest in wasting time with these pretentious elves. He would much rather train or do research.

Suddenly a graceful voice came from somewhere “Mr. Derek, this is?” When Abel lifted up his head, he realized Prince Adolf was somehow by his side.

Abel thought to himself, It was a scent hiding device again. Even with his powerful intuition, he could not sense a single bit of his emotions and intentions.

Luckily Abel thought of the transformation necklace on his neck. He subtly adjusted it a little in his heart to send out the scent of a mixture between level 3 wizard and a level 3 druid.

“The prestige Prince Adolf, this is the Grand Ducal Palace’s Alchemist, Master Bennett!” Derek stood up and said with a bow.

When Prince Adolf heard the name Bennett, his eyes sparkled. He then immediately bowed and said, “Master Bennett! Why are you sitting here? Please forgive me for my carelessness!”

“The prestigious Prince Adolf. It was me who chose to sit here, I’m not familiar with the noble circle and didn’t have any friends I know!” Said Abel with a smile as he returned the bow.

Prince Adolf’s eyes sparkled again as he heard that Abel was not too familiar with the noble circle and didn’t have many friends he knew. He then said with a smile, “The reason I organized this banquet was for everyone to meet new friends. If I may, I would be very glad if I could be your friend!”

Suddenly, Countess Carrie arrived. She did not give Prince Adolf any courtesy as she said, “Adolf, are you trying to steal our Grand Ducal palace’s alchemist?

“Sister Carrie, I’m only chatting with Master Bennett as the host of this banquet. It’s a little too far to say that I’m stealing him. Oh, do you not trust your family’s alchemist?” Said Prince Adolf with a face full of smiles.

Although Abel could not sense what these 2 prestigious children were thinking. It was obvious that they disliked each other, just like the rumors.

“Adolf put away your smile. It’s so fake. You are an elf. Don’t be shameful like those humans.” Said Countess Carrie with a cold laugh. Afterward, he gazed at Abel.

Abel felt the urge to refuse her, but he couldn’t. Don’t be shameful like those humans? He had lived in the elf world for quite a while, and realized one thing. Although those elves were pretty on the surface, their heart was not too different from humans. They were still greedy and still selfish!

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