
Chapter 1083 - Caronian Changes!

Chapter 1083 - Caronian Changes!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

~Rumble. Rumble. Rumble~~

The ground shook vigorously, leaving those watching in a daze.

As if watching a live Baymardian action movie, everyone opened their eyes widely, trying their best not to blink for fear of missing the action.


Who were they? Where were they? What were they?

They gulped, swallowing their saliva in awe from watching the many ridiculously heavy boulders get launched into the air as if they were nothing.


The snow, mixed with dirt, jiggled high up in the air as the boulders smashed deep into the ground.


Without a doubt, if there were people there, they would be turned into a meaty paste alongside their bones.

Such a powerful scene resonated within everyone’s body, making them acknowledge the Catapult as the stronger Siege weapon between both.

Imagine if they shot flaming stones at the enemies?



Without a doubt, today’s demonstration was a success.

Sure, some of them had been privileged enough to see that this level of destruction was nothing compared to what Baymard could produce.

But that wasn’t what got them hot and bothered.

They were just glad that Carona had started its own journey of having weapons of mass destruction.

After all, they wouldn’t keep going to the Baymardians for every little thing in future, right?

At least now, they felt more confident than before when it came to their security.

Spies from Veinitta and spies from heaven knows where.

So one thing was for sure.

If they couldn’t even protect such military info on these weapon designs, then how could they be trusted with bigger weapon info in future?

They were still in the process of cleaning out their empires.

So no... They weren’t ready for too much now.

After the demonstration, the royals, a few military personnel, the head researcher and a few more others calmly headed towards one of the buildings within the new Barracks.

They were going straight to one of the conference rooms there.

That’s right.

And just passing along the barracks, one can see how much similar they had tried to make it to the Baymardian Barracks and even all Baymardian buildings in general.


Again, within each building, each floor was also labelled as well, making things a whole lot easier.

In short, there were so many organizational changes that they were simple yet brilliant.

After spending months and months, with some spending years in the Caronian Barracks Baymard, many had a basic understanding of how barrack infrastructure should be like.

So for the past 3 years, they had been constructing and making a few changes here and there.

Finally, it had been completed with everyone taking security seriously.

One could say that the new barracks had more empty fields within it than buildings.

They did this just in case they wanted to expand the infrastructure again.

So they fenced in a lot of empty space into the place, as well as a lot of traps.

Bottom line, they weren’t here to play.


The many buildings in the massive new barrack had underground floors and upper floors as well.

There were sleeping quarters, classrooms, auditoriums, official buildings and a few sections for the special forces.

Glass had also been imported from Baymard to Carona for years now.

So some windows and areas were made with glass too.

In short, a few Baymardian fixtures had been added here and there when constructing.

Over the years, everyone had understood a basic concept that only things labelled as ’Solar’ could work out of Baymard.

There was also a service that Baymard offered to many out there.

All they had to do was pay, and the Baymardians would come over and place several gigantic solar panels on the roofs and whatnot.

Everything was just too fascinating!

Of course, they advised that people should only use these for light bulbs and little features.

Anyway, the big features that did leave Baymard had their own individual solar panels stuck to them, so it wasn’t a problem all that much.

For sure, be it the outdoor washing machine/dryer, or the fans, heaters and so on... One could find them all over the place.

Again, if people didn’t like the large solar panels on the roofs, that was still okay because there were some individual bulbs out there too.

Some just placed the solar panels outside their windows and hung the bulbs inside their homes close to the windows instead.

Others, especially in the royal palace, chose to get solar-powered garden lights.

They stuck the solar panels to the ground around the gardens and hung the lights on poles around the place.

The word ’Solar’ was now a very common word in Carona.

But no matter how much people directed and opened up these things, they couldn’t understand how they worked.

(Well... Because there are specific chemicals, pure elements and even rare items like tungsten used on them... Even making wires, insulators and so on wasn’t easy.)

Everyone was still perplexed by it all.

How did these Baymardians do it?

They didn’t even understand how a bulb could make light.

Some speculated that the tiny factions of the sun were magically stored in the bulbs, and that was the end of it.

They finally understand why these Baymardians would far let these things out.

Because without the step-by-step procedures and guidance from them (especially the workers in the Lower region), there was no way that they would get it.

Just like that, the new Barracks had been completed.

And with it done, they now decided to renovate the old Royal training grounds, which in itself was a barrack.

Luckily, they had the Picker to pulley to stones higher.

Of course, once they finished with that, they would finally renovate the Knight Academy as well.

Change was inevitable.

Just like Baymard, they would never stop sword practice, archery and so on.

All those things were still courses being taught.


Penelope and the rest stepped onto the topmost floor and were welcomed by a Caronian soldier in military attire, who gave out a fierce salute.

"Your majesty, your highnesses, my esteemed superiors... Welcome!

The room is ready as requested."

"At ease, soldier. Lead the way."


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