
Chapter 1726 Turbulent News

One must be very careful in these dark times surrounded by enemies everywhere and walls that had ears too.

~Gallop. Gallop. Gallop. 

All 4 horses carefully pulled on his grand carriage across the snowy roads. 

The blizzards this time of year were harsh, bringing nothing but death wherever they swept. 

In winter, his carriage tires were different. 

Although flat, they were made slightly rough and thicker than usual. 

The horses also had to be careful when moving because if they should slip, his carriage would also go into disarray, causing a heavy tumble and rubble for its carriers. 


The man calmly massaged his aching head, only he knew what he was truly worried about. 

His guards on horseback riding beside his carriage out in the snow were patient, never complaining and guarding him diligently. 

The journey from the Holy Grounds to his home lasted for an hour and 15 minutes.

The grand estate doors opened and he, the master, was ushered in respectfully.

"Welcome back, master." The head butler, the head maid, and the other maids, slaves and servants were already standing in 2 adjacent lines with ample space to greet him.

Their backs were still bent deeply as they welcomed their master, Eliticus Graymond the 7th, back.

"I\'ll be taking my meal in my chambers. But first, get my bath ready." 

"Yes, you command, master." 

With quick feet, many dispersed, while the head butler hastily took off his master\'s cold jacket, as well as his gloves and hat.

"After tonight no one should wake me up until later in the day. No morning meals until he says so." 

The butler nodded heavily. "As you wish, master. Unless it\'s a call from the Holy Leader or the Holy Heir, I will ensure you are undisturbed."


With that, the man calmly walked through several hallways on the same floor, headed for his private bathhouse. 

Sure enough, the servants and slaves were still heating the water, and preparing for his arrival.

But Eliticus didn\'t want to wait any longer.



2 of the girls hastily took off their clothes and jumped in with soap and cleaning rags to wash him with.

The water was warm but not the right temperature yet. 

However, since their master had taken off his clothes and stepped in, how dare they delay any further?

Sitting on a built-in slab within the bathing pool, Eliticus closed his eyes and leaned back, allowing the servant girls to do as they pleased. 

Unlike other times, tonight\'s bathing session was quite silent, with everyone seeing Eliticus had a lot on his mind. 

25 minutes later, the bath ended with a happy ending and a clean Eliticus who headed for his bedroom chambers for his meal. 

This was winter, so many fruits were hard to come by. 

Still, they did secure grapes and apples for him to eat alongside soup filled with plenty of meat. 

This was just right since he said he wanted to eat very light. 

In a flash, he had people take the empty dishes away, leaving just the bowls of fruits behind and the jug of honey rum too. 

5 minutes... 10 minutes... 30... 1 hour.... 2... 3 hours went by before the entire estate was silent.


In a flash, Eliticus took off his beddings, getting on his feet and stealthily moving towards a section of his wall. 

Pushing a stone brick in, a hidden doorway suddenly slid open. 

Throwing his head one last time behind his shoulders for the umpteenth time, Eliticus ensured no one was hiding in his room before pulling up his hood and vanishing with a black mask on his face. 



The door closed with Eliticus inside. 

This was no time to waste!

Clashing both stones at hand, Eliticus quickly lit a nearby Torch and proceeded down the hidden stairway that led far deeper below the estate grounds. 

Today\'s matter sounded alarm bells in his heart, Especially when recalling the powerful weapons he saw. 


If Adonis was allowed to wield such weapons, it will only be a matter of time before they rule the world. 

By then, their cause would be a complete and utter loss! 

With every fiber in his being, Eliticus cautiously ran through the space, reaching the very bottom of the stairway before moving across steady grounds. 

From there it took him another 2 hours and 48 minutes on foot before he met with several others in the city. 

Understand that this was the Holy Capital city. 

Do you know how incredibly large it was? 

If they had a tunnel that took them out of the city on foot, it would take no more than 1~13 hours depending on where one\'s starting point was. 

On horseback, the hours were halved. 

Again, bear in mind that this destination did not take into account the hours it will take for one to tunnel underground their vast estates.

Some estates required 2~3 hours of walking from the furthest points, as though one were going to Disney land itself or a grand zoo. 

When people say one can get lost in places, it wasn\'t a joke.

The higher one\'s status, the bigger their estate.

Luckily for Eliticus, even though he had a high-ranking position, it wasn\'t as crazy as those belonging to the majority of the guests seated in the booths tonight. 

You could say the maximum walking distance from one wall to another wall surrounding his estate was 1 hour, 24 minutes.

Of course, if you factor in the fact that his Main manship was located at the center of the estates it should only take him 37~48 minutes depending on his walking speed underneath the tunnel. 

As said, he already spent 2 hours and 48 minutes tunneling underground, meaning in roughly 45 minutes he had long left his estate and was now roaming underground in the city. 

After escalating ungrounded, he maneuvered his way despite the curfew and faintly met his comrades at the rendezvous point.

They too wore hoods and masks.

Their skins looked very ordinary, with rough skins and dirtier clothes but he didn\'t mind. 

"Is everyone here?"

"Yes." A burnt man replied before turning to face the group. "Everyone, reveal your symbols."


The group, including Eliticus, was quick to reveal the hidden tattoos the burly man made himself.

Even in this era, every tattoo artist knows what Tattoo they did.

Even if you replicate it, they would know if it\'s there or not.

Many also remember the skin of the people they tattooed, whether it was rough, it was prone to graining, or filled with veins. 

This was one of their ways of confirming they were real and not enemies wearing skin masks.

For the burly man, he tattooed himself under their watchful eyes, so everyone also knew what his Tattoo looked like and how it should be.

Moving on, they said keywords that only they could understand, asking one another for the meaning behind them. 

As a last precautionary step, no one dared remove their masks. 

After all, one could never be too sure if there were no enemies within their midst.


"I heard strange news from my master," Eliticus said with a slightly raised tone. "My master returned from some meeting, very excited and so drunk he babbles about great weapons that could change things for us."


Even now Eliticus was pretending to be a servant in his own manor.

How dare he say he saw it with his own eyes? No way.

When posing as a double agent, one must leave a way for themselves to escape.

He has been a double agent for over 5 years now, working for the Rebellion!

That\'s right! 

Although a majority of people in Adonis were completely brainwashed, a few of them still retained their senses, fathering in the dark and forming their plans. 

Over the years, they had attacked several under the guise of being Morgs but were just people who wanted their freedoms back.

They didn\'t want their wives or sisters taken away, nor did they want to live in a world of constant tyranny, where they can\'t even lift their heads for fear someone would report them for the littlest things. 

Sometimes they even send messages to Morgany hoping they will come and fight the enemy alongside them. 

But the Morgs were also very smart. 

They would take the news but never engage directly.

Still, everyone was happy with the changes that happened during these past 2 years, with news of this strange Baymardian empire giving Adonis all the headache they could get.

They thought that one day, Baymard might be their new savior and ally to help them rid this place of Adonis\' influence. 

But tonight\'s news not only shattered their dreams but left them weak and disparate on how to fight against enemies wielding such divine weapons.

Could it be that they were wrong and Adonis was the true God... the true future of the world?

"What do we do now?"

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