
Chapter 1649 Changes Overseas

Looking at the group one last time, Rowen turned to leave them but did not leave the room.

In the small C-shaped corridor between the door and the open space, there was a hidden door that led to a viewing room. Each cell had one.


The room soon regained its original quietness. 

"Are you truly the Baker?" The lead visitor, called One-ring Mamoya, asked. 

Marlo grinned lazily. "What do you think?"

Marlo shifted the hair around his ears and neck, regaling all his discrete pirate markings.

Though afraid of Marlo, the men were also in awe of his aura. The more powerful and intimidating a person was, the more in awe people in this era would be of him... especially Morgs. 

They loved the strong, and would even go as far as worshiping them too.

Seeing Marlo slowly sit cross-legged, the group of 6 hastily did the same, not daring to stand when he sat. All 6 sat as close to the glass walls as possible. 

"My brother?

Mamoya nodded, lowering his voice. "Yes, Baker. He sent us to scout and ensure your safety, sending word of your situation. We were also told to act if we can get you out."

"Give it up." Baker lazily ordered. "You\'ll just end up where I am. And that would be a waste of my brother\'s resources. If it were before, they would argue on the Morg dignity being trampled. But not now.

Who was Marlo? He was a person who could even escape Adonis\'s most secure prisons when he was captured at the age of 18. He did so in under 3 months. 

But Marlo has been here for years and has never found a way out of his glass confines. 

What did this mean? Baymard wasn\'t as easy on the surface as it looked!

"Go back and tell my brother this..." 

Marlo whistled strangely, and the group mysteriously understood. 

"Times up, Jones!" 

Rowen\'s voice bellowed. 

Visitation time was over. 

So soon? All 6 feet it was short, as they followed Rowen out. 

"Marlo!" Rowen called. "You\'ve got 4 hours of TV today. "

The TV wasn\'t in the glass box within but was attached to a high point on the white walls within the space.

"Tv show or movie. What\'s it going to be?" 

Marlo grinned slyly. "Of course, I have to finish the Fellowship of the Rings before I watch anything else." 

Every 3 days, Marlo got to watch 4 hours of TV at a particular time.

Major world news was allowed, as well as movies and TV shows. Any other thing on TV was denied. 

Rowen nodded, seeing he had 37 minutes more before Marlo\'s viewing schedule. It was enough to see the guests off and return.

Of course, the most important thing to do was relay Marlo\'s little visit meeting to his superiors. 

Just like that, the one called the Baker, had his first visitation. Though it was clear Baker\'s presence was a ticking time bomb, they felt they were up to the task!

-Capital City, Czar Empire, Romain Continent-


A heavy downpour flooded the city.

For many, the weather meant urgency. The urgency to fix or reinforce any leaky roofs, the urgency to knit warmer clothes for them just like the weather, and the urgency to make last-minute preparations before the winter began. 

But for others, the weather only added to their urgent need to eradicate the many bugs swarming around the city.


Blue fingers of lightning flashed in the sky in an ear-splitting eruption. 

In a dimly lit underground hall, several rowdy men sat around a Decagon-shaped table. They dressed in opulent attire, with thick robes with puffy shoulder sleeves, that danced whenever they moved. 

The massive decagon table was at the center of the hall.

These seasoned nobles and esteemed guests sat on all 10 table corners.

Behind each head guest were rows of stools for their faction to sit and observe.

Each faction had unique masks and crests, announcing who they belonged to. Apart from the main guests at the table, everyone else wore masks. 

This was the continent of Romain. A majority of them had dark skin tones, with only a handful being mixed-toned. After all, Romain and Zohl were two continents with very close relations. The blue-toned Zohls and the dark-toned Romas did have several political marriages resulting in a small fraction of mixed children on both continents.

Of course, even among the common people, it was relatively easy to spot fishermen with blue-toned wives and vice versa. But has got these men got all hot and bothered?

In the underground hall, the air was thick with anticipation, worry, and the need for action. 

Everyone tried to make their point despite the thundering claps that could still be heard even from underground. 


Someone slammed their fists on the table. "We cannot afford to let these foreigners persist any longer! I say the time has come to eradicate them all!"

"I agree with Lord Alexus!" A fiery dark toned man with piercing gray eyes bellowed. "They are a menace to us all!"

The man turned his eyes with a fierce growl. 

Damn these so-called Baymardians! What were they doing poking their noses where it didn\'t concern them? 


They did help in controlling and destroying the deadly Zombie Virus. But so what? Did they ask them to help save the day? So what if some messiah peasants died at every turn?


Many scoffed not believing they wouldn\'t have been able to handle the matter if the Baymardians didn\'t step in. 

If the Baymardians gave them a little more time, they were a hundred percent sure they would have solved it on their own!

Everyone had such thoughts, forgetting how they were helpless when it first erupted sometime last year in the later months.


They weren\'t going to thank these invaders. 

It was ridiculous that these invaders kicked their monarch out of his throne and placed an unlikely candidate with it asking them.

How can they stand this? What empire was this? Czar or Baymard? How dare these people make political decisions about the empire when they were still alive?

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