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Chapter 335 The Apostle War: Vovin’s Warcry

Chapter 335 The Apostle War: Vovin’s Warcry

Once they were a safe enough distance away, he figured it was time to begin.

Placing his hand over the thirteen gems aglow in his chest, he closed his eyes to reflect inwardly on his sealed soul.

With all of his concentration focused on moving an immovable wall, he pushed and pushed until only a crack appeared and a small amount of his real power began to leak outward.


An arc of golden light shot out from Abaddon\'s body and pierced the darkening clouds up above.

His strange wings burst free from his back, only now the left ones had dark feathers instead of scales and membranes.

Reaching out for the ethereal string coming from his Uncle\'s headless body, Abaddon grabbed hold of it for use as a bit of a homing beacon.

His plan for this was an ambition one, and if anyone had known of his true intentions they would have called him mad.

Abaddon was planning on playing a game of treehouse telephone using the connection between Jadaka and Jaldabaoth.

But instead of using another tin can, he wanted to use a bullhorn.

After all, why would you waste time putting one enemy on notice when you can do it to them all?

He wanted them all to live in fear of him, and of the day that he and his family would come to separate their heads from their bodies.

Once he was ready, he tightened his grip on this godly connection before he ripped a hole in the fabric of this world.

Using his powers received from Gabbrielle, he projected his voice and appearance into multiple realms and heavens, instead of just Jaldabaoth\'s, and started to leave a frightening message.

- Greek Underworld, Hades Palace

The god of the dead released a small growl from his throat as he shuddered like a freezing hound.

Looking down, he stared at a nude woman with tanned skin and long black hair similar to his own.

Her dull red eyes were staring up at him, utterly unmoved and bored out of her mind.

This was his unwilling wife, Persephone.

"You know you might pretend to enjoy it one of these times?"

"And why would I do that? A decision like that would only entice you to seek me out more and force me to further endure this unpleasant ordeal."

Hades rolled his eyes as his wife forcefully pushed him off of her.

The beautiful woman went to her discarded dress on the floor and pulled it back on without waiting for him to get himself together.

The only time they were intimate was when she was about to leave this accursed place, as such this was the only time she could stomach it.

Persephone finally finished getting dressed and turned back around, and she found her husband getting ready as well.

"What are you dong?"

"Seeing you out. I can do that at least, can\'t I?"


"Tough shit."

The death god opened the door and gestured for her to step out, and she rolled her eyes before complying reluctantly.

The two of them traveled through the grand halls of their castle and right out the front door, where they walked past an enormous and sleepy three headed hound.

"Well... enjoy your time in your mother\'s-"

Suddenly, Cerberus stood up and started looking around and growling.

This put both of his owners on edge as well, as they couldn\'t sense anything around them.

And then they heard it.


A sound like fabric was being shredded came from above their heads, and Hades felt his mouth fall open unconsciously.

"Can you hear me, little gods...?"

- Avernus, Lucifer\'s Palace

The Deceiver had been absentmindedly lying in the laps of one of his wives when he felt something strange coming from outside.

Teleporting to his front door, he pushed open the wooden doors and looked up into the swirling red sky.

A creature could be seen through a literal tear in the realms, and even though it had been a while, he could not mistake this presence for anything in the cosmos.

"Oh? It seems that you can hear me after all. How wonderful."

- Mount Olympus

Twelve gods could be seen sitting in a circle around a white marble throne room.

They had been in the middle of some very important discussion when a literal tear appeared in the heavens, and they saw some kind of dragon-like creature with a mortal body and glowing gems within it\'s chest.

"What is that?" Demeter asked.

"How the hell should we know?!" roared Ares.

"Both of you... shut up." Zeus demanded calmly.

His lightning blue eyes remained firmly locked on this creature, and he was deadly serious for some reason.

There was something familiar about it... something that unnerved him terribly.

It almost seemed like the same kind of monster as-

"Burn my name into your memories, you children. I am Abaddon Tathamet, and I\'ve come to bring you a warning."


In a realm of his own creation that was embroiled in a continuous cycle of destruction and creation, there was an infinitely large being in the shape of a living tree.

Jaldabaoth was also among the thousands upon thousands of gods who were watching this unprompted message from this strange intruder.

He watched as Abaddon held up the dismembered head of the apostle he\'d sent to claim his life, and his anger began to boil.

"What I hold in my hand is just another of the latest tests that your kind have sent against me, and it taxes my patience for the very last time."


Abaddon set his Uncle\'s head ablaze with unholy black and red flames that were very different from his previous ones.

Since Jadaka was currently still alive even though he was decapitated, he felt the pain of being reduced down to ash in only half a second.

"In my new life, I have been manipulated, threatened, and had not one but three people dear to me harmed. This cannot, and will not, happen ever again.

The blood my wife and father have spilled, the homes that my people have lost, the tears that my mother has shed, all of these debts demand repayment and I will take it from your lives!"

In every realm his projection was currently being broadcast in, the gods watching him had very different reactions.

Some were amused.

Others were enraged.

But every single one of them were on the edge of their seats.

"Whether you are a simple river god or an olympian, an angel or Trimurti, I will bathe in your blood to purge this resentment from my being!"

What happened next was something that not only the gods, but everyone around Abaddon would remember for the rest of their lives.

His monstrous spirt dragon visage slowly faded away, and he reverted to his true appearance.

