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Chapter 249 Glorious Wrath

Chapter 249 Glorious Wrath

But even with this great new power in his arsenal, Abaddon could not help but feel just a little bit let down.

"You look disappointed. My sin not good enough for you?" Belphegor asked with his arms folded.

Abaddon realized that he had indeed been frowning although it wasn\'t for the reason his uncle believed.

It wasn\'t that he was disappointed with the sin itself per say, but he would be lying if he said he was not expecting for something strange to happen again.

But it seemed like whatever had happened with the sin of gluttony was indeed a once in a lifetime occurrence.

"It is not that. I was just thinking about next steps."


Belphegor glanced at the surroundings from Abaddon\'s battle with Pythias.

His nephew was certainly powerful, and his flames were just like that of the dragon king himself, able to burn magic and souls alike.

Belphegor could feel no lingering traces of the traitorous death knight, confirming that he had been completely erased with no hope of reincarnation.

But still... his brothers and sister had better tricks than this.

He hoped that his nephew had more in store than what had just been displayed, or else the chances of him becoming the undisputed ruler of demonkind were slim to none.

"What will you do next?"

Abaddon thought about his answer momentarily and was able to quickly come to a conclusion.

"We\'re going to find..."

- Two Days Later

Kassogtha is the name for one of the most beautiful cities in all of Dola.

Located near the sea on the demon continent of Samael, this one of a kind port city is modeled after great temples from some unknown religion, and is quite the infamous destination.

Despite it\'s beautiful scenery, this city is a hotbed for all kinds of pickpockets and thieves.

It was not uncommon for travelers to come here seeking a place to rest and then leaving with little more than their underwear.

But then again, what was one to expect from a city ruled by the queen of envy?

If she saw something that others had that she wanted, she would take it without batting an eye.

Was that not her divine right?

Who deserved all of the best things in the world more than she?

This was a philosophy that she preached dearly and one that had wormed it\'s way into the hearts and minds of all of her followers.

In this beautiful city by the sea, Leviathan had built a paradise in her own image where she was the sole deity and she had everything she\'d ever wanted at the tip of her fingers.

And now, that paradise was currently on fire and in ruins.

Screams and clouds of smoke filled the air as Kassogtha was destroyed by the army of wrath and any surviving citizens were put to death by sword.

While his army was busy reducing this land to rubble, Satan was staring at his sister with a bored look.

"Come now, Lev. You know the rules, I need to hear you say it."

Leviathan was being held in the air by her neck, her formerly beautiful appearance now nothing short of dreadful.

Her face was bruised and bloody, and her long black hair was now matted with dirt and her own blood.

But the most horrifying thing of all, was that both of her arms were missing.

Satan had ripped them off cleanly at the shoulder, and casually discarded them while remarking how this look was much more fitting for his sister.

She did have the lower half of a serpent after all, so what was wrong with it?

"I have already conceded you crazy bastard..." Leviathan said hoarsely. "What more do you want from me...?"

"Ah, that\'s simple."

Wrath suddenly used his free hand and dug his claws into the space where his sister\'s left arm used to be.

His action earned a heart wrenching screech of pain from her, and he pulled her sobbing face close to his own and stared into her eyes with a look filled with madness.

"I want you to declare that my wrath is superior! Sing it loudly for all of creation to hear, that there are none above I who is the avatar of hate!"

Leviathan\'s own anger surged from such blatant mockery and she felt as though her defeat had been made significantly more infuriating.

When Satan felt the all too familiar emotion flowing off of his sister in waves, he breathed in deeply as if he were inhaling an inviting perfume.

"How GLORIOUS! The hatred of us higher beings is truly unlike any other! Tell me sister, what angers you the most about this moment? Is it your lack of ability? Is it the pain? Or is it because I\'ve destroyed all of your little trinkets??"

As a response, Leviathan spit out a mouthful of blood directly into her brother\'s face.

Satan seemed to like this response even better, and the evil smile on his lips stretched to an unnatural proportion.

"It is good that you remain unbroken, sister. Since I can\'t kill you, I will make you wish you were dead instead!"

"Do your worst..."

Satan raised his hand and a dark red energy began to swirl within his palm.

"How distasteful."

Both Leviathan and Satan paused when they heard a very familiar voice.

They quickly looked around for the source, only to find nothing.

Satan felt like he could sense Abaddon\'s location, but in one moment he was one place and the next he was in another.

"Why can\'t I see you, runt?" Satan asked gruffly.

"Obviously because I do not want you to."

This was no new power for Abaddon, instead it was another application of an ability that he\'d already had.

Using gravity manipulation, he was bending the light around him so that it was not touching his figure and rendering him invisible as a result.

