
Chapter 1142 - Springs Worries

Chapter 1142 - Spring\'s Worries

Time flew by like a raging storm as April swarmed in with massive rains washing the snow bit by bit.

For sure, Spring was here.​​

But unlike the tales of romance and the captivity of Spring’s glory... Spring to many had reminded them of the closeness of battles.

Wars were hardly fought in winter.

And for almost all regions, the emergence of Spring meant the enemy was just around the corner.

Like so... Spring, summer and fall time was symbolic of danger and a sign of war and death.

Thus, with that mentality in check, the entire Pyno had spent the winter season, as well as part of the beginning weeks of Spring, working hard as a whole and securing their beloved continent.

They were preparing for the worst.

And just like the War period began, several people were ready to take the first strike and hit the iron while it was still hot.

Yes. War was indeed coming to Pyno... More specifically, it was now headed towards Terique at full force!

~Shwah. Swah. Swah. Swah!

The clashing sounds of water smashed against the bottoms of over 250 lumber galleys.

The sh.i.p.s had all passed pirate control in fractions and had finally regrouped just around Terique, away from the watchful eyes of many.

When they started, they sailed as a whole.

But as they advanced, they broke down and sailed strategically, in moderate groups while avoiding any Morgs.

And now, the whole Galley of sh.i.p.s was here as one, occupying a massive section of water and stretching out, creating a very intimidating formation.


Most people in this era who saw this would no doubt be shaken to their cores.

There were over 250 massive sh.i.p.s there that were grand, and Royal sized compared to the standard noble or merchant-type sh.i.p.s.

That’s right. Even when comparing its size to the standard wooden sh.i.p.s in Pyno... The enemy sh.i.p.s were bigger and standard sizes for most Royal sh.i.p.s in Pyno.

But these sh.i.p.s were used by the enemy for battle.

So what did this say?

I’ll go! The revelation could definitely cause one to have a panic attack.

Do you know how massive Royal sh.i.p.s were?

Unlike the others that could only have 4 or 5 floors below deck, Royal ones could have 7 or even 9.

But that wasn’t all. They also had 3 or 4 floors above deck too with several luxurious bed chambers, meeting rooms and their own private kitchens too.

They were also longer than other sh.i.p.s.

In short, their sheer size was very grand, and in most places, it was taboo for a merchant or anyone other than royals to use such vessels because it looked like they were challenging the royals.

That said, if the enemy used such gigantic sh.i.p.s that Pyno considered as Royal size for battle... Then didn’t this mean that the sh.i.p.s used by the enemy leaders or rulers were bigger and more monstrous?

So anyone who saw this would undoubtedly think that the enemy came from a superior Continent far greater than Pyno.

Of course, to many in this ear, it would be so shocking.

But because they had seen how massive the Baymardian sh.i.p.s were, the giant-like sh.i.p.s still looked like ants.

Nonetheless, it was a fact that compared to most wooden battlesh.i.p.s in this era, they were indeed very intimidating.


~Shwah. Swah. Swah. Swah!

The waves thundered, and the strong smell of the salty air whiffed its way into the nostrils of the men aboard the massive vessels.

The Spring rains had poured nonstop for 3 days now.

And finally, it stopped and receded back, only leaving the cold behind.

And standing in a very luxurious bedroom were 4 men with vibrant attires.

And if Landon were here, he would be able to recognize that the attire of the middle man was the same as that of Kardinal Francisco.

And the outfit of the other 3 resembled the attorney of those who directly followed Francisco too.

Without a doubt, the fleet belonged to a Kardinal, who had come alongside several of his subordinates to complete a task for Adonis.

Some time back, they had sent a team to start work in Arcadina but got no word or feedback from them.

So either the pirates got to that group, or these lowlife Pyno beggars got to them instead.

Either way, rather than attacking the larger memories of Pyno, they chose to tackle the smaller ones instead.


First, take over the smaller ones bit by bit, before finally stretching their claws to the bigger ones.

Of course during this time, they would also search for information concerning their lost comrades too... Even though they didn’t believe that these beggars here would be able to touch their contacts.

Again for this mission of conquest, they weren’t the only teams heading here during the year.

To ensure that they were never at a disadvantage, another wave of 100 sh.i.p.s should be arriving at Terique in 3 more months to serve as backup too.

And 2 more units would come after that in strategic time periods as well.

So in total, they had 3 backup teams headed their way only at different time intervals, all in hopes that they quickly took down Terique and claimed victory for Adonis... Just in case these beggars had somehow got the help of Morgs.

That’s right.

Because Pyno was a lesser version of Morgany and also had an ancient history with Morgany, they knew that some Morg spies from that stupid T.O.E.P should be around these parts.

So those bastards might just make their famous deals with the Pyno people and quickly gather the nearby pirates to start attacking them too.

That’s why they planned to keep sending 3 different backup teams strategically too.

Everyone aboard hastily did their last-minute preparations, ensuring that their weapons were sharp, as well as making their views and prayers to Adonis.

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