
Chapter 1545: Meeting Concluded!

So powerful!

The blood from Crane\'s old palm wound flowed out with every twitch he made.

And in no less than 30 breaths, the stone finally dropped


It appeared to be lighter than it was before.


Crane took in all the air he could.

Breath in, breath out... Breath in, breath out...

He looked like he had just been saved from the seas.

His clothes dampened on the chest and back regions, his neck, hair, and face sweatier beyond belief, and his body still quivering slightly.

"Lord Crane!!"

A few guards quickly rushed to support him. But before they could arrive, his eagle appeared underneath his armpit.


Everyone stared at the eagle in alarm.

Just how powerful was it to support such a big, burly, and powerful man like so?

This... This... This...


Today, they were once again refreshed by Crane\'s unique abilities.

But more than anything else, their focus was now on the Holy Core.

At this moment, the entire hall was submerged with a deep brooding tension that seemed to gnaw on everyone\'s soul.



Kavien calmly stood. Yet his heart was anything but calm.

"New task!... We must immediately send out the most elite of elites to head out into the many continents and find all descendants hailing from the ancient guardians."

As T.O.E.P manners, of course, they had suddenly turned this place into a T.O.E.P meeting.

Those here were all in the higher classes on the society pyramid. Either that or they worked directly under those in these higher classes. (A.K.A the guards and the event host.)

"For this matter, my Umbra Assassins will be willing to assist in this quest!"

"Yes! My Elite Jaguars Killers can guarantee success if given a chance!!"

"F*** You! When choosing those to go, do you think your damn Jaguars would be better than my Silver Killers?"

"No! Take my RedMoon Assassins instead!"

"Damn you, Clayton! Was I talking to you?"

"Oh, you bunch of bastards better shut up for me! If anyone is going, my Golden Tower Elites should be the ones!"

"Blah, blah, blah, BLAH!!!"

In no time, the place turned into a market site with many voicing their opinions and slamming their mallets onto their tables.

Typically, they were a very organized bunch.

But after such a heavenly display from the Holy Core, how could they not be itching to contribute to the cause?

In their opinion, this was an opportunity not only to aim for more power and influence in the Society but also to better Morgany and let their names be written in historical texts.

They felt no other mission would be greater than this.

So how could they let others gig all the glory for themselves?


You lie!!!

They, top T.O.E.P Members, must be a part of this matter, be it by hook or by crook!!!


They were even happy that other Top members weren\'t here to fight them on this matter.

One could say that even though there were hundreds of them here, a larger number of core Morg members were either out on missions or in other Morg empires attending to important matters.

Take for example the monarchs of the other 2 empires.

Though they sent their sons who had lesser positions than themselves as representatives, it was still a fact that these people were absent.

The Society had 10 classes, each with 5~7 positions/ranks one must pass to move in a class.

And in Morgany, many stayed in the top 3 Classes of the pyramid.

But even at that, one could be in Class/Level 3, position 7... The lowest position in Morgany.

They would have to fight, climbing from 7 to 6, 5, 4... to 1 before moving to Class 2, rank 7.

And when ranking up, it could take years and decades to move anywhere.

So in the end, those who truly got to Class 1 were seen as Godly.

Even if they were at Class 1, rank 7... It was still way better than the others.

And in this meeting space, those attending were all Class 1... With only a handful of Class 2, rank 1 members attending.

To be invited to such important meetings, one must at least be a Class 2, rank 1 member.

Climbing to the top was still a competitive feat even in this promised land called Morgany.

And in Morgany\'s entire existence, only 30 people reached Class 1, rank 1 before they died.

It was made in this way to keep everyone constantly working and on their feet because once humans teach what they felt was absurd power, some greedy thoughts would always come in, making many feel they shouldn\'t be working for Morgany but colonize and turn the entire place into theirs.


The ancient founders developed the system to make the Morgs work till they died striving for that glorious top position.

If even the Monarchs and those like Zain were only at Class 1, rank 4... then one could understand how challenging the demands were the more a person advanced in rank.

For Zain, he needed at least 1 million Society points to advance to Rank 3. Initially, it was 2.7 million.

But over time, his 40-something-year-old self had brought it down to 1 million.

And as for how the points were given out, the ancient had also formulated various books and charts on rules and awarding protocols to follow.

So no matter the task, they would place it under a certain danger criteria, a certain scope criteria, and so on.

 Additionally, they would assess how great this matter was to Morgany.

Again, they had special bonus protocol books that gave them away in adding more points to the task rewards and so on.

In the end, everyone knew this take involving the Holy Core might be their ticket to pushing them several ranks high. So who wouldn\'t want to be a part of it?


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