
Chapter 1193 - A Busy First Lady

Chapter 1193 - A Busy First Lady

Very quickly, Number 5, Gwen, Melinda and the rest began forming their schemes as fast as possible.

But because schools were still on long summer vacations, Lucy wasn\'t teaching.

But, they only knew a thing or 2 about what she was up to.

One should know that they had sent 2 of their sisters ahead of the pack to understand Lucy\'s schedule before they arrived.

Their sisters arrived a week and a half ago and were busy tailing Lucy at a very far, touristic distance.

Well, they dared not get any closer and were more or less tailing her car, seeing how long she stopped at one place or trying to see what she was up to.

They knew that Lucy was moving up and down from private meetings that should be heavily guarded.

So they would stake out her vehicle while taking down notes too.

But at times, they would also try getting into those places but would be warned that without clearance, they couldn\'t go in.

They didn\'t know exactly what Lucy was doing, but seeing how busy she was within those \'government\' buildings, they were very sure that she should be the real brains behind that dirty man who calls himself his majesty Landon.

Yes. That\'s right. It only made sense for it to be so.

After all, they had never seen any place that allowed a woman to be so actively involved in Politics... Especially those who came from Tenola.

Sure. Penelope\'s case surprised them. But from what they gathered, this Penelope was still imprisoned by her father, grandfather and all the men living in the Caronian palace.

It looked like she couldn\'t even take any decisions without getting the Okay sign from those men, and her stupid fat, good-for-nothing husband.

You see! Women were the real brains, while the men were just glory huggers!

Hmhm. This was the way the witches always thought.


That said, even though they\'ve heard of how involved Penelope and Lucy were in politics, seeing and observing it all was a whole other level on its own.

They were so impressed and even looked forward to when women would enslave all men and lock them up in cases for amusement.

Yes! They were surer and surer that she knew about the manufacturing processes of all these excellent Baymardian items.

That said, they had been stalking her movements at far away distances and knew precisely how her schedule was during this time... Even though they didn\'t know the specifics of what she was doing.

Well, Lucy was indeed a busy lady.

Because even though schools were on long breaks, she still had numerous duties and roles to take over.

First, she still had her 2nd government job. And then, as the future Queen, she had seen the sick in the hospital, visiting the orphanages, helping others, attending formal meetings, cutting ribbons, being a spokeswoman for some future campaigns to fight against poverty in Pyno, and so on.

On top of that, she, the future brode, had a wedding to prepare desperately for as the days narrowed down.

Of course, in a way, the palace was also her home. So she had to meet up with the head butlers, chefs, gardeners and the other leading staff heads to talk about what she needed done around the palace too.

Landon, mother Winnie and everyone else sometimes took over the meetings, making it more manageable.

In short, Lucy was super busy. And at this time, because her wedding was drawing closer, Landon didn\'t allow her to take any jobs out of the Capital city.

If not, she would have also been flying around all the other territories, making appearances, listening to the people\'s worries and concerns of what they need in their towns, cities, or villages too.


To be a royal meant that you would live well, but unlike most regions in this world where royals did a borderline passable job, Baymard always went above and beyond for its people.

Well, additionally, she also had to spend time with her newly born little sister-in-law, Princess Kora.

She liked the little bundle of joy and would sometimes carry her out too.

And this wasn\'t even all Lucy did.

Thus, from tailing for overtime, they realized that every day, her movements were all over the place and weren\'t that stable.

For example, she had attended a charity event just a few days ago.

And now, during that time slot when the charity event was at, she was at another event about education and illiteracy in Pyno.

Luckily, there was one thing within her slot time that never changed.

And that was the time she went or left the government buildings.

It never changed. Not even for a bit.

So the only option they had was to intercept Lucy after she left from work.

And so far, they had a little over 2 hours to get to their targeted destination and lay in wait for Lucy\'s moves.

Hey! From what they knew, on the way back, Lucy always stopped at her favourite coffee cafe to get something called Coffee after work.