While it was a fun ability to have, it was a bit taxing since he was constantly moving and had to ensure that light was continuously being reflected away from him.

He was planning to find some kind of chameleon creature to eat and make this process even easier, but given the time constraints he had to work with what he had for now.


Suddenly, Satan\'s arm that was holding up his sister was cleanly cut, and she was sent tumbling to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, she was yanked upwards by an invisible force, and floated delicately in the sky.

Satan flared at his arm that was already healing, before turning his head to the unwelcome interloper.

"Who are you to stand in the way of my fight? I have not broken our treaty nor have I killed her."

High in the sky above, Abaddon was holding his battered aunt within his arms, sitting cross-legged on the back of a very large locust.

"Indeed you have not, but I must confess that I found this spectacle to be entirely barbaric. And against your own sister no less."

"She hardly needs your coddling! With enough time she will heal from those wounds with no problem at all!"

Abaddon placed his aunt on the back of his mount and disembarked using his wings. "I can assure you that this is no coddling. I merely do not believe that one should treat family this way. Even if we are demons."

Satan\'s arm had finally finished regrowing, and he took a moment to flex his limbs and ensure that everything was working just fine.

"Am I to take this as you declaring your intention to take her place? There is no reason to rush. I had intended to come and find you at a later time before moving on to eldest brother."

"How touching..."

Abaddon held out his hands and pulled out two weapons, seemingly from thin air.

A giant great sword that was almost the size of his own body, and a pitch black spear with a barbed tip.

"But I have no intention of being defeated. Even if you are a demigod, It is I who will move through you on my path forward."

For moment, Satan made an expression as if he could not believe his ears.

But after allowing Abaddon\'s words to sink in, he threw his head back and unleashed a round of merry laughter that echoed throughout the chaotic night.


Satan\'s laughter had drawn the attention of the entirety of the army of wrath.

In the blink of an eye, Abaddon had become surrounded by over two million bloodthirsty demons, each of them eager to see their king fell yet another foe.

"Your words have promise, whelp, but heed this..." Satan said condescendingly. "Power cannot be faked, nor can it be mimicked. Your successes thus far have gone to your head, and as a result, you are no longer capable of seeing the absolute gap that stands between us!"

Satan suddenly held out his hands and turned his attention to his adoring crowd.

"Now my slaves of hate, watch carefully, as I bring yet another who is considered my equal to his knees. Proving yet again that I alone am fit to be your emperor!!"

Excited cheers and demands for blood echoed throughout the ruined city, and Satan himself relished in all of the overflowing bloodthirst he could feel from those under him.

"I\'m afraid that they will be too busy trying to hold onto their own lives than to see what happens with mine."Abaddon suddenly said.


Abaddon turned his head towards the dark sky overhead, just in time to see several dark clad figures burst through the clouds.

Each one was riding on the backs of the same strange beasts that he had appeared on, and were wearing dark body armor and horrifying masks.

In the lead, Kanami wore armor with a bright red breastplate, a symbol meant to say that she alone was close enough to the red king to wear his divine colors.

As she descended from the sky at breakneck speed, she turned back to her siblings one last time to give some much needed motivation.

"This is our first time fighting alongside our god! You will not disgrace him with your deaths or failures, is that clear!?"



Kanami stood up on the back of her locust and picked out an area below where a mass of demons were huddled together in a group.

Unsheathing her sword from her back, she performed a leap into the air and fell freely through the sky without releasing her wings.

As her god\'s second in command, the burden on her shoulders was significantly greater than others.

Her every action had to be befitting of Abaddon, and any who stood against her were subsequently also standing against him and as a result, could not be allowed to stand.

But because Abaddon did not want to place only a burden on her shoulders with no additional honor, he took it upon himself to teach her a technique from his very own arsenal, and Kanami had of course practiced it religiously

"Fell Moon Sword Art : Moon\'s Cruel Descent."

Kanami\'s massive silver great sword began to glow with an eerie white light, as she plummeted towards the earth below with her blade pointed towards the ground.


Kanami\'s glowing blade glided into the ground like it was made of butter, and once it was buried all the way to the hilt, a blinding explosion of white moonlight erupted from the area around her.

Bodies and chunks of earth flew in all sorts of directions, and the remaining Euphrates immediately took advantage of the chaos and begun their own onslaught, either cutting down the army of wrath from the back of their mounts or disembarking and fighting alongside them.

Even though his army was currently under siege by a small squad of only fifty soldiers, Satan did not look the slightest bit upset and even looked to be mildly impressed as he applauded their efforts.

"Well what do you know? Seems you\'ve indeed brought some good things along with you!"

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