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Chapter 461 Sheol For Newcomers

Chapter 461 Sheol For Newcomers

Chapter 461 Sheol For Newcomers

Some come from hoodoo, some aztec, shinto, norse, greek, celtic, Yoruba, and a few others.

The bat god had assured Lillian that he would bring more to these lands at a later time, but for now Lillian was not focused on that.

For right now, her sole concern was ensuring that she provided an entertaining tour for her son and the new visitors alike.

Lucky for them, night time was the right time in Sheol.

Just because the royal family tended to be homebodies and go to sleep at reasonable hours didn\'t mean the rest of their citizens followed their example.

As always, Sha-Leh was bustling with an active night market that bordered on a popular strip after new technology was introduced.

For Camaotz, Persephone, and Demeter who had been here before but had never explored, it was like a whole new world had opened up.

"So lively.."

"It is indeed.."

"What sort of day is this?" Papa Legba asked in wonder.

"Ah...Thursday?" Lillian tilted her head to the side in an unintentionally cute manner, to which Straga precisely imitated on a much more adorable scale.

"No ma\'am, he means why are all of these people gathered here like this." Camazotz corrected. "Is this a festival we are unaware of?"

Lillian finally remembered that it had been a long time since their family\'s lands had been seen by outside visitors, but this was typically the reaction they garnered a lot whenever new people came for tourism.

"No festival or anything like that, just your average normal day." She confirmed.

A few murmurs broke out amongst the crowd, as the one thing that was known for certain was that gods liked to revel in parties and debauchery.

This place seemed to have both in spades.

At least here they would be free to engage in these activities freely around beings whom they could not break or bully.

"If you want, you all can look around for as long as you like and explore the place, it makes no difference to me." Lillian offered.

"For you war gods, there is a colosseum where you are free to take part in challenges or even compete, there are lots of good restaurants, bars, brothels, game caf-"


"S-Straga, forget that mommy said that, okay?"

"What\'s a bwothel, mommy?"

"….Do you want to go get some ice cream??"



Lillian prepared to walk away, satisfied at her parenting save when a goddess suddenly called out to her.

"W-Wait a minute, woman!"


Looking over her shoulder, Lillian met eyes with the same fiery haired being from earlier.

"Discordia, I presume?"

"You may also call me Eris."

"No, I will not."

The infamous goddess of strife felt a vein bulge in her head.

Even though Lillian had never lost her uncannily friendly smile, the goddess couldn\'t help but feel like she was attempting to intimidate her.

"You\'re just going to let strangers traipse about your lands without any modicum of supervision? I don\'t believe that."

"When did I say that you would not be supervised?"

Out of nowhere, a pair of bright green eyes opened up within the sky and peered down on all fifty gods like divine moons.

"Sheol is my husband\'s, my sisters\', and… mine. We can see everything that goes on here as long as we have a mind to.

We won\'t use it to invade your privacy, but it is something that you should know for now.

Wouldn\'t want any… what was the term… \'Trojan Horses\' to start popping up."

A frenzied smile appeared on Discordia\'s face as her hair became a black flame instead of orange.

"Oh? How distrusting the dragon seems to be of even those who have chosen to stand beside him."

"Is he grateful for your support of him, despite having never known him? Yes. But does he believe that every one of you has come here with pure intentions? Not yet."

Perhaps Lillian\'s words had rubbed a few of the gods the wrong way, but there was no other way to put it.

Abaddon already knew full well that Zeus and Thor were actively plotting against him and were not immune to any sort of trickery or misdirection.

Until the gods took his blood and he could ascertain their true loyalties, they would be subjected to some monitoring.

"Although, if you don\'t like it then I can be sure to make other arrangements for you. Zheng, are you there?"

The shadows at Lillian\'s feet opened up, and a man clad in black with a golden mask stepped out.

He kneeled respectfully in Lillian\'s direction, and immediately captivated Straga\'s full attention.

\'Ninja man..!\'

"Greetings, Empress. What need do you have of me?"

"Would you mind putting a few Wraith Moons on our guests here? I think maybe they would be more comfortable with-"

"Please, there is no need for that." Papa Legba said respectfully. "We will all submit ourselves to your surveillance until you see fit to trust us."

