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Chapter 519 The Next Birth

Chapter 519 The Next Birth

They had something of a... welcoming party last night.

There was food and drink and games and a plethora of shared stories from before they even knew of their existence.

It ended with Straga and Mira showing their new sister their favorite \'Disney\' movies while her oldest siblings drunkenly sang the songs alongside the characters.

Thea and her wives came in the room a bit later than everyone else, and almost everyone knew from the smell wafting off of them what they had just finished doing.

Except for Straga, who just assumed they smelled alike because they took a nap together.

After a night full of storytelling and laughter, everyone just sort of crashed in Ammit\'s new room, right in the middle of a movie.

Her bed, couch, and even the extra chairs in her room were all occupied.

But Ammit did not seem to mind much, as she did not actually require sleep anyway.

For a while she flipped through a magazine featuring some very famous dragon models, and tried to learn how to work the new cellular device she had been given.

But as the night drew closer to dawn, she finally decided to leave her room and went exploring.

Frankly, the castle was too big for her.

Long hallways, a huge amount of spare bedrooms and other amenities, and more.

She didn\'t know why her family had use for these sorts of things, and didn\'t really know if she would ever get used to it herself.

However, there was one place she was immediately taken with upon discovery.

The beautiful rooftop garden that sat atop her floating home.

She who had spent her entire life in a desert, was utterly unused to this.

Such luscious greenery.

An overpowering aura of tranquility.

This place.. this was paradise.

Ammit dropped to her knees in the middle of the garden and lie flat on her back.

She stared up into the starry, miraculous sky and closed her eyes as if she were locked in a deep state of contemplation.

She had practically dozed off to sleep when something happened to disturb her rest.

About a mile away, a giant hole opened up in the sky.

A hundred thousand black dragons poured out from the dark depths and spilled into the land of dragons and spirits who had yet to wake.

Ammit watched them all fly in wonder.

She could already levitate on her own through her powers, but this was true flight, and so it was understandably that much more impressive.

"My darling likes the garden?"

Ammit was surprised when she felt someone actually sneak up on her.

From out of the perfect green grass, a woman emerged like a mermaid rising out of water.

She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman that Ammit had ever seen.

Her skin was grey, but still contained an unwavering softness and warmth the likes of which few, if any, beings could hope to replicate.

The antlers coming out of her head were bone white in color, and made this woman seem like a strong Celtic warrior.

But her smile, was anything but.

It contained an untold gentleness that made even Ammit\'s reptilian heart waver and want to call her \'mommy\'.

Her figure was divine, with noticeable but not exaggerated curves on her slender frame that gave her all of the impactful charm of a modest woman combined with an oozing sensuality provided only by deities of sex and fertility.

For the first time ever, Ammit was completely starstruck by the appearance of another.

She didn\'t even really know what to say.

"This... is your garden?"  She asked.

"It is, but it is also yours to, you know? I created this space to be appreciated by our family, and that includes you now."

For the first time, Ammit seemed to be slightly uncomfortable with such overwhelming familiarity.

"You do not even know me... saying such a thing sounds silly."

"Fufufufu, I suppose it does, doesn\'t it? But even though I do not know you, I already love you very much. As does your father."

At that moment, the hole in the sky widened even further than normal, and a nightmarish creature came flying through.

It was the largest thing she had ever seen, at around 400 meters give or take.

It was a creature covered in an impenetrable black exoskeleton that gleamed like a polished meteorite.

The scythe-like appendages it had for arms looked like they could have cut through anything and anyone with the same difficulty it would take one to cut through butter with a steak knife.

It\'s unnatural glowing eyes focused on Ammit, and the creature started flying towards her.

She almost attacked out of instinct.

This creature was malevolent in origin, but not in deed or demeanor.

But still, Ammit could tell that she was staring at something horrifying that should not exist.

\'What a monste-\'

"Isn\'t your father handsome..?" Eris asked dreamily. "He always makes my heart skip a beat no matter how many times I see him~"

Ammit no longer felt like this woman was an angel, and instead likened her to someone in need of an extended stay in a mental hospital.

