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Chapter 332 The Apostle War : Jadaka’s Prowess

Chapter 332 The Apostle War : Jadaka’s Prowess

Yea.... this finna be one of those chapters tbh.

BUT I was nice and gave you a warning beforehand so that should make it a little bit better, right?

You can't possibly hate me after I was nice enough to give you guys a warning, can you?


...Can you...?

....I'll apologize in advance just incase....


Within the city, Jadaka confidently strode over to Asmodeus as he picked himself up from the ground, clearly intent on taking his time to brutalize the man.

But the nephilim had no intention of lying down like a dog.

Standing up, he stared unflinchingly at his opponent with a hateful gaze that could kill mortals instantly.

"You are an irreparable disgrace. A son who would kill his own father, a dragon who would use a weapon meant to break and control your kind, and a brother who pines after his own sister!"

"Foolish ingrate. Only you are so depraved as to think of the pleasures of the flesh. You cannot hope to appreciate the beauty that is her pain."

Asmodeus gritted his pearly white teeth so hard that a few of them cracked outright.

He understood all kinds of fetishes and kinks and was generally pretty accepting, but ones that are focused on the misfortune of others could not be allowed.

Besides, this man dared to covet his beloved wife!

If he did not kill him 1,000 times over, he would not be able to alleviate these feelings of hatred running through his blood!

Sprouting his wings from his back, he rose up into the sky above Jadaka's head as his white and black appendages started to glow.

"Wings of Virtous Sin: Erasure Eclipse!"

Overhead, an enormous moon with blood red coloring began to shine down on the near empty city.

Absorbing the energy from the surrounding air, Asmodeus' wings started to glow with the same red light as the moon above.

Once they were fully charged, the nephilim released a beam of energy that honed in on Jadaka like a rocket.

The dragon king held out one hand in a protective manner and waited for the inevitable collision, and he was not disappointed.


Jadaka was partially surprised by the sheer force behind this attack, as his body was pushed back along the gravel.

He was being moved by the attack itself, but his body remained entirely undamaged.

However, Asmodeus noticed this as well, and a vein bulged in his forehead as he increased his magical output, determined to kill this dragon by any means necessary.

Finally, Jadaka got tired of playing around and decided to bring this farce to an end.

Using his free hand, he summoned the strange bone sword into his grasp.

Jadaka casually tossed his weapon like a boomerang and cut through Asmodeus' attack cleanly.

The nephilim shifted his body in midair to avoid the projectile weapon, but missed the timing by mere seconds and had a small part of his black wings clipped.

His body dipped in the air, and in that brief second Jadaka appeared; grabbing him by the throat and causing the both of them to plummet through the air.

Once the two collided with the ground, the dragon king buried his knee into Asmodeus' chest until he heard a cracking sound.

Glancing behind him, Jadaka looked at the damage done to the street that was caused by his opponents attack.

All of the paving and a few buildings within the city had been destroyed, and the only spot that had remained untouched was the one where he was previously standing.

"A substantial amount of power for a bed warmer." He said mockingly.

Jadaka held out his hand and his sword returned to his grasp of it's own volition.

"I have been anticipating this moment for so very long... How should I punish you for touching that which does not belong to you..?"

"The fuck are you-"

"Be silent!"


Jadaka head butted Asmodeus so brutally that the bones in the nephilim's nose and skull were immediately shattered.

The dragon king had a sadistic and mad light in his eyes as he held the nephilim by his now bloody white hair.

Using his blade, he dragged it's razor sharp edge over Asmodeus' once handsome and dreamlike face, scarring it permanently.

But Jadaka could not be satisfied with this meager brutalization.

"Whimper, scream! Let her hear your weakness as you pay for your misdeeds!"

Through bloody vision, Asmodeus stared back at Jadaka defiantly.

There was no way that he would give him the satisfaction of whining like a stuck animal.

This bastard did not deserve something like that.

Jadaka seemed to only become more infuriated by this display of defiance and his mood plummeted even further.

"Ingrate! I will make you scream for my mercy!"

In a display of blind rage, the dragon king cleanly cut off Asmodeus' right arm at the shoulder blade, earning a stifled scream of pain.

"These were the filthy hands you touched her with, right!? You shall never use them again!"

He raised his blade high in the air and prepared to cut off Asmodeus' remaining arm when a feeling of danger ran down his spine.

He looked back just in time to see three very angry daughters-in-law flying towards him.

Audrina kicked him hard in the back and sent him flying through the window of a nearby shop.


"Y-You're hurt!"

Asmodeus smiled weakly at the girls and waved away their concerns with his remaining hand.

"Aww, this...? It's nothing for you girls to worry about..."

Eris quickly placed her hands over Asmodeus' face and used her full power to heal him quickly.

But despite trying her best, the most she could do was close up the wounds, leaving three big scars across his face.


"It's alright, Eris. Wounds caused by dragon slayer weapons don't exactly heal. It is a miracle you could close them so well. "

Looking up at the pity filled eyes of his three daughters-in-law, he actually began to feel a bit embarrassed.


