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Chapter 325 The Coming Threat

Chapter 325 The Coming Threat

The stranger looked around desperately from underneath their hooded cloak, wondering how this place that used to be so full of life had transformed into a ghost town.




The muddy boots of the stranger taping off the ground were the only sound that traveled for miles.

The visitor kept walking for a few more minutes before a dense fog started to roll onto the streets.

Sensing something odd about this fog, the stranger paused and covered up their mouth and nose with their cape.

Before the stranger could raise their hands to signal that they came in peace, they were surrounded.

Out of nowhere, fifty warriors in onyx armor appeared.

Their breastplates bore faces of horrifying demonic apparitions, and their weapons had a scale-like pattern, with blades made from some kind of odd red crystal.

Two additional figures appeared out of thin air, their weapons also drawn.

One was a beautiful but young looking girl with long black hair and red eyes that were void of all empathy.

She wielded two gleaming daggers with blades made of ice, and she had a white breastplate that bore the symbol of a man\'s figure with multiple wings and horns.

The other was a more mature looking beauty with short red hair and a breastplate of the same color.

Her massive greatsword was glowing with a destructive silver light that made even the stranger\'s hair stand on end.

She was clearly the leader, as her voice held a natural authoritative tone.

"Lift your hands up slowly and drop your hood. If I sense the faintest bit of magic from you I will kill you where you stand."

The stranger complied and slowly brought their hands up to their hood and revealed their face.

She was a pretty woman who appeared to be of asian descent, with long black hair and milky white eyes.

"Are you the false god\'s apostle?"

Sei stared at the red haired woman and put on a confused expression. "Am I... what?"

Sensing genuine confusion, Kanami relaxed just a bit as her greatsword finally stopped glowing.

"Why have you come here? Surely you must see that the city has been evacuated?"

Sei fumbled with her hands for a bit like she was unsure of what she should say.

"I.. have come to see my dau-... I mean I\'ve come to see the first emperess."

This time, Kanami said nothing as she glanced at the young girl beside her out of the corner of her eye.

Mira\'s eyes became drastically colder as she closed the distance between herself and Sei.

The young girl pressed one of her razor sharp blades into the chin of this woman who she didn\'t recognize.

Mira had only come across Sei one time before.

It was at Abaddon\'s birthday party almost a year ago, when she gifted him a teleportation spell book and tried to get into his pants.

But Mira didn\'t remember this woman for a few reasons.

For one, there were a lot of different old people at that party, and little six year old Mira couldn\'t have remembered them all.

She only remembered the adults who she was directly introduced to, or those who gave her cookies.

And even if she did remember her, the once regal woman at the party and this vagabond in a cloak were practically two different people.

Therefore in her eyes, this strange lady she\'d never even met before had just showed up asking about one of her sweet mothers.

It was setting off all kinds of alarm bells in her head and she would absolutely cut this woman down without a second thought should the need arise.

"What do you want with my mommy...?" She asked eerily.

Sei thought that this young girl\'s childish voice and demeanor was quite a contrast with her current actions.

Mira\'s blades weren\'t sharp enough to cut the skin of a demigoddess but the cold radiating off of them was enough to numb her entire face.

Even though Mira did not recognize Sei, that did not mean that the witch queen did not recognize her.

Despite her changes and explosive growth, she still had that same dangerously cute face from before.

It made her realize just how much she wasn\'t privy to, and it saddened her further.

Accidentally, she responded to Mira\'s question with ones of her own.

"Your mommy, huh...? ...Do you love her? Is she a good mother...?"

Mira mistook the woman\'s words for taunts and her mood became deplorable.

Her eyes started to glow an icey blue color and the temperature in the air dropped dramatically.

Ice covered the entire street as she made a swift movement to cut her neck with her dagger.

And she likely would have, if Kanami had not caught her arm at the last moment to stop her.

Unlike Mira, she had noticed that Sei\'s words were not mere taunts.

They were sincere and full of what could almost be mistaken for regret.

She didn\'t know who this woman was either, but she was sure that she wasn\'t hostile.

"Auntie, why?!"

"Easy now, Mira. This one actually seems to know your mother... let\'s give her a call and let her handle this, hm?"

"...Yes ma\'am."

Mira didn\'t look happy about it one bit, but after joining the Euphrates Kanami had joined the very small list of people who she was totally obedient to.

She slowly dropped her dagger back to her waist and backed away from the unknown woman.

As she unfroze the street around them, she contacted her mother begrudgingly.

\'Mommy, can you hear me?\'

\'Yes, sweetie, I can. Are you safe? Is something the matter?\'

\'Mhm, I\'m fine but sister Kanami thinks that you should return for a bit.\'

\'Is there a reason why??\'

\'Some lady came to the city looking for you... I am not allowed to kill her either.\'

\'Alright... your brother and I will be there soon.\'

Mira relayed the news of Lailah\'s approach to the group and they waited for her to arrive in silence.

Sei really wished that the other fifty soldiers surrounding her would put their weapons down and stop eyeing her suspiciously but she couldn\'t worry about that.

After she heard that Lailah was coming, her heart hadn\'t known a single moment of peace.

