
Chapter 661 - Driving Test 2

Chapter 661 - Driving Test 2

After stepping onto the massive parking lot, Mathew and his class immediately came face to face with 29 more instructors all in uniform.

"Now, there are 30 of you and 30 of us.

So each student will be assigned to an examiner.

In class, I gave you all number tags for you to wear.

So locate an examiner with the same tag number as yours and follow him or her to your vehicle."

Either that, the main instructor also joined the rest, and everyone began looking at their tags.

’Number 87!’

Mathew quickly spotted a lady wearing the same tag number as he was, and they quickly made their way to a car that had the number 87 on it too.

And the moment he got in, the examination began.

He quickly buckled his seat belt, checked his rear mirror and did all the necessary arrangements needed before he could drive off.

They did a vehicle safety inspection where the blinkers, lights and even brakes were checked.

Of course, arm signals from him were also checked too.

A left-arm signal would be placing his left arm outside the window in a straight line, a right-arm signal would be placing that arm upwards... and if he needed to signal a stop-arm signal, then he just needed to place his arm downwards instead.

Of course, these arm signals were typically used if he realized that his indicators weren’t working while on the road.

This way, drivers behind him would know what he would do next.

As they say, safety was key.

Additionally, he did control tests to check if the wipers, defroster fronts, emergency flashers, emergency brakes, horn and so on were working.

And when everything was satisfactory, the lady ticked some things on her board and faced him calmly.

At that moment, Mathew’s heart started pounding like a drum.

He was nervous as hell!

"Mr. Mathew, you’ve done well so far, so there’s no need for you to panic.

Now, let’s go over a little bit of some of the maneuvers... as well as what I’ll be asking you to do today.

You’ll be doing Parallel-parking, 3-point turn, several left-turns, right-turns, lane changes, backing up, U-turns, what to do when encountering pedestrians, parking uphill, parking downhill, what to do when approaching signs, lights and intersections.

Today, we will just be focussing on the basic stuff.

So, do you have any questions before we begin?"

"Ugh... No, I don’t."

"Okay, that’s great!

It’s very important to note that while you’re operating the vehicle, you’ll continue to move straight forward at all times unless I give you instructions to do something different.

And be aware that you are solely responsible for safely operating the vehicle the entire time.

I will not try to trick you or make things hard.

So focus on everything with a level head and you should be fine, alright?"

"Yes misses Laila!"


If you’re ready, then let’s begin." The lady said with a calm smile on her face.

And just like that, they were off!


Mathew drove the vehicle out of the parking lot and finally found himself on Baymard’s roads.

His heart rate quickened, as he held onto the steering wheel as hard as he could.

It wasn’t fear that ate him up.


It was sheer excitement and the thrill of being on the roads as the sole piloted of his ship.

I realized that every time he took control, this excitement seemed to spring up like wildflowers in the woods.

"Take a left turn there."

With that, he put on the indicator, before making the left turn and continued straightforward as planned.

His instructor, on the other hand, spoke to him about the weather and fun things in Baymard while ticking some things off her checklist.

With their interaction, whatever anxiety was left in him had long gone out the window in a flash.

He did all the main tests and was finally left with the last one for today, which was crossing the highway.

He got on one of the lanes and completely missed the turn that would help him merge with the highway.

He had only missed it because he was moving a little too slow, and when someone honked behind him... he panicked a bit and went the wrong way.

On the highway, everyone seemed to be in a rush.


Now he was nervous.

Did he fail?

Was she going to fail him because of this blunder?

His heart was now in a mess, and he started feeling very hot within the car.

He cursed himself silently when he thought of his blunder.

His palms had turned sweaty, and he tried to control himself from overthinking things.


He had failed!


Laila looked at him and smiled.

"It’s okay Mr. Mathew, take the Bluewhale lane and circle back over here again."

"Y... Yes."

So he hadn’t failed yet?

Mathew calmed his heart and quickly did as he was told.

Finally, he had successfully merged onto the highway and immediately became sandwiched between several cars.

’Eat that, highway!


’Peep! Peep!’



The highway was as busy as ever with every lane as full as it could be.

Everyone seems to be in a rush, as on the highway... One had to think smart and make the right lives, or any delays could make some other drivers cut your line.

Some people were just professional lane switches, switching lanes as many times as possible on whichever road they thought was the fastest.

Of course Laila also wanted him to make lane changes too, so he readied himself and did as instructed.

He looked at the cars surrounding him and signalled for the lane change, before calmly moving onto the middle lane.

And sure enough, those behind him noticed this intention and slowed down a bit too.


He had made it!

He stayed on the highway for a bit, before making another lane change to the right, and finally exiting that monstrous highway.

But how could it be over?

Now, that he had driven all the way to District G, of course he would have to go back to District C, no?

He smiled bitterly and hopped onto the highway again.

And soon, he was back to the diving school.

He stepped down and felt like he had just accomplished a great feat.

"Mr. Mathew!

You did exceptionally well today."


So does that mean that I’ve passed?"

"Yes, Mr. Mathew... you’ve passed.

Come with me and I’ll give you your ’Pass Certificate’.

You can use it as evidence that you passed the exam until you get your photo ID driving licence."

Listening to his instructor, Mathew felt like it was all worth it.

He passed!

He passed!

He passed!

Now, he would have to wait another 8 months before getting his Class5: Level 1 driver’s licence.

But of course with this Class 7:level 2 license, he would finally be able to get a car.

For sure, there were some restrictions with his licence class.

Like the fact that between midnight to 5 am, he wasn’t allowed to drive... unless it was due to school or work purposes, or if he was escorted by a class 5 driver.

Additionally, he had to maintain a zero alcohol policy before driving.

And only a total of 3 people could be in his car at all times.

Nonetheless, these restrictions weren’t much for him.

So he wasn’t the least bit concerned at all.

"Hey, Matt!

Did you pass?"

"Of course I did!

And judging from your overly dramatic expression, I’m guessing you passed too right?"


I passed!


I’m so excited!

Now I can finally get the Hatchback that I always wanted."


Why a Hatchback?

You have no taste what-so-ever.

I’m getting a Sedan.

It’s low, fast and cool."

"A sedan?


Ugh... you men have no taste."


And that was how several Caronians had finally gotten their licences and cars here in Baymard.

The empire was as peaceful as ever.

But of course, trouble was always brewing from afar.



On the high seas, several men were currently crowded within a single room.

"Captain, in 2 days... we will arrive!"


Tell the men to sharpen their blades, eat their fill and prepare for battle.

Because in this war, there can only be one outcome: Victory!!"

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