"Thank you for your patience. I can assure you that it will not be long." Lillian said.

Turning back to Zheng, she gave him a small nod and he disappeared into the shadows once more.

Discordia didn\'t seem to like the fact that the loa had taken control of the conversation and forced her to live under supervision like this.

However, her daughters grabbed her by both hands as if they were trying to restrain her, and she begrudgingly swallowed down her irritation.

"Fine, but I assume you are going to give us some sort of spending money or funds if you are going to send us off into your city like this?"

"There is no \'money\' here. If you want something, ask. Although there are two rules that I would like you to be aware of.

You\'re already informed about the spirit\'s domain, but in addition you are not allowed to harm any of our people in any way outside the colosseum.

We don\'t have any prisons here, so if you fail to comply then you will simply lose your head… That\'s everything! Have fun, and we\'ll see you in the morning!"

"Good bye-bye!" Straga waived.

Lillian started to walk away, leaving a stunned group of divine beings behind.

Her only real concern was the fact that she was taking her son on his first outing, and nothing else seemed to matter.

"Ready to go get ice cream, baby boy?"


Lillian squealed excitedly as she walked along the streets with her young son in tow.

As she searched for an open parlor, a thought finally occurred to her that she hadn\'t thought of.

"I wonder if it is irresponsible of me to feed you sweets at three in the morning…" she muttered. "Your other mommy might get mad at me for ruining your appetite." (Lisa)

"Straga will not tell if mommy won\'t!"

"…Okay, but will you eat atleast a little bit of fruit so that mommy will be able to justify this to herself later?"

"Straga does not know what justify means, but he will eat fruit for mommy!"

"Such a good boy!"

Smiling, Lillian carried her son along the busy street, inadvertently drawing a not so small amount of attention.

Yemaya, Yemaja, and Straga had not made their debuts in society yet; as Abaddon and his wives were too busy preparing for the abyss to host a festival for their birth right now.

And with them also trying to plan a wedding on top of that… they didn\'t know if they had the luxury of throwing another week long party right now.

However, Lillian had forgotten all about the fact that there was an unspoken agreement not to parade the children around because she was so happy to be bonding.

And now, the onlookers who hadn\'t approached out of respect were staring so hard that they practically catapaulted their eyes from their heads.

\'T-The empress is holding a new baby..!\'

\'Another heir has been born??\'

\'T-This on top of the rumor that there is soon to be a grand wedding??!\'

\'We have to plan a festival… the biggest and most grandest one yet!!\'


It was around eleven when Abaddon finally awoke.

A heavier weight on his chest prompted him to look down and find Ayaana still asleep, looking like they weren\'t going to wake up anytime soon.

His wives were developing a habit of jumping into this form as they slept, and if he was honest he wasn\'t certain that it was good for his health.

Even after all of the time they spent having sex and engaging in loving bliss, she could still serve to make his nosebleed like a faucet.

\'G-Get it together, Abaddon… you are desire itself for gods sake!\'

Ayaana made a cute but soft moan in their sleep, and Abaddon\'s nosebleed started to occur in both nostrils instead of one.

Quietly and sneakily, he crawled out of bed while un-gluing himself from the girls\' grip.

Once he was up, he sat up, he realized that his bedroom was in slight disarray.

Tiptoeing over to the couch, he smiled at the sight of Lillian and Straga asleep on the sofa.

A few of his toys were scattered on the floor, he could smell elevated sugar in their blood, and the two of them seemed to have simply crashed.

\'Well… I\'m glad to see the two of you had fun this morning.\'

He kissed them both on the forehead before moving them back to bed so that they could sleep in for a little longer.

While they were sleeping, he started getting dressed for the day in his favorite black dougi and red belt.

Seeing himself in the mirror, he almost took it off when he realized that he looked like a character from a video game he used to play a long time ago.

\'Belloc is right… and here I thought that he was just trying to poke fun at his old man.\'

Rolling his eyes, he made his way towards his bedroom door, where he found two familiar faces waiting for him just outside.

Mira : "Good morning, daddy!"

Camazotz : "I am glad to see you in good health, master!"


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