A man more handsome than any of them could have imagine stared back at them, with eyes that were constantly glowing and changing.

Though his expression was exorbitantly hateful, none of the women, or even a few of the men could bring themselves to focus on that.

They were just filled with an overwhelming desire to posses him and turn him into an overgrown pleasure slave.

Even though gods were supposed to be repulsed by demons, they thought that if it was him, it would be okay.

After all, what was wrong with a little crossbreeding when the other party possessed looks of which there could be no equal?

"Gaze upon my face so that you know exactly who will kill you, children. I am the dragon of judgement, and I am coming, whether you believe my words to be true or not. You lot have been above all for far too long, and I will correct that.

Bow your heads as you wait for my retribution. Treasure your immortal lives more carefully, because I will come to claim them soon. I am the darkness waiting at the end of everything. Unbreakable and unstoppable."

Making a clenching gesture with his fist, Abaddon quickly repaired the hole in space and turned towards his people still flying overhead.

Now that he\'d dealt with the gods, it was time to talk to them.

And this speech would go down in infamy.

"My people, it is as you\'ve heard! The struggles and trials placed upon our shoulders these past few days are the fault of the gods and none other! I will not stand for it, but what about you!? Does their childishness not set your hatred ablaze?!"

"It does!"

"How dare they!"

"Look at what\'s become of our home.. Why would they do this to us?!"

"It matters not! Look at the place where we lay our head, look how they\'ve harmed the second empress! They must all be made to pay!!"

"I want to join the army!"

Millions upon millions of Demi-humans could be seen roaring angrily into the sky, responding to Abaddon\'s rage.

Everyone from members of his armies to the children who he would occasionally give rides on his back and even the little old demons who ran libraries or small bakeries.

Even the dwarves were amped up, as they had also come to fervently worship Abaddon and could not stand to see him being insulted by some higher powers.

The dragon unconsciously fed off the rage of his own people, and he smiled madly as he ground his claws into his palms.

"Yes, yes! I knew my beloved people would not disappoint me! You want retribution too, correct?!"


"We will have to fight to get it! Our enemies are childish and use trickery, but with enough time to grow our might we can tear their heads off their bodies! Are you afraid to work for this!?"


"You want to become god slayers, yes??"


"Well you cannot do it as you are, my people! To storm the heavens and hells, you must be reborn again, as flame and wrath made flesh!!" He yelled.

Amongst the ruined city, Abaddon\'s family had no idea what was going on.

They understood that Abaddon was angry but for some reason it seemed different this time around.

Almost like he was a literal force of nature.

"What... is he saying?" Yara asked.

Thea took her grandmother\'s hand and gave it a reassigning squeeze. "Don\'t worry, grandma. Father is going to give these people a tremendous blessing."

Not only Yara, but all of Thea\'s family and friends were looking at her strangely.

However, she didn\'t bother to explain what was to come next.

It was just something so absurd that they had to see it for themselves.

As already mentioned, Abaddon gained a great many things within the spirit realm.

But the most alarming thing was the purification of his body and soul.

Especially his blood.

Previously, he had always been able to create demons from the liquid in his veins, but now things were different.

The potential was different.

He could create something grander, and give his beloved people strength unrivaled.

Slicing open his wrist, he let his blood flow freely into a large ball above his head.

As soon as the smell hit the air, the vampires went into a small frenzy from the scent alone.

It was such a deliciously rich and intoxicating scent that they absolutely had to have it.

And soon they would.

"Once again, my people!! I offer you my life blood! Take it and join me in our glorious war against those children in the heavens! Not as demons, but as dragons of the truest variety!!"

Abaddon let the enormous ball of hiss blood float up into the air.

Once it reached a sufficient height, he clenched his fist and it exploded loudly, raining down his blood on the millions upon millions in attendance.

The vampires dove after it greedily, with everyone else around them trying to catch up.

As soon as they ingested a drop, their eyes rolled into the back of their head as they reached a state of nirvana.

They fell from the sky like hail onto a grassy plain, while entering into a deep sleep as their body underwent a new and violent metamorphosis.

"Lady Erica... what should we do?"

The phoenix queen looked behind her at two million of her own underlings who also had blood rained on them.

They didn\'t know Abaddon that well due to the nature of how he\'d taken over, so they weren\'t sure what the right decision was.

So of course, they looked to the ruler they were most familiar with in the hope that she would bring them clarity.

Erica looked on her back at the former dwarven king who also seemed to be waiting for her to give an answer.

"You must do what you think is best, my brethren. But as for me...I know my path forward."

Opening her beak, she caught a drop of blood in her mouth and allowed herself to fall freely.

Once she took it, Darius did as well.

And after weighing their options for a few moments, almost all of the phoenixes decided to go through with it as well.

On the ground, Claire and Jasmine looked at each other before they reached a silent understanding, and opened their mouths.

Malenia and Lusamine also took individual deep breaths before they too parted their lips, and caught two tiny red drops in their mouths.

The triplet maids were the next to make the decision, and the one who came in dead last was Abaddon\'s own father; Asmodeus.

When Abaddon felt these millions of beings starting the process of reconstruction, he smiled gratefully as he placed a hand over his pounding heartbeat.

He felt so lucky to have all of these people willing to trust in and fight for him.

And no matter what, he would never let this hope go to waste for as long as he lived.

The gods truly had no idea what was coming for them.

But the black dragon would arrive into their worlds soon enough.

And he would not come alone.

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