
Chapter 713 - Another Approaching Storm

Chapter 713 - Another Approaching Storm

Ulrich was furious when recalled the outrageous story about a one-man army taking out hundreds of his men in a flash.

Who the hell would believe that?

Without a doubt, he knew that it was Henry’s doing.

Obviously, Henry had succeeded in planting some spies amongst his men.

That was the only plausible explanation for this nonsensical fairytale story.

That meant that Henry probably had spies amongst his men all these years.

And for the fact that he had been played like a fool all this while, he would never take this lying down!

Ulrich clenched his fists hatefully.

’Sure enough, it seemed like all trash princes were masters of disguise.

From the banished trash Arcadinian prince who later formed an extraordinary empire, to the trash prince of Yodan who miraculously became King, to my trash brother who played me like a toy... all these trash princes were master schemers.’ Ulrich thought.

Heh... They almost had him fooled

But not anymore.

Now, all trash must die!

But how could he have known that his brother Henry wasn’t that strong?

And so just like that, poor Henry far away didn’t know that because of Landon and Sirius’ achievements... He too had been given a bad rep for nothing.


Now everyone was wary of people who were labelled as ’trash’.

Anyway, Ulrich now assumed that Henry had more men than he did, which made him re-evaluate this brother of his.


"Your highness, just say the word and I’ll kill these sons of b**ches," Quilo said angrily while looking at the men kneeling in disappointment.

Of course Ulrich thought the same as well.

From the moment they had caught those escapees that night, they had sent out these men swiftly to chase after Henry.

And when they arrived at the base the next day, they still sent out more backup to chase after Henry.

Their failure was a disgrace.

Firstly, his brother was injured.

Secondly, they were transporting gold and other riches on wagons which made their horses slower.

So how in heaven’s name did they fail to catch up with them that same night that they had escaped?

He sent the men towards all directions, North, South, Northeast, West, you name it.

And the moronic group of buffoons still couldn’t catch up to Henry’s wagons even after using such fast stallions.

In fact, if they had managed to get a clue or news about which way Henry went, then it would’ve been better.

But the good-for-nothings all came back with nothing as if Henry disappeared in thin air that night.

Ulrich was beginning to doubt whether they received any form of training at all because their results were just too shameful.

He looked at the team in disdain.

If they couldn’t do this much, then what was the point of keeping them alive?


If it were not for the fact that he needed all the men he could get right now, he would definitely put them to death.

But until he was sure about his brother’s forces, he would never blatantly waste such good frontline warriors.


Ulrich was still deep in thought when another knight hurriedly ran towards him and whispered in his ear before handing him a letter.

"Your highness, it’s from the Capital."

Hearing that, Ulrich’s eyes lit up with expectation.

And a minute later, he smiled victoriously and folded the letter back.

As expected, his father king Julius was on the brink of death.

He knew very well that his second brother had been poisoning his dagger for 3 years now.

But he didn’t want to stop it because he wanted to use this opportunity to take his 2nd brother down.

He had all the evidence in his hands, as well as people within his brother’s most trusted team who could back up his claims.

He had several double agents within his 2nd brother’s most trusted men, so they would know what to do when he made his move.

Everything should’ve been going according to his plans.

But now, knowing that his 6th brother Henry was this powerful, things might not go as easy as he predicted.

A new figure had entered the game, so he had to be prepared.


Ulrich thought of the situation again and quickly made plans.

From the message sent by one of his men who also happened to be one of the royal physicians... his father had at most 5 months to live.

The base he was currently at was 2 months away from the Capital if one travelled speedily.,

This meant that worst-case scenario, he had just 3 months to set out.

In short, he had decided to set out 2 weeks from now so that once he got to the Capital, he would still have an extra 2 weeks to fully prepare his forces for battle.

He had to ensure that he, the Crown Prince would be king.

He knew for a fact that his 2nd brother would be there as well, so he had to prepare for battle.

Additionally, he had to battle against Henry too.

For all he knew, Henry might shamelessly attack him after he took care of his 2nd brother.

So he had to make preparations swiftly.


Ulrich folded the letter and looked at the men kneeling before him in disdain.

"Send them to the Well."

"As you wish, your highness," Quilo replied in understanding.

Looking at the letter in Ulrich’s hands, he knew that they might need these worthless knights A.S.A.P.

So they couldn’t kill them or torture them brutally.

They could only inflict pain on them that could heal up quickly.

Quilo looked at the lucky motherf***era with resentment before instructing some other men to take them away.

But as for those who were about to go to the Well, they couldn’t help but thank their lucky stars.

One should know that out of all the punishment units, the Well was the least gruesome one.

Most people who received punishment there would be fully healed up in a few weeks, unlike the other punishment rooms that might have one reminder after several months or a year.

The men all thanked the heavens while silently cursing Henry in their mind.

Damn that worthless prince.

It was all his fault!


The men blamed Henry silently, and while they rained their curses on him... Back in Baymard, someone else was raining his own curses too.

’System, I’ve had it with you.

Why are you always targeting me?

Did I ever offend you in my last life?

’The system doesn’t understand what the host means.

The system is the host’s best friend, no?’

’Damn you system, damn you!

I demand to speak to the man in charge.

This is not fair!

Why me?’


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