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Chapter 522 Bad Dreams

Chapter 522 Bad Dreams

"Here you are, girls. Enjoy this and I'll get breakfast started."

Thea / ""Thank you , Ma! / Mother-in-law!""

"..."Gabbrielle pointed at herself with her little finger.

""...And little sister.""

Giggling, Tati placed a china cup in front of Abaddon and gave him a much needed kiss on his tattooed cheek. "And here YOU are, my loving husband."

Abaddon smiled bashfully despite his power. "Thank you, my dear. I'll be in to help you in a moment."

"Oh really? Am I going to get to see you in a naked apron this time around?"

"One if you ask nicely... and join me."

"I think that I can make that happen.~"

Thea: "I think I am going to kill myself."

Jasmine: "I also believe that to be a preferable fate."

Gabbrielle : "I am in agreement as well."

Abaddon and Tatiana rolled their eyes in unison. "Ah, hush. You all are very lucky to have parents who love each other as much as we do."

"Ahem, besides..." Abaddon muttered as he cleared his throat. "We aren't exactly unaware of your... loving relationship."

"Your quite alot like your father, Thea! He is more of the giving than receiving type as well."

"""Didn't need to know that!!"""

Since becoming a chaos goddess, Tatiana seemed to have developed a more sinister personality that derived pleasure from teasing her loved ones.

Before, she was so prudish that Abaddon never could have imagined her behaving like this.

He found her to be overwhelmingly charming and cute.

Tatiana finally returned to the kitchen to actually start cooking, and left behind Abaddon and two very traumatized young women.

Though not before he smacked her butt with the flat side of his tail.

'Gods, I love being married...'

Abaddon sipped his tea with a smile and finally tackled the heart of the matter at hand.

"Alright, girls, you've kept me in suspense long enough. Tell me how the battle went."

Thea shifted a bit in her seat uncomfortably.

Abaddon sensed Jasmine discreetly take her hand underneath the table.

"The Scarlet Legion performed well." Jasmine began. "We lost no soldiers and I believe that this was a good learning experience for every one of our men. However... there were complications."

Abaddon's eyes narrowed. "What kind?"

At this, Thea finally regained a bit of her personality and spoke up.

"The opposing forces expected our coming. There were two different divine forces other than Anubis present. The Norse valkyries, and Athena of the Olympians."

At this, Abaddon sat up in his seat.

He already knew from the gods staying in Sheol that those in the heavens were working in tandem to combat his forces.

However, he wasn't expecting an entire Olympian to be sent to guard one of his children's resting places.

If he had been, he likely never would have given them permission to go.

"...What happened in your battle? Leave nothing out."

Thea inhaled deeply before giving a detailed summary of events to the best of her ability.

"Belloc sort of.. lost his cool and ran off to engage the valkyries on his own. He says he ate about five before the rest escaped.

Gabby and Mira worked with the army to cut down the number of enemy forces with no issue.

Apophis engaged Anubis by himself, and Yemaya, Yemaja, and I engaged Athena."

"And? How did my daughters fare?"

Thea grimaced as she detailed every bit of their battle, from beginning to end.

As she detailed the battle, she kept an eye out for his every reaction to see if any part of the story would visibly frustrate him.

However, Abaddon showed no such emotion as he listened ever carefully.

"Athena was.. quite powerful. I believe that the only reason I was able to gain an edge over her was due to my armor and the sword mothers gave me.

She did not seem to expect that they would make me as fearsome as they do. I doubt she will be as unprepared when next we meet.

And she may demand some sort of repayment from me on account of her missing arm... I should have killed her, but I failed."

"She won't get the chance to even come close to killing you." Abaddon suddenly said as he finally sat back in his chair.

He tapped his claw on the wooden table they were seated around and made an expression as if he were thinking about something.

"And as far as failures go, if I was going to chastise you for anything it would be... recklessness." he finally decided.


"I placed you in charge of not only our forces, but your siblings as well. Letting your younger brother lose his head and run off on his own for any reason, is irresponsible.

