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Chapter 591 The Death of Asgard : Part IX

Chapter 591 The Death of Asgard : Part IX

Since such a thing would not kill them permanently, these two were going to receive his own undivided attention.

And someone else\'s.

"ABADDONNNN!!! Who told you to stop my hunt early?!?"

Satan dropped out of the sky like a meteor and smashed both gods into the ground with his hands during his descent.

"And using magic is pussy as well! …I\'ll overlook it just this one time though, because it does indeed look cool!" He nodded, pleased with himself for what he considered to be a display of reasonability.

"Insolent roach, how dare you touch me!" Zeus blasted Satan with an electrical blast that contained so much voltage that it could have powered an entire country for a year.

Satan\'s skin and flesh were practically burned to a crisp on the spot.

Not only that, but his hair had become a rather large and perfect afro that could only have been described by 60\'s soul brothers as \'Swinging\'.

While Satan slowly picked himself up from the ground, his body slowly but surely began to repair itself and the first thing to return to normalcy was his barbaric smile.

"I take back all of my foolish words... You have indeed given me a much better opportunity than before!"

At that moment, Abaddon stepped into the side of Satan\'s view, and the demon lost his smile almost immediately.

Most would miss it, but just one look at his nephew told him exactly what kind of condition he was in, and what he had done to get there.

"Oh you stupid son of a bitch..."

"That\'s not very nice, Uncle."

"Do you think I care?! Look at you!"

Abaddon couldn\'t do anything but shrug and force a smirk onto his face as he continued to stand tall.

"What? Don\'t think this\'ll make things a bit more interesting?" He asked as he gestured to himself.

"I have seen quite a few men in my years, but never have I seen one who wanted to die as badly as you." Satan wondered if his nephew\'s sex life had somehow contributed more brain damage.

"Ha! Perhaps that might\'ve been true once, Uncle, but as I am now the longer I live..."

A huge shadow passed over Abaddon and Satan\'s faces; almost making them believe that day had turned into night.

The air literally began to vibrate with power as the two deities emerged in their true; divine bodies.

Zeus- a mass of living lightning taller than a mountain that floated on top of a very large cloud to avoid contributing any more to the collapse of Asgard.

Poseidon- a titanic mass of water and earth who seemed like the ideal personification of a titanic wave striking the land.

Seated on top of a hippocamp with a large trident in hand, he was equally, if not more intimidating than his brother.

"The more I realize all I have to live for." Abaddon finished.

"What a lunatic..." Satan shook his head."…I like it!"


Wielding a titanic thunderbolt and an enormous trident, the two gods hurled their weapons down at their much smaller adversaries below.

In an instant, Satan and Abaddon leapt up to avoid the herculean sized attacks.

The two of them decided which opponents they were going to go after without saying a word to confirm their plans.

While Abaddon sprouted his serrated wings and took to the sky, Satan leapt atop Zeus\' lightning bolt and began running up it like a staircase.

The thunder god was at a loss when it came to describing his opponent.

None should have even been able to touch him when he was within this form, let alone his weapon.

And yet, here Satan was having his feet nearly burned to bits with every step, but still smiling deliriously all the while.

It was aggravating.

\'Feeble insect!\' Zeus increased the voltage of his lightning 100-fold and vaporized the body of Satan instantly; leaving only his bones behind.

"A laughable effort!"

As Zeus started to fling away his adversary, something odd occurred.

The skeleton suddenly grew more ethereal red limbs like earlier and held on to Zeus\' lightning bolt like an amateur bull-rider.

Even stranger was when it suddenly started talking.

"What a RUSH!! Show me more, zappy, come on!" Satan goaded.

"Repulsive beast!"

"Puny god!"

Deciding that Zeus was taking too long to attack, Satan opened his bony jaw and released a blast of his own dark red lightning from within his ribs.

Zeus raised his free hand to swat the attack away, but instead of knocking it aside like a paper airplane, the blast shot through his hand like a bullet and struck him directly in the face.

The titanic god roared in pain at the unexpected attack and his mind ran amok with confusion.

\'What is this..? Demonic magic!?\' It had been eons since Zeus had felt any kind of pain from a demonic attack of any kind.

After all, he was a god, and gods are supposed to chase away demons, not fall privy to their powers.

He was supposed to be immune to this kind of thing!

\'Damn it…! Why is nothing going right today?!\'

Unbeknownst to him, he had already fallen into a vicious cycle.

Because Zeus had been injured, he understandably was enraged.

Because he was enraged, he unknowingly fed Satan more power, and made this battle that much harder for himself in the process.

"Let us continue our game, sparkles!" With maddened glee, Satan started to build a new body around his bones.

But unlike his previous one, this body was significantly larger, and compromised entirely of what seemed like molten rock and magma.

Two large demonic horns curled out of his monstrous head and his caws were larger than eighteen-wheelers.

Now too big to remain riding on Zeus\' lightning bolt, Satan jumped off of the weapon gleefully and tackled the electric giant to the ground.

As soon as the two titans hit the earth, Satan began striking the thunder god with a deluge of monstrous blows; humiliating him with every attack.

And against all expectations, Satan actually began to get a bit irritated by the current state of his battle.

"Look at you! Look at this disgrace! Father was right, the King of Olympus is nothing but a boy sitting on a throne!

Too content to rely on all of that power that your father gave you and now what do you have to show for it!? Nothing!

You do not fight to survive, you do not understand the purpose of struggle! You are nothing but an imbecile who heeds only his lower brain!

