
Chapter 1626 Breaking All Defences


Kardinal Yu moved like lightning, already taking cover before impact. 


Several blocks fell from the ground alongside the bodies of many. And amongst these bodies was that of the now headless Thaman Gandof.

That\'s right. He was dead. But Kardinal Yu didn\'t know this, as he began shrinking for his dear life. 

No matter how much he wanted to be optimistic about winning, he knew it would be an impossible feat.

Kardinal Yu bit his bottom lips, feeling goosebumps cover his body.

Then and there, he chose to find a way and flee to the neighboring settlements away from this border city.

Yes! That was what he would do. He will leave and report the matter to the nearest Adonis forces, thus, becoming a hero.

Kardinal Yu nodded to himself. \'I must leave quickly.\'

It wasn\'t giving up. It was being clever to finish the war at a later date. After all, how can he fight these many iron beasts with so few Thamans to assist?

Kardinal Yu kept brainwashing himself, thinking of how to flee the scene. But soon, the scene below made his jaws drop to the ground.


The metal monsters stormed past the gate, making a big fan and furious drift within the open space, with their sides/doors now open. 

Drop and roll! 

The Baymardains got to their feet with their guns and grenades targeted at the crowd of Swordsmen surrounding them. And it was at this moment that the dazed Adonis follows knew they were f**ked.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Loud snapping sounds echoed out, causing several people to dive to the sides with heavy breaths. 


Bullets made those at the front surrounding lines dance magically, as they dropped to their knees and kept their peered forward in transfixed disbelief. 

They were wrong. They were so, so, so bloody wrong. Their enemies weren\'t metal monsters, but people like them!

Many gritted their bloodied teeth with blatant hatred brooding in their eyes when thinking of all they had been through this morning. 

The enemy was probably having a laugh at them for their silly act of mistaking their metal carriages for beasts. 

The muscles around their eyes twitched vigorously as those still alive quickly used their deceased brothers as shields. 

A thick coating of sweat stung their eyes like a viper as it suddenly dawned on them that the war was on!


The thunderous sounds made by the strange carriages never stooped. And those above the courtyard walls were the first to feel its horror.

"Sergeant Petra! Lock and Load!"

"You got it, boss," Petra responded with a confident grin as she quickly maneuvered her joysticks.

She sat behind a heavy machine gun, locking on her target while waiting for her \'assist\' to reload her ammunition. 

"Round 3!"


Countless flashes of light left the weapon\'s nozzles and flew into the air like laser beams. 

Sorcery! Sorcery! 

Those on the walls had never heard of such a divine weapon existing. 

"Quick! Quick! Evade the lights!"

"We can do this. We can... Ahhhhhhhhhh~"


Everyone had open mouths, uncertain whether to breathe or scream after seeing their powerful Battleford\'s bloodied body drop several feet down, making a big splatter.

Evade the light? 

They wanted to stand and do so while aiming their ballistae and arrows at the enemy. But they soon realized that anyone who tried to stand or get closer to the Ballistae never lived to complete the task.

Who will take charge? Who will tell them what to do?

Now, they were like headless chickens, running amok without a leader. 

Throughout the dawn of time, people, be them modern-day people, cavemen, or medieval people, a majority are sheep that needed a leader to take charge and show them the way. 

It could be a team leader, general, commander, patriarch or monarch. 

Typically, every unit had 3~5 seconds in commands. But most people next in command were dead or brutally injured seconds after they tried making their move.

To make matters worse, they still haven\'t gotten any words or news from their Kardinal\'s side, making them think he was either dead or passed out from injury. But what they didn\'t know was that their lead commander, Kardinal Yu, was only lying low, trying to find a way to save himself and escape.


Like so, the deafening cries of those above the courtyard walls bellowed out. And those within the walls were equally dumbfounded after seeing how accurate the enemy\'s attacks were.

Wipe! Are you sure you\'re all human?

Those who tried peeping or positioning an arrow through the many wall holes were all presented with a shot straight to their eyes.


The bloodied scene was too absurd, especially when thinking that the enemy could launch such a successful projectile from fat down below. 

No matter how skilled one was, human strength dispersed on a bow couldn\'t possibly make arrow shots into the windows at such heights. So, in the end, wasn\'t this godly? 


On the wall\'s 3rd floor, in a corner, a young Adonis knight couldn\'t stop quivering as he leaned against the walls, not daring to stand or take a peek. 

With his hands on his head and his eyes seemingly unfocused, he felt death\'s embrace growing close. 

"It\'s no use. It\'s no use… We\'re going to die... We\'re going to die... Adonis has abandoned us all!"

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang~ 


The young man\'s soul seemed to be sucked away after hearing the screams of his comrades coming from not far away.

They... They are in the walls?

"If you don\'t want to die, drop your weapons now!"


The young man in a daze subconsciously dropped his sword with trembling lips. He... He didn\'t want to die. 

After joining a multitude of victorious battles, he thought he was ready to die a glorious death at any time for Adonis. But today\'s battle made him know just how much he loved to live. 

It\'s over. 



Landon\'s team had long gone ahead, reaching the estate\'s inner sector. 

The doors opened, and finally, Landon, as well as the Giants, stepped down for the first time. 

"To the dungeons!"

Artemis unsheathed his sword, staring at the massive crowd of swordsmen storming out of the nearby buildings. 

It\'s time they, Giants, join the fight!

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