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Chapter 293 An Unforeseen Tragedy

Chapter 293 An Unforeseen Tragedy

Both of them were extremely competitive, as they admired their father and were consistently looking for ways to be like him.

They trained the most, fought the hardest, and they were always looking for new ways to gain his approval.

To them, this enemy wasn\'t just one that they needed to kill.

It was also one that would decide who was most worthy to succeed their father.

Mira lunged from up high, while Apophis attempted to strike from below.

Viz remained calm in the face of their coordination, as he raised his spearhead and stabbed it into the ground.

A large chasm opened up in the floor beneath them, and the bony hands of draugr began to crawl up from the underworld.

"I\'ll leave the grunts to you." Apophis said as he flipped over the summoned warriors.

Mira growled more bad words in annoyance as she stared at the undead attackers making their way towards her.

"Brother is a cheater... and all of you are super annoying!!"

The young girl let out a defiant roar as she cleanly cut off the head of one draugr while kicking another in the jaw with a small but powerful leg.

A sole draugr lunged for her neck, but it\'s joints became rigid and froze before it could even land a single finger on her.

She gingerly landed on top of it\'s shoulder before whirling around and stabbing it in both sides of the head, ending it\'s undeath.

Leaping off the now dead draugr, she gathered her magical power and generated a storm of icy blades around her.

With a motion of her hands, the blades buried themselves into the bodies of all of the summoned warriors and sent them tumbling to the ground, ending her distraction.

She could see her brother a few feet away, looking like he was having trouble with the combination of Viz\'s spear and shield.

Taking a deep breath, Mira closed her eyes and reflected on a technique that her vampire mommy taught her.

Erasing her breathing, heartbeat, aura, and footsteps, she could move without being detected.

It took a moment, but after the world around her seemed to slow down just a bit, and she knew that she had done it correctly.

But the next part was always the hardest for her.

Moving in the enemy\'s blind spots, she approached him from behind while he was in the midst of trading blows with her brother.

Due to the fact that there were hostages in this base, he could not make full use of his poison, or else this entire ordeal might have been over already.

But perhaps because of that, Mira would be able to come out on top and claim victory.


Lunging forward, Mira aimed her icy daggers directly at the back of Viz\'s neck, preparing to kill him before he could even see what happened.

Inadvertently, her bad habit showed itself.

Due to her extreme bloodlust, her erasure technique was broken, and she exposed herself at the last second before her blade connected.

With impressive reflexes, he avoided taking a dagger to the back of the neck, but because he could not avoid it completely, he received a shallow cut to the jugular.

"Damn it...!"

He retreated backwards and his hand immediately went to his neck to stop the bleeding, giving Apophis a perfect opening to strike.

With Viz distracted, Apophis twirled his oversized battle axe in the air before cleanly cutting through both of the human\'s legs.


He immediately dropped to the ground, and Apophis held his blade over his neck, like an executioners guillotine.

Amidst all of the cursing and screaming, Apophis could feel a strong gaze burning into his back.

Mira was standing behind him, pouting and clearly resisting the urge to cry and throw a tantrum.

She had tried so hard to get this kill, but she had messed up right at the crucial moment.

No wonder her parents did not want to take her anywhere... she just wasn\'t strong enough.

With a great sigh, Apophis removed his weapon from the back of the man\'s neck and took a step backwards.

"Alright, go ahead sister. He is your kill."

Mira\'s eyes suddenly regained their sparkle and she looked at her brother in disbelief. "R-Really? You won\'t take his head?"

"Not today sister, I\'m afraid you\'ve earned that honor instead of I. But I do recommend that you be quick about it, lest he bleed out and spoil the moment."

True to Apophis\' statement, Viz had already gone into shock and his eyes had started to glaze over.

He had around forty seconds at best before he died.

One of the thing\'s that Mira hated most was a ruined kill, so she did not stand on ceremony.

She created a large guillotine out of pure crystal clear ice and let it drop onto Viz\'s neck, cleanly cutting through his head.

The lost appendage rolled on the floor and came to a stop directly at Mira\'s feet, and she picked it up happily as if it were a lost dog she\'d found on the side of the road.

"Thank you, big brother!" She said gratefully.

Apophis\' own heart warmed and he smiled at his cute younger sister.

\'Really, how could anything in this world be so cut-\'

The imoogi\'s thoughts were interrupted by the horrifying sight of his sister ripping off the man\'s ear with her teeth, and swallowing it with great difficulty.

It took a few moments for him to remember the last of her evolution conditions and he elected not to judge since this was a necessity after all.