Finally, the creature darkened the garden with it\'s shadow as it loomed overhead.

From above, Ammit saw several women drop down from the head of the beast.

One by one, they all surrounded her and Ammit got their first good look at the women who called themselves her mothers.

The only commonalities they shared were the ten rings on their fingers and the fact that none of them were more beautiful than the other.

As well as fact that they all looked very happy to see her for some reason.

"No fair, Eris! We were supposed to meet her together!"

"We were wondering why you suddenly bolted so fast..."

"Hello, my dear. It is very nice to meet you."

"She\'s so tall and beautiful.. you take after your father."

If Ammit was feeling overwhelmed by the sudden attention, the feeling was only about to get worse.

Suddenly, the large horror in the sky vanished in an instant, and a man reappeared in his place.

He floated down onto the green grass of the garden, and the wildlife underneath his feet bloomed more vibrantly and developed beautifully unnatural mutations.

Her father wore a simple sleeveless black dougi with a red belt and foot wraps across his feet.

He looked exactly as handsome as she had seen in the pictures, the only difference now was that his sclera were black.

But when he stared into her eyes, the dark color was drained away, and he looked a bit more normal and less frightening again; though he grew two dark birthmarks underneath his cheeks.

His tattooed chest and arms, while beautiful, seemed to contain some rather powerful magic of their own.

Finally, the red haired man sat in front of Ammit with a smile on his face that he could not suppress.

"Did we surprise you, little one? You seem at a loss for words."

At his side, a raven haired woman with tanned skin and golden snake eyes gave him an elbow in the ribs.

"That new form of yours is too frightening for everyone else, dear. You should use it sparingly."

"But it\'s so cool though..."


"A-And it\'s not like I was trying to frighten her on purpose! I didn\'t know she would be awake!"

"I was not frightened." Ammit suddenly said.

Abaddon looked away from Lailah, and his smile became even wider than before.

"So my daughter knows that she has no need to fear me? I am touched."

"…I simply do not believe in fear. It is a mortal concept that is beneath me."

"Is that so? We have us a tough one here, my loves."

All of the wives giggled cutely while Ammit folded her arms.

She almost felt like this man was making fun of her.

Abaddon sensed her mood dip and he held out his hand to offer an apology.

"I only jest, my daughter. You will learn that I mean you no harm in time."

Ammit looked down at his hand for a long time, and it was clear that she was thinking about something as hard as she could.

"…You call me your child, but I do not know you. What is your goal? Why did you seek me out?"

"Goal..? I have none when it comes to you. I sought you out because you are flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. I wished for you to be reunited with me, with our family."

"They say you seek the power inside of me that was once yours. Is there truth to this?"

This time, Abaddon looked somewhat hurt.

"Who dares to say such a thing? I will pull their tongue from between their jaws and suffocate them until the end of days for slinging such lies!"

Ammit remembered the scene of her father arriving from earlier, and she realized that Abaddon didn\'t really need her power.

They were currently around the same level if she was honest.

The two of them were near the pinnacle, just one step beneath full blooded Primordials.

But for some reason she felt her father could go much farther than her.

And… she kind of wanted to see it.

Maybe he would let her eat a few delicious evil souls along the way.

Finally, Ammit stuck out her hand and placed it into Abaddon\'s palm.

Her entire body started to glow with a pink light, and soon she became a mass of energy that entered Abaddon\'s body.

Temporarily, the glowing red visage of a multi headed dragon appeared around him.

The only difference was, this one had eight heads instead of seven.

With Ammit inside of him, Abaddon knew what was to come next.

He looked at Eris the same way a dog would a bacon wrapped steak- causing her to blush and look away.

"Well, my loves, since the children should still be asleep, why don\'t we get reacquainted with-"


Suddenly, the doors to the garden were thrown open and a young Straga ran in.

However, he wasn\'t as young as he used to be.

Currently, the young boy looked like he was around 12-13 years old and was more muscular than grown men.

"Oh, shit…"

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