The 2 scouts trying to understand Lucy\'s movements, had guaranteed them of this fact.

She would get it before heading towards her next appointment with her guards.

Thus, it should be around this part that they should intercept her.

As for the scouts, they had long stopped communicating with them after they came to Baymard.

One should know that they had long planned a rendezvous point within Baymard to meet up.

And even though the scouts were just a week and a half earlier than the rest and also didn\'t know much about Baymard\'s Capital city before they came, everyone had long heard of the gigantic wishing fountain district G, which used to be the place where the city center used to be back in the days when the place was barren.

The place was now an open touristic place with artistic shapes and just places where people could sit and chill.

In short, this was also the place where the City\'s Christmas tree was placed and lit up every December.

So before leaving Tenola, from the faint information they received, it was said that the ace was famous.

Thus, they remembered the place and made a rendezvous point there.

They didn\'t even know the street name. But when they asked people where Christmas trees were typically hung, everyone pointed to that one place.

It was just how things were.

Anyway, when they first arrived and settled, they immediately passed through that location and spotted their scout sisters sitting on the benches closets to the wishing fountain. It seemed as if they were gossiping about some latest scoop in the city.

But unbeknownst to the unexpecting crowd, the duo had been waiting patiently for the rest to arrive.

And rather than walking up to Number 5 and the others, the ladies moved along the crowd and number into them before \'accidentally\' throwing things down.

And when both sides bent down to pick their items, of course, info was switched.

From there, the rest was history.

And now after reading through Lucy\'s movements, getting a better understanding of Baymard, and being familiar with how to navigate from taxis, buses or trains, they had everything they needed.



Number 5 looked at the time on the wall and smiled broadly.

If they didn\'t leave now, they might miss the bus and might not be able to get to the interception point on time.

From what they were told, the traffic around here was crazy around this time, especially when one was going through the main highways.

That\'s why they had to get there as fast as possible and set up their cat for the show.

Another thing that they had worried about was the fact that Lucy had been moving around with that baby for the past few days now.

From the international news reports, both the King-father and Queen mother had gone out of Baymard for a serious political meeting and were supposed to represent Baymard.

Thus, the baby had been in the care of either Lucy or that dirty male, Landon.

But they said that \'Landon\' was busier than Lucy. Thus, he rarely had the time to take the baby with him.

Do you see how men thought?

Heh. Bastards! All of them!

Number 5 rubbed her elbows thoughtfully.

Well, even if the baby was with Lucy, so what?

They didn\'t believe that Lucy\'s guards would double because of that baby.


With the way men thought, they wouldn\'t even value that baby because it was a girl.

So what about it?

Yes. They had heard about the so-called love that the king-father had for his daughter.

But please! Even back in Tenola, rumours about the totals loving their daughters were circulating too.

But in secret, these fathers were using their daughters as chess pieces instead.

So, they didn\'t believe it at all!

If possible, they would share the baby of the life of slavery under men and take her to Tenola too.

Yes! That was the right thing to do.

Number 5 looked at her gang and snapped her fingers: "We move!"

"Hmm!" Replied the ladies as they jumped up and vibrated excitedly with cruel smiles on their faces.

They were ready!

Number 5 then looked at Gwen and Melinda: "You 2. Take care of the hostages. Kill, cook them and clean up the mess!"

With that, Number 5 and the rest were off, leaving the other 2 behind.

Melinda and Gwen went into the bathroom, opened the door and came face to face with the shivering staff who were tied up and sweating buckets.


They mumbled in terror, feeling helpless and weak.

F***! It was just like that horror movie they watched.

Their bodies trembled as they watched the ladies playfully hold out their knives and slowly walk towards them as if toying with them.

And the moment the ladies raised their blades in the air, everyone\'s heart fell in one swoop.

Their death seemed near.


Very quickly, the blade cut through the air, falling into them.

Was... Was this it?

Was this their end?

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