
Chapter 479 Drama On The Assembly

Chapter 479 Drama On The Assembly

They walked up the stage and stood beside the others who had also been called out as well.

Looking at them, Landon smirked at their stupidity.

Right from when they had made that deal several months ago, Landon had always known about it.

This was his territory that he had personally mapped out with the help of the system.

So any spies or those making shady deals or even talking suspiciously will get to him through the system’s monitoring and recordings.

But it wasn’t necessary up to him to do something about it.

The armed forces in Baymard had to learn on their own, without him saying anything.

Of course, he would never allow the wrong persons to be prosecuted, and would also never allow any information to leave the empire..... as he would magically ’warp’ where he needed to be, and secretly take out those involved if the Baymardian forces ever let them go accidentally.

In fact, he knew why they had betrayed Baymard.

And it was all for greed!

These traitors were former slaves that had just been rescued by his men while he was away in Carona.

They had been taken forcefully from Deiferus and were on a ship moving towards Terique.

It was there that he sent his men to intercept and rescue them, alongside other slaves.

In short, these men had only stayed in Baymard for 2 months and 3 weeks now.

So one could say that they were still fairly new in Baymard.

Nonetheless, when they came here, they signed an agreement to keep their mouths shut and not to speak about Baymard’s secrets no matter what.

So since they broke the rule, then they should expect whatever was coming to them.


’Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!’

Everyone in the audience clapped while looking at these brave men on the stage.

The chosen soldiers all stood at the front of the stage in a straight line for all to see.

And while the people clapped, the 2 Captains who had previously helped out in the case..... calmly walked behind the chosen soldiers, until they were directly behind their targets.

Everyone just thought that the Captains were just walking around to check the postures of the chosen soldiers.

So no one thought that anything was wrong at the moment.

Of course as the Captains moved, Landon continued his speech as well.

"These men will join the Shinjep team and head on out after Christmas.

Well.... all of them, except 2."



There was complete silence for a while, as people were trying to register what exactly was going on here.

Did these Captains just pin 2 soldiers down like thieves?

And why was his majesty just watching without saying anything?


In fact, the other soldiers around the men first thought that an enemy had attacked.

But when they wanted to make their move and saw that these men were pinned down by their Captains..... they looked at his majesty and Lucius who didn’t even try to stop it.

And it was only there and then that they knew that these 2 men had probably f**ked up somehow.

Thinking about it now, it was really strange that fresh blood like this who just joined the barracks would be asked to go out on a mission.

One needed to first be trained and disciplined for a while before they could even dream about leaving.

2 months of training is too little for outside missions.

Of course if the mission were in Baymard, they could request for these newbies to help them reload the weapons during a battle, so that was understandable.

But to go out on dangerous missions?

Please!.... there were too many great officers for the job.

So looking at it like this, they knew that this was definitely a setup.

And now, the only question they had.... was what the hell did these 2 newbies do to warrant such a public disgrace?


As for the news reporters on the scene, their eyes popped and their news senses were tingling.

They already pushed their way forward in a blink of an eye... and were almost about to get on the stage, before they were finally stopped.

"This just in..... 2 soldiers had been stumped and thrown onto the ground.


Scratch that!

They had been James bonded and sent downwards in a flash!"

Those who had their radios at home or at work within the work stations that didn’t close down for the day were in utter shock.

Did they actually hear that right?

2 soldiers were kicked down?

But why and how?

Everyone looked at the stage with expressions that were both filled with excitement and confusion.

Your majesty.... can you talk already, you’re killing us with suspense here.

The 2 traitors were first confused as well, and then.... it quickly dawned on them.


They’ve been found out!

At first, they were fearful, but when they remembered that their guy had already escaped.... they began to feel like there was hope for them.

Yes... they could deny everything and act like they were unfairly punished.

After all, they were soldiers.... and were seen as war heroes (Said the people who hadn’t even got out for one Baymardian battle or mission yet.)

At least that’s what they thought of doing, before they saw the white van behind them open up.... and their guy was brought out and forced to kneel down beside them as well.

And then.... they saw the fake patient step out of the van and look at them with a broad smile on his face.


They felt like crying.... but had no tears to shed.


Those who had seen the man in the hospital or even seen his portrait on the papers, felt like today’s drama was just too much for them to handle.

Why didn’t they bring popcorn?

What the heck?

How could a man with a broken rib, leg and hand injury wake up so soon?

And from the looks of it, his body had no injuries whatsoever.

So why did the newspapers say that he did?

They looked at the man from head to toe several times, as if trying to mind control him to say his story.

Come on speak!!

As for the news reporters, how could they miss this scoop?

They looked at the fake patient in shock and their bodies trembled from excitement.... as all they saw when they looked at him, was literally one word: News.

"Sirs.. please let us get on stage too!

This is news!

And we have permission to interview the people here today!

Mr. Severus!

Mr. Severus!

Please! Please! Come this way, sir!"

The news reporters were all currently scrambling below the stage, in attempts to talk to the fake patient.

But of course, they were immediately stopped by the police and army.


As for Landon, now that all the chips were laid down nicely, it was time to formally begin execution.

Off With Their Heads!!!!!!!!

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