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Chapter 481 The Game’s Conclusion

Chapter 481 The Game’s Conclusion

Chapter 481 The Game’s Conclusion

He brushed past Abaddon roughly while making his way towards the tunnels.

His fingertips paused just shy of gripping the door and opening it.

"As your father, and not your general... I am asking you not to do anything stupid. For my sake, and the sake of your mothers."

Asmodeus left the locker room immediately after saying his piece and left Abaddon and Ayaana among the field of sleeping teammates.

The wives glanced at their husband out of the corner of their eye, uncertain of how exactly he was feeling.

They gingerly pushed his hair out of his line of sight and spoke to him much more softly than normal.

"Honey... are we still sure that we\'re doing the right thing..?"

Abaddon\'s resolve didn\'t waver.

"Yes... we are. We have a duty to our people, darling. Their safety is priority."

"Of course... but we still have to remember that we aren\'t the only people in the world who want the best for each other."

"But we alone are the ones with enough power to do what needs to be done without suffering adverse consequences, love."

Ayanna sighed as she slid her tattooed fingers along her husband\'s face intimately.

"That may be true, but it doesn\'t make our soldiers useless. If we were going to just do everything ourselves, then why did we even bother to raise an army at all?"

Abaddon wanted to answer, but Ayaana sealed his lips with a kiss before he could.

No matter the amount of times they kissed or slept together, every physical experience they had felt just as tantalizing as the first, and Abaddon felt his problems and apprehension fading away.

Ayaana pulled away before he could stop her and she offered him a small smile that promised there would be more later.

...He couldn\'t wait for later!

"We can talk more about this when we get home if you like. Perhaps in the hot tub?"

"That... sounds nice." He admitted.

The girls split and allowed Eris to separate before they blew the two of them a kiss and disappeared in a burst of mist.

Abaddon prepared to wake the team up when a very familiar scent entered his nose.

Looking over his shoulder, he found Discordia wide awake with her hand in her pants.

"...What the fuck are you doing, shrimp?"

"D-Don\'t ask questions, just call that woman back in here and kiss her some more... I just want to watch."

""Do we look like prostitutes to you?""

"That\'s not a question you want me to answer."

Abaddon and Eris glared at the strife goddess hatefully and she finally pulled her glistening hand out of her pants.


""Get on the field!!""


The second half of the dragon bowl was no less action packed than the first.

For all intents and purposes, Jasmine and her team were playing with a vengeance.

This was most likely due to Seras.

As previously mentioned, Abaddon and all ten wives share a constant psychic connection.

This not only allows them access to each other\'s souls, memories, and thoughts, but ensures an emotional unity as well.

Seras was halfway through a bottle of \'Datorade\' when she suddenly felt her sisters start transmitting some very warm and tingly feelings.

All nine of them.

Those bitches!

They were all around their husband doing lovey dovey things while she was inside of a sweaty locker room surrounded by people who absolutely were not her sexy husband!

Fuck him too for leaving her out!

When Abaddon lined up in front of her she tried to run at him like she wanted to take his head off.

He couldn\'t have gotten past her even if he teleported.

With Seras covering Abaddon like a set of pampers, Jazzie was able to pull off another miracle touchdown.

Abaddon\'s offense struggled to move the ball effectively, but were eventually able to score once again and tie things up.

But when Jazzie scored a field goal, her team took the first solid lead.

Finally, it rolled down to the last play of the game.

Jasmine\'s team had the ball once again, with thirty seconds left on the clock in the fourth quarter.

Both teams were on the thirty yard line, with the Red Wyverns being ever closer to scoring for a third time to put the final nail in the coffin.

But Abaddon and his team had in no way given up.

Even though circumstances looked terrible for them, the fire within their eyes was burning just as brightly as it was on the first play.

Abaddon\'s most of all.

The entire crowd was on their feat screaming so loudly that their voices were raw, and a few were anxiously biting their nails or humming anxiously from the stress.

With the entirety of Sheol watching with bated breath, the ball was hiked to start the last play of the game and bringing a conclusion to this absolutely historic event.


Abaddon and Jasmine were lying side-by-side in the end zone, both of them breathing somewhat heavily and staring up into the sky.

Confetti was being rained down on from the banisters as fireworks went off in the sky.

Surely the crowd was going absolutely crazy right now, but Jasmine and Abaddon had tuned all that out and now they could hear nothing but each other.

"You know… I know that you aren\'t my dad…" Jasmine began.


"But I still like to think of you as him. Even though you are under no obligation to do so, you were treating my sister and I like your own children long before you married my mom.

You have given me a lot to look up to. Seeing the way that you love my mother-in-laws so openly and without shame or bashfulness makes me endeavor to improve my own relationship with your daughter.

You have given me… given us an ideal to strive for. And I will never be able to thank you enough for that."

After the roller coaster of a day that he\'d had, Abaddon couldn\'t tell Jasmine how much he appreciated her words at this time.

Instead of saying anything, he took her hand as the two of them lay on the ground and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You\'re exactly like your mother without even trying… she has done an excellent job with you and your sister. And I thank you for finding me worthy enough to walk alongside the three of you."

Jasmine smiled imperceptibly without saying a word.

No matter how many times she talked to her father-in-law, she would never get over just how gentle and kind he could be.

It was honestly very hard to imagine that this was the same dragon who had the heavens trembling at the mere mention of his name.

"But, we still have a little problem…" Abaddon suddenly said.


Abaddon rolled over and flashed the red haired young woman a playful and all knowing smile.

"Since your mother and I have gotten married, it means that her position is technically Grand Marshall. Which means that the Scarlet Legion is in need of a new General…"

Jasmine felt her eyes become as big as the tires on a car and she practically fainted in the grass.

Sitting up, her reddish face showed clear and understandable confusion and disbelief.

"Y-You\'re not honestly suggesting that-"

"Hm? No, of course not."


"I wasn\'t suggesting, I was more so giving you notice. When we go home tonight, Erica will officially start educating you to succeed her. Congratulations, Jazzie."

Jasmine looked like she was bordering on crying, then jumping up and down, and then crying all over again.

She was so elated, she didn\'t even care about the conclusion of the game anymore.

Just the weight and meaning of those words meant everything to her.

The mother that she had idolized her whole life would be officially handing over her position to her.

She had finally been found worthy of her utmost respect and trust.

Truly, there was no better feeling than this one.

Wiping her face of tears, she threw herself at Abaddon and gave him the strongest hug that she could muster.

"I\'m not mad at you for beating me anymore."

"Is that the truth?"

"No, but this is helping tonumb it bit."


Abaddon hugged Jazzie back, and the two of them basked in the crowds roars and cheers for their monarch.

*The Announcer* : "I am still absolutely stunned folks… If anyone could have done it, of course it had to be him.

Who else would be capable of forcing a fumble with only 30 seconds left and running back the ball a full seventy yards to the end zone.

But as we pan the camera over to the two captains, we see that it never really mattered. This is what it\'s all about, folks. Family, and the love of the game.

This concludes Sheol\'s first annual Dragon Bowl with a score of 21-17. From the announcer\'s booth, this has been Mortimer Aegis and Lucien Whitescale, signing off."

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