
Chapter 1576: Surrounded!

Chapter 1576: Surrounded!

Far away, around the waters between Carona and Veinitta, a fleet of 2 broader ships were surrounded by 6 others.          

The weather was hot, yet those in the 2 vessels felt a chill crawl up their spines.      

They held their swords and stood back to back each other on the deck while helplessly watching the enemy surround them.      

Where was Omania located?      

It was a continent below Veinitta, Tenola, and Zohl.      

This was the world the giants knew.      

They hardly knew anything above this, not even knowing that a Continent such as Pyno existed.      

They had been strategically separated by the Morgs controlling the waters.      

Of course, apart from these continents surrounding them, they did know of Morgany, though not too much.     

Morgany brought their godly healers from time to time to impress them with their skills.      

To them, Morgany was akin to heaven\'s garden, a place too expensive for them to visit.      

So yes...      

Many had never returned out so far.      

However, their current situation wasn\'t something they expected.      

The 3rd Prince of the Soma empire had gone to visit Romain last year for some diplomatic matters and was currently on his way back to the empire.      

But what did he see when arriving close by?      

He ran into the son of one of the city\'s sons in another coastal city far from where his father was posted.      

Payne relayed the battle that went down, with countless Adonis warriors attacking the city he fled.      

Initially, he wanted to go to the royal palace but suddenly had a strange dream telling him to head to this coastal city instead.      

He knew it was bizarre, but his instincts were just too strong.      

To play things safe, he sent his aides to rush the news to his majesty while he followed his intuition.      

And shockingly, the moment he arrived, he saw the 3rd Prince\'s fleet arrive too.      

Of course, the news was too devastating, especially after hearing the number of ships the enemy had brought over.     

He was afraid they might also send backup later too.     

In this way, their precious Soma empire was in trouble.     

3rd Prince Lexx Artemis was not at all comfortable.         

So he sent 8/10th of his guards to head to the Capital and protect his Father, as well as join the battle, while he did a U-turn to any nearby Allies to beg for assistance.      

At least, that was the plan.      

But who would have thought a strange storm would appear out of nowhere on a hot summer to shift them off their course?      


They spiraled and spiraled and even entered the most deadly water territories of clouds that could only take one towards one oath.     

It was like a fierce waterfall, pushing them in one direction. And as many say: once you get on this water current, don\'t even think about escaping it.      

The most fearful thing was the constant Boggles invading their space.      

Throughout their journey, they saw many Boggles shoot out of the water in an attempt to shatter their wooden ships.      

However, luck was always on their side, as Boggles would have one accident after another.     

Some accidentally collided with each other, causing them to faint, while others met strange occurrences down the waters.      

There was a time when they even thought a boggle would swallow their ship.      

It opened its massive mouth but got knocked by another boggle fighting to eat them.      

Just how big were these boggles?      

Well, one could say when they opened their mouths, they could swallow 1~10 ships all at once, depending on the boggle\'s size.      

Some were baby boggles, and others were old Boggles.     

It was strange that no boggle swallowed them from below, maybe because of the fast spinning current moving their ships around like crazy.      

It was like trying to catch a slippery find with one\'s bare hands.      

One moment they were here, the next, the current had twirled them too far away.      

In this way, they danced away while watching the goggles fight to swallow them all.      

One could say the rapidly changing current indeed saved them. But if the damn storm hadn\'t sent them here, would they be in this predicament?     

Everyone had to admit that this adventure was one they would never forget.      

Because the current was carrying them too fast, they had traveled a grave distance in a shorter time than one would deem impossible.      

Of course, sometimes, the current wasn\'t as fierce, as though giving them a break from the craziness.      

They slept and woke up in a dizzy state. The ships were always moving.      

The ships had broken down severally. And 3rd prince Artemis had to rile up his sleeves and join the crew in sealing the leaks with tar.          

As for food, they never worried about this.      

Every time the waters swished, food fell onto the decks and the rooftops.      

They ate fish so much that they suddenly detested them.     


What they would give for a juicy leg of poultry, boar, or swine.      


Their mouths always watered when thinking of this. The experiment had left them a little homesick.      

But other than food, they also found another way to get water. Sailers primarily relied on Rum.     

But when the rum is gone, and they are held hostage in a fierce loop of current, were they to never drink a day in their lives?     


Taking into account the swishing moment from the ship, 3rd Prince Artemis had put together a little set-up with the many barrels they had.      

They couldn\'t let anything dry outside; water always washed along the deck.     

First, they boiled the salt water, allowing its vapor to soak the blacks above. Following that, they squeezed the water out and referred to this severally.      

The filtering method wasn\'t that clean. But for them, it was very close to spring water.     


They then used the salt residue at the bottom to flavor their boiled fish.     

Because of the sea\'s movement, they were too scared to create any massive kitchen fires. So roasting anything as they typically did was out of the question.     

They only boiled in controlled fires, with many watching while holding empty buckets in case of emergencies.     

They had seawater stored in a drum nearby just in case.      


One word: Terrible.     

Life during that time wasn\'t easy.      

Even the water they struggled to gather would often stop whenever the waters became chaotic.      

In the end, they had to tar/glue each barrel to the floor.      

Of course, another important aspect to note was that they managed to survive not only because of his highness\'s intellect but also his special powers.          


His highness the 3rd Prince was blessed by the Vine God since birth.      

His highness could grow and manipulate plants to twist and harden like vines.      

If you have him a basket of flowers, he could produce a thick and powerful rope with them all bundled up. But there was a limit to his powers.      

What was so amazing was that they were only now realizing that his highness had this power.      

It appears the entire Soma empire was oblivious to this. Maybe only his majesty and a few others know.      

If not for their current situation, they too might never know.      

No one can blame his richness for protecting himself. After all, it\'s no secret he faced assassination attempts frequently.      

All in all, their life at sea was tragic. And during this time, many thought they would never make it out if this hellish current alive.      

Many thought their mission to get allowed had long failed.      

But when they thought they would be trapped in the current forever, another strange, crazy 2-day storm pushed them out to unknown waters.      


They looked at the night sky, as well as all other signs around them in confusion.     

Where was this? What was going on here?      

Immediately, they knew they were out of their bubble.      

These were waters they had never heard of before. And what scared them the most was that they might be sailing straight for the sharp end of the world.     

Everyone knows the world is flat. So wouldn\'t they be headed for the edge? (\'0\')     

They were too scared and wanted to turn back while cursing at the mysterious storm for pushing them far out in the middle of nowhere.      

It was strange that the storm was as strong as a winter one.      

So how can it appear in summer?      

They wanted to understand but had no one to ask questions to.      

Too late!!!     

Before they could move a muscle, several strange ships had spotted them and headed their way within warning.     

And that brought them to their current situation. – Surrounded by enemies.     


The pirates aboard the surrounding ships licked their blades and sneered at the defensive giants.      

"Omanians? Fancy seeing you out here. It\'s rare... It\'s truly rare. Typically, I would\'ve demanded your treasures alone. But you see, you Omanians are rare to find, even as slaves… So since you brought yourselves to my doorstep. So how can I let you go?"     

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