You would have done well to forcefully restrain him if need be. We are only lucky that things turned out in our favor... This time."

Abaddon suddenly reached under the table and tapped Thea on the thigh, right on the spot she'd let herself be stabbed.

"My second complaint, is this. Just because you learned from your mother and I doesn't mean you can fight as we do.

Do not sacrifice your body for temporary advantages, Thea. Treat yourself more preciously. Openings come if you force them or wait patiently."

Thea nodded and listened to every critique of her performance with a heavy heart and a mild sense of inferiority.

Without her knowledge, she had begun to lower her head on instinct.

Jasmine felt her wife's grip on her hand tighten considerably, and she started to say something on her behalf.

"That said... Your performance was satisfactory."

Almost immediately, Thea looked up in bewilderment.

"I... What?"

"If I seemed hard on you, it is only because you take after me so much... I never want you to repeat any of my mistakes or fall at the critical moment like I have before.

But I also don't want to mince words when I say that I am truly proud of you.

You faced an olympian and lived to tell the tale, the specifics of how do not matter. You accomplished a great thing, dear.

You didn't fail, you excelled. And for that, I want to commend you as highly as I can. As your father... I could not possibly be more proud."

Jasmine smiled proudly.

Thea sat in disbelief as two tears fell from her dark cheeks.

Concerned, Abaddon wiped away the water from her face while trying not to panic.

"E-Eh, why are you crying?? I know I was being hard on you, but I just want you to know how to take care of yourself and others!"

"I just... thought that you wold be disappointed in me.." Even in her large adult frame, Thea still had the demeanor of a young child as she wiped away her tears.

"Eh? What for?"

"N-No reason, I guess.." she lied. "Maybe I was just feeling insecure about letting Athena get away, and-"

"She's lying."

Suddenly, Sabine appeared in the dining room in a gust of green wind.

The nature dragon was still in her sleep outfit which consisted of a sports bra and night pants that looked a couple of sizes too big.

She seemed to have just woken up judging by the fact that she was still rubbing her eyes to wake up.

"S-Sabine! Why would you say that?!"Thea cried.

"Because you were lying." she replied robotically.

"Sorry babe, but she's right." Jasmine added.

"Et tu, Jasmine?!" Thea cried.

Amused, Abaddon leaned back in his chair and diverted his attention to his daughters-in-law. "Oh? Why don't you tell me what my little Thea is lying about?"


"Hush." Sabine placed a hand over Thea's mouth and held it there with an iron grip.

"For the past couple of weeks, Thea's been having a reoccurring nightmare about leaving the family." Sabine explained.


"She is also feeling insecure about being the only human again!" Jasmine added.

Sabine nodded in confirmation and continued.

"She dreams that she is alone, stranded in a rainstorm while you and our mother in laws walk away from her.

Then, some woman comes up to her with her hand outstretched while apologizing for l- Ahh!"

Sabine suddenly moaned as Thea bit her hand to escape her bondage.

This would be the day that Abaddon learned that Sabine had a surprising fetish for masochism.

Completely unexpected for a pure and innocent nature spirit.

'I'll just pretend I didn't hear that…'

"F-Father, don't listen to these girls!" Thea said defensively. "They are highly over exaggerati-"

"Thea… please be honest with me." Abaddon said sincerely.

At this, Thea admittedly fell silent as she suddenly felt unable to keep up the act.

She lowered her head a bit unconsciously once again.

"Maybe it's… a little bit true."

Abaddon didn't make any dramatic movements or faces, but he did gently pat his knee like he was waiting for something.

Thea looked to be a bit embarrassed, but eventually she came to sit on Abaddon's leg just like she did when she was eleven years old.

"I want you to tell me everything that you can remember about this woman you keep seeing in your dreams."

Thea twirled her thumbs a bit as if she were trying to get out some very difficult words.

"I know how this may sound, dad, but I think… the person I see is my mother… the one I never met before."

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