
Chapter 1618 Problem Arises!

Ezekiel, who initially thought he had an amazing plan of opening the gates and trapping the enemy in the estate, dared not think about it!


The destruction and fires were everywhere he looked.

No way.

His me quickly made adjustments, his chest expanding and contracting chaotically with every breath.

"Keep the gates closed! We defend and defeat the enemy from above!" Call in Permolio\'s 2nd defense group back!"

Seeing the Ballistas already lined up in place, ready for action! Ready

​ Standing on the crown of the wall, Ezekiel felt he was in hell. But touching his Adonis sacred rope bracelet, he looked to the sky and earnestly prayed for heavenly power.

And indeed, he felt it. (So he would like to think.)

He wanted to believe that after closing his eyes, he mistook the heat wave he felt from the explosion as divine power surging within.

Hope and belief were the only things that could keep them going in times like this.

This was how humans were. They needed something to latch onto, hoping for better days once the storm resided.

And with his new found \'powers\' dawned on him, Ezekiel once again felt they could take out the many strange metal beasts.

But even if Ezekiel no longer had plans to open the gates, who said his enemy needed permission before entering?


Lucius\' gang stormed the scene in squads and car fleets, breaking apart and targeting the surrounding estates and buildings they spotted.

And wouldn\'t you know it, they had to take out several patrolling Adonis followers on the way.

These people were on their way for shift change. But who would\'ve known they would die before they could blink?

"Hey... Do you guys hear that?"

"Yeah! And can you feel that too? The pebbles on the floor are jumping slightly. What could be--"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Baymardians didn\'t waste time taking down any enemies they met on the roads.

The first people they hit were the most unfortunate. At least those hit later had seen the golden fire elevate high from a distance, keeping them vigilant.

But so what?

A few months later, it was their time to die.


"It burns! It burns!"

"Help! Help! We\'re under attack! Someone... Adonis... Adonis... Where is the other half of my body?"



For these Adonis followers, words alone couldn\'t describe the scene.

But for the Baymardians, their countenance never changed. And in no time, a few Barmadians vehicles and tanks arrived before Ezekiel\'s training estate.

It was also now that Ezekiel and many other Adonis followers in the estate, had a better look at what had a better glimpse at what these metal beasts looked like.

Sweet mother of pearls!

Dread gnawed at everyone\'s insides.

It was clearly a hot day. Yet many were trembling cold.

"Battleford! Loo-loo... Look... Look at their speed." Someone remarked, and another added.

"Their movements are also too fluid!"

Good heavens. What exactly were they dealing with?

That\'s right.

No one thought such a thing could be done by humans.

It\'s not uncommon for troops to carry massive wooden ones with 20 or 30 swordsmen and archers inside while advancing in battle.

Such boxes would have openings allowing archers to shoot at will.

But here was to catch.

These box shields were made of wood and weren\'t suitable for overly long distances since too many wood piercings from enemy archers could create deep splits and cracks that eventually let the box shield fall apart.

That said, crafting a metal one that is thick enough to withstand arrows would be too heavy to carry.

Bear in mind that any thin sheet of iron could be pierced through by an arrow.

It was impossible for such a heavy metal box piece to be carried by enemy soldiers at such a tremendous speed.

So, could there be horses underneath?


Blink. Blink.


But even if so, they felt these metal beasts were going way faster than horses.

Again, though they hadn\'t seen how these beasts were able to cause so much fire and destruction, they felt no human hands could do so… unless there were hundreds of Black powder barrels shot out all at once.

Then... Then it\'s true...

They were dealing with real \'Iron\' beasts?


Ezekiel slammed his fists on the stony wall crown hard!

"Quickly! Head to the prisons and get those bloody Giants to confess all they know! I don\'t believe they are so clueless!"

How dare they hide such vital information from them?


Ezekiel\'s veins danced on his forehead, listening to the woeful cries of many echoing from the distance.

"On second thought, bring them all out!... If we fall, they too fall. I don\'t believe they won\'t tell us what we want to know by then. Everyone, prepare to attack!"

"Yes, Battleford!"

The arrows on the Ballisists now carried tubes filled with black power, ready to be launched.

The arrows were made of metal, the right balance between heavy and functional.

And when launched, the momentum and all other factors would add up to give a deadly flow to any target.


It was a troublesome thing for the Baymardians.

Inside a thick armored military truck, Lucius stared at a screen connected to a telescope that could see the outside.

The vehicle had some submarine features, allowing them to scan the perimeter in normal mode, heat mode, and night vision mode if necessary.

"Zoom in on the crown... There... They have Ballistas."


Last time these Adonis fellows attacked Pyno, they didn\'t have Ballistas and were very shocked by the Siege weapons Pyno had.

So between that period and now, the enemy\'s side should have discovered its existence and sent the manufacturing methods to those there in Omania.

There was still time before the air force units retired. So it wasn\'t too late to make good use of them.

"GT-00 to Air Force. Position xxxx... Enemy has Ballistas."

[Copy that, GT-00...zzz~] The connection went static before connecting again. The main Air Force team was communicating with others during this time.

[GT- 00... The AF-Bravo team has visuals over you... Over 100 Ballistas on the front line. Ballistas carrying tubes. Arrow thickness estimated at xx... Blah, blah, blah.]

Everyone in Lucius\' vehicle fell silent, listening to those above relay what they saw.

[Lastly, enemy has a massive cauldron of boiling metal over the estate gate. Sunrise is almost here. Tuning out for the last time. Over]


Lucius stared at the towering walls through the screen before looking at the vehicle\'s armor ceiling.

At that momentum and height, arrows of that weight will definitely be a problem!

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