The building that Jadaka had been casually thrown through before was suddenly blown apart by a pillar of red power.

Jadaka was standing amidst the rubble, holding a crushed dildo in one hand and seething with anger.

Clearly, this was his first time visiting a sex shop.

"This place filled with debauchery... must be cleansed from the face of this world!"

Even though he was almost mortally wounded a few seconds ago, Asmodeus could not help but smile in amusement when he saw his hated enemy surrounded by anal beads and strap ons.

'You know what.? This almost makes having my arm cut off worth it.' he thought.

Eris and Bekka picked up their father in law and got him out of the way of the battle, leaving Audrina and Jadaka alone in the middle of the ruined street.

The dragon king did not recognize the former vampire queen with her new look, but he had seen her standing with Seras and the other wives earlier, so he knew of her relation to Abaddon.

"Another of the half breed's whores. You flock to that mistake like birds to-"

Audrina felt no need to listen to any of Jadaka's taunting after seeing the state she'd seen her father-in-law in, and she lunged at him like she was trying to take his head off.

Opening up her free hands, she summoned two daggers into her palms and twirled them about before she aimed at his neck.

Jadaka blocked her attack with his own weapon, and the two collided in a loud and explosive collision.


The shockwave produced by two demigod level beings coming to blows was great enough to cause a powerful shockwave to ripple outward, obliterating every building on the street.

Jadaka raised a brow in surprise as he realized that there was something wrong with this woman.

She was significantly stronger than she should have been, as no force in this world should have been capable of matching him in a contest of strength.

"What... are you..?"

"Your end."

"Ha! Amusing and inaccurate."

The two of them traded blows again and again, with neither of the being able to gain a decisive advantage.

Jadaka appeared to be quite skilled with a sword, proving that Jaldabaoth's decision to give him one wasn't a spur of the moment decision.

Not only were they matched in strength, but in technique as well.

There was no real way to tell just how long this debacle could have gone on if they were left to their own devices.


As Jadaka lunged at Audrina once again with another perfectly executed sword slash, he felt a strange movement from underneath the ground.

The black roots of some kind of strange tree crawled up from the ground, and fastened themselves around his ankles.

With his movement limited, his attack missed wildly, allowing Audrina an opening to stab him between the eyes.

But just before her attack connected, he summoned his helmet back onto his face and her blade struck it's immovable surface.

Audrina felt her entire upper body vibrate from striking such a sturdy armor with all of her might, and had a momentary numbness in her arm.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jadaka saw a red and black tree looming deeper in the city, with strange leaves that seemed to touch the sky.

His open palm shot out, and rust colored flames erupted from his hand and set the tree ablaze.

As he expected, the roots around his ankles loosened their grip as the flames spread wildly.


Looking around, Jadaka found a dark elf and a beast-kin woman on the roof of a building a mile away.

Immediately, he knew that they were the culprits behind this sneaky little ambush he was subjected to mere moments ago.

Finally, he forced a separation with Audrina by kicking her hard in the side and sprouted his wings.

Flying towards the roof, he watched as the beast-kin woman's skin changed to a pitch black color, and her eyes became a burning orange.

She opened her mouth wide enough to show off her rows of razor sharp teeth, and let out an unholy howl that rang his ears.

But the strangest thing was the overwhelming feeling of danger that he felt from this odd display.

His instincts had never failed him before, so he flew in a different direction out of pure instinct.

And looking back at the area he'd avoided, he was glad he'd done so.

In a straight line, the entire area around him looked like it had been deleted out of existence.

There were no more destroyed buildings or even a road, just an enormous trench that had suddenly been carved in the middle of the city.

He had absolutely no idea what just happened, but he knew that he had to deal with the two nuisances on the roof before they caused him any more trouble.

Landing on the rooftop, he lunged out with his sword at the more annoying one with fluffy wolf ears.

Jadaka raised his sword high above his head and executed a downwards slash aimed to cut her in two.


At the last second, Eris tackled her sister out of the way and kept her from harm.

However Jadaka's sword kept going, and he cleanly cut through the building they were standing on.


The entire structure came down immediately, and Eris clung tightly to Bekka as the two of them rolled to safety.

Coughing profusely, Eris wiped the dust out of her vision as she checked on her sister within her arms.

"B-Bekka! Are you alright??"

Eris' heart dropped to her shoes as Bekka looked up at her, and she saw a shallow cut leaking blood over her left eye.

"Yea, I'm fine, sister. Thank you for saving me."

"Your eye, I... oh gods..." Eris was on the verge of weeping in the middle the street.

Bekka sensed that she was about to lose her composure very quickly, and she immediately grabbed her by the shoulders to calm her nerves.

"Eris, it's just a scratch, I'm okay! Right now we have to focus on-"

"There you are."

Like a god of death, Jadaka appeared in the air above the two of them with his unholy sword resting on his shoulder.

"No more escaping. I grow more bored of these childish games by the minute."

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