But still... he really wished that she would have at least turned into a dragon before she did this.

After the flesh passed into her stomach, Mira began to get a familiar sleepy feeling and her eyes became heavy.

She leaned into the sensation with all of her being, and her body started floating off the ground of it\'s own volition.

Her small frame became encompassed in a golden glow, and the process had finally begun.

"She did it!"

Turning around, Apophis found his two sisters approaching with Jasmine and around thirty slaves in tow, around half men and half women.

Not sparing them a glance, Apophis was more focused on his youngest sister who had blood all over her hands and face and looked to be a girl of around sixteen years of age.

"Since when are you a fighter?"

"Since I was disrespected."

Apophis didn\'t need to hear anymore and simply nodded in approval, satisfied at his sister\'s response.

All of the sudden, the temperature in the room dropped well below freezing, and icicles started forming all throughout the building.

Jasmine quickly surrounded herself and the group in a circle of rainbow colored flames to protect them from Mira\'s new power, and it looked to have been just in time.

Had she waited even a second longer, all of the slaves that they had just saved would have frozen from the inside out.

Suddenly, Gabbrielle\'s eyes widened as she held up her hand and lifted all thirty four of them up into the air.



"Sister, why are you doing this?"

Gabbrielle did not answer, and instead she merely pointed at Mira who was still undergoing an evolution.

A dark, wispy aura had mixed in with the golden one, and soon a pulse of energy shot out of the little girl\'s body, traveling across the floor.

Everything that it touched crumbled and was destroyed completely, reducing this once great structure to a terrible mountain of rubble without making so much as a sound.

"W-What the hell was that!?" Jasmine asked as she clung tightly to Thea.

"She has inherited something from father... Sister has destruction magic."

No one was more shocked by this than Gabbrielle.

And if she was honest, sh could not imagine a worse recipient for this power than Mira.

With Abaddon\'s unique physiology and background, his growth was limitless as well as that of his powers.

And as his direct descendants, they shared this trait too.

But with a power like destruction magic... the potential for things to go wrong was great.

Minor accidents like destroying chairs and buildings was just the tip of the iceberg.

In the event that he or Mira accumulated enough power, they could erase entire threads of reality.

Don\'t like the color blue?

Boom, now it\'s gone.

Hate that planet that\'s blocking your view of the sun?

Well you just sneezed and it all went up into ash.

You want an annoying god or goddess to stop breathing?

What fucking god or goddess?

And the only way for one of those existences to come back, was if a being with creation magic on the same level as Abaddon\'s willed them back to existence.

And since Valerie was still having trouble harnessing her own powers of creation, the likelihood of her being able to repair whatever Mira broke was very poor.

But if the Tathamet children thought that they were done with surprises for the day, they were sorely mistaken.

"What the hell..."


"Oh no..."

Right before their very eyes, Mira was becoming older.

Previously she held the body of a six year old, but she was aging so rapidly that she already looked fifteen.

Her long and glossy hair traveled all the way to her thighs, and it became as black as the night\'s sky.

Like her father and all of her mothers, she became an extremely beautiful person that was in no way behind any of her siblings.

"Her power reached such a degree that her childlike form couldn\'t contain it. Her mind and body are growing along with her power in the hopes that she will become a proper vessel."

As Gabbrielle explained, Mira\'s evolution finally seemed to be coming to an end and her body dropped back to the ground.

Her feet lightly touched the soft, sand-like substance underneath her and her red eyes fluttered open, looking even more frightening than before.

"Sister...?" Thea asked hesitantly. "How do you feel."

"I..." Mira was trying to find the words to speak, but an uncomfortable occurrence stopped her mouth from moving.

Suddenly, she sat crosslegd in the ground before reaching into her storage ring and pulling out a small pouch.

Inside was her emergency cookie stash, specially prepared by the triplet maids with love and care.

She wolfed down all of the pastries while seemingly oblivious to the blank stares she was receiving and when she was finished, she patted her stomach and let out a relaxed sigh.

"I\'m good now! That guy tasted like shit and I had to get that taste out of my mouth."

Suddenly, she looked down at her body to give her new figure a closer inspection and let out a scream of horror.


"W-What? What is the matter with you!?" Apophis asked in a worried tone.

Mira\'s bright red eyes filled with tears as she lamented over a terrible reality.

"I still don\'t have any fucking boobs!! I\'m a flat chested phenom!!"

As the first of the Tathamet children wailed over her lack of certain bodily appendages, her three remaining siblings had the same thought all at once.

"""Father is going to lose his shit."""

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