Since you are fine with listening to only one of them, give me this one!!"

Satan finally stopped striking Zeus just so that he could open his mouth as wide as it would go and bit the thunder god on top of his skull like a rabid dog.


While Satan was having a mid-battle snack, Abaddon was flying around Poseidon\'s body as a blur; striking quickly and retreating before the sea god could strike him even once.

Poseidon was beginning to become annoyed, but it still didnt prevent him from noticing some oddities about this battle.

"You\'re losing strength, dragon! Do you dare not take me head on as you grow weaker!?"

Abaddon ignored Poseidon\'s taunts as if he considered them to be lighter than air, and focused solely on efficiency.

Truthfully, he wasn\'t in good shape.

Not very good at all.

The loss of all of the opponents that were against him until this point had brought his body\'s strength back down to it\'s previous shoddy condition.

As if that weren\'t bad enough, using his specially developed martial art earlier had put a strain on him that was downright catastrophic.

If it were anyone else, they would have not only died, but they would have dropped to the ground screaming in pain before they did so.

The only reason why Abaddon had not yet fallen was because he had mentally overrode every single one of his body\'s limiters to allow himself to keep fighting without dropping his proficiency.

Satan knew at glance that his nephew was in shit shape, but how was he supposed to dissuade him from fighting?

A man should stand firm upon his choices, and he believed that especially for someone like Abaddon.

"Where has your earlier bravado gone!? Will you continue to run from ME!?"

Poseidon whipped up a massive monsoon out of nowhere with a swing of his trident.

The surrounding area became so dark and obscure that you couldn\'t see your hand even if it were two inches in front of your face.

However, that wasn\'t the dangerous part about the weather.

The rain was sticking to Abaddon like glue- not only weighing him down but slowing him down.

He was eventually slowed down enough that he could no longer escape Poseidon\'s eyes, and the sea god immediately thrusted his trident towards Abaddon with wrath in his eyes.


As Abaddon watched the dangerously sharp prongs of the trident come closer to him by the second, he finally realized that he was out of time.

\'Now or never...!\'

There were several points along Poseidon\'s body that he\'d struck earlier.

Although Poseidon thought that Abaddon was just feeling him out and looking for an opening, in truth he was implanting something like markers.

With a single mental command, Abaddon manipulated the icy shards that he had left along the sea god\'s body.

The ice bloomed within seconds, and froze several parts of the god\'s body with ease.

This hampered his movement and the range at which he could attack.

His trident froze just shy of Abaddon\'s actual body, and the dragon smiled with pride.

Evading the struggling sea god\'s weapon, he flew directly at his face as he let his body grow to it\'s natural size.

In an instant, the 150 meter tall god was suddenly dwarfed by a 250 meter dragon.

All eight of Abaddon\'s heads let out a horrible roar that traveled across the entirety of the crumbling Asgard.

Using his powerful arms, he lifted up the watery god off of his mount and began pulling him into the sky on his powerful wings.

Of course, Poseidon still tried to fight back as his body froze from the inside out.

Since they were now in much closer proximity, it was easier for him to stab Abaddon in the sides with his weapon.

Abaddon ignored the mass blood loss he was experiencing and inflicted some harm of his own; biting down onto whatever section of Poseidon\'s unnatural body that he could latch onto.

Normally something like this would bear no consequence, but Abaddon had something that was the bane of organic and inorganic adversaries alike.


Upon injecting mass amounts of poison into the sea god, the very bonds that held together his liquid body were breaking down; becoming two parts of dissipating hydrogen and one part fleeting oxygen.

Poseidon was literally vanishing right in front of Abaddon\'s eyes, and he couldn\'t even begin to form a single coherent thought to stop it.

\'T-Thi... this...?\'

At his last vengeful act, Abaddon forcedthe large eye within his chest to open.

It hurt so badly that he would later recall it as the dumbest thing he had ever done out of anger, but for now he didn\'t care.

An unnatural black beam was fired from his chest that not only eviscerated the separated particles that made up Poseidon, but destroyed his soul beyond any eventual repair.

While Abaddon watched his enemy fade into nothingness, he finally let his body relax.

That brief second proved to be his undoing, as his body took that opening as a sign to shut down completely.

His wings would no longer hold him up, as he plummeted from the sky like a lead balloon.

\'You know… I cannot say that I haven\'t done this to myself.\' He thought in acceptance.

Suddenly, his blurry vision was obscured by a dark, starry sky.

Only when his body stopped falling did he refocus and realize that his previous assessment was incorrect.

It wasn\'t the night sky, but a woman so enormous that she could hold him in one hand even in this form.

Her skin was interwoven with the tapestry that was the night\'s sky, and her eyes were filled with stars.

He stared into her black eyes that were somehow as beautiful as shooting stars and laughed despite the pain in his body.

"I must confess, Nyx… this is the first time I\'ve ever found you to be so beautiful."

Like Yesh, Nyx\'s lips moved as if she was speaking, but Abaddon could only hear her voice in his head instead of out loud.

\'If you think flirting with me is going to get you out of all of the shit that you are in, you are sorely mistaken.\'

"I\'m not flirting, I just… nevermind…" Abaddon didn\'t have any strength to argue about silly things.

\'…Do you really find me beautiful?\'

\'Yes, you look nice like this.\'

\'T-Thank you… You\'re still-\'

\'I\'m still in trouble, I know, I know.\'

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