She became locked in her own mind, playing different scenarios over and over again.

Sei did it for so long that before she knew it, the arrival that she was silently dreading finally occurred.

In the sky above, she could see an enormous creature flying from the south.

It was a serpentine monster, with rich purple scales and pitch black horns on it\'s head.

It had no wings or limbs, and it soared through the air like the most talented of dragons.

As soon as it began it\'s descent, the Euphrates who had been standing like statues this entire time fell onto one knee and buried their weapons into the ground.

A woman leapt off the back of the creature.

She wore white pants that emphasized her hips and butt, with a black sleeveless blouse that exposed the birthmarks on her arms.

Her fingers and wrists were adorned in golden jewelry, and a traditional wesekh hung around her slender neck.

Behind her, the creature she rode on started transforming.

It became a very handsome young man with long purple hair and wearing lose fitting black robes.

The two of them landed on the ground side by side, and the soldiers paid them the proper greeting.


Lailah smiled bitterly as she stuffed down her embarrassment.

\'I wish they would find another way to refer to us...we aren\'t even gods yet.\'


Mira flew at her mother happily and the two of them shared a eye watering embrace.

Lailah gave her daughter several small kisses on her cheeks when she noticed someone staring at her out of the corner of her eye.

Immediately her pulse started to quicken, and she separated from her precious daughter.

"Thank you, Euphrates... You\'re dismissed."

None of the soldiers needed to be told twice and they vanished from the street by the time Lailah blinked her eyes.

"You\'ve returned... Though I have no idea why."

Sei shivered as she made up her mind to swallow her pride.

She collapsed onto the stone street, traces of tears already showing in her empty white eyes.

"I... am so sorry, Lailah..!"

In this moment, Lailah could have watched a pregnant woman shit out a pile of gold bricks and she would have found that less nonsensical than her mother\'s sudden apology.

She considered plucking her eyes out and letting a new pair grow back so that she could be assured of their efficiency.

"There are so many things that I want to tell you, and so many things that I harbor regret for but I-I don\'t want you to think I\'m doing this to absolve myself of some guilty conscience..!

I thought that I could leave things behind as you wished but.. I want to do everything in my power to atone for past mistakes and be the mother that you..."

Sei\'s apology had to be stopped midway when she noticed something strange going on with her daughter. "I\'m sorry... is your vagina glowing..?"

Lailah looked down at her lower body and found that her mother\'s assessment was correct.

Her mark of dominion was shining with a golden light that could be seen even through her clothes.

A warm current started sweeping through the entirety of her being and she knew exactly where it was coming from.

\'My love...\'

As soon as she had the thought, the discord of her sisters started to play within her mind.

Bekka: \'Hey! Are your pussies glowing too?!\'

Lillian: \'Bekka... please use more becoming language.\'

\'Just answer the question!\'


Eris: \'Mine is too!\'

Valerie: \'So is mine.\'

Lisa: \'I am the same.\'

Seras: \'Do you think our husband has done something strange again?\'

Audrina: \'He has to have... can\'t you girls feel it..? I didn\'t even know something like this was possible.\'

Lailah closed her eyes to concentrate and felt two different sensations permeating through her being.

One was a foreign energy source that she had no idea how to process, and the second significantly more alarming.

It was the removal of a limiter.

The effect was the most pronounced on Lailah.

Right before the eyes of her mother and children, her body was burned away in a blaze of golden light.


In Antares, a man and a woman were brutally intertwined on a bed.

The man\'s aggression was seemingly unending, as he clasped both of his large hands around her slender neck.

The woman seemed like she was about to run out of oxygen at any moment, and the light in her eyes showed signs of dimming permanently.

But at that moment, her nightmarish ordeal finally came to an end as the man yelled out a name that did not belong to her.

He took his time to pull out of the woman, and sat on his knees as he looked down at her exhausted body.

Disappointment like none other could be seen in his unfeeling eyes as he watched his partner struggle to pull air into her lungs.

Grabbing her by the horn, he dragged her body out of his bed and proceeded to lay down unencumbered.

Tiamat rubbed her sore neck as she lay on the floor pathetically without a single cloth covering her body.

"I don\'t... want to do this anymore.." She said weakly.

Jadaka truly seemed not to care as he closed his eyes without even bothering to open them.

She only realized a few moments later that he was already sleeping and couldn\'t have cared less about her wishes.

Tiamat peeled her body off the floor and found her shredded clothes lying nearby.

With nothing to cover up her figure, she had no choice but to leap out of the window and fly home completely nude.

As the second prince slumbered within a pitch black room, he dreamed of a woman whom was entirely different from the one he had just spent the night with.

She was his obsession, with tantalizing silver hair and eyes of the richest violet.

His yearning for her burned so brightly that it had turned into a flagrant obsession, the likes of which he had no desire to correct.

\'Yes... this one is perfect.\'

Jadaka\'s pleasant dream gave way to a world filled with darkness.

And a very old voice that he had no remembrance of ever hearing in his life.

But for some reason... he was glad to hear it.

Subconsciously he felt that this voice would mark the beginning of something new and grand.

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