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Chapter 210 Family Ties

Chapter 210 Family Ties

The domain of the Stormcaller clan was located in a region of Antares that experienced frequent cloudy skies and rain.

Which one really could not find surprising when they remembered that the occupants of this place were primarily lightning dragons.

The destination Jadaka was interested in was a negoya situated in the center of the clan\'s territory.

When he landed at the front gate, the dragonnewt guards standing outside did not even bother to halt his entrance, as no on wanted to earn his ire.

The dragon travelled through the castle like it was his own and he quickly found the room he was looking for.


When Jadaka kicked open the door to Tiamat\'s room, he found the beautiful dragon woman lounged out in her bed, and she had clearly just woken up.

Her thin yet developed body was concealed only by a black nightgown that hid practically none of her features.

"It\'s you? You\'ll have to go back today, I\'m not in the mood for-"

"I don\'t care." Jadaka replied roughly.

The dragon immediately slipped out of his clothes, and Tiamat saw that he surely wasn\'t going to take no for an answer.

"Even if you are a prince there\'s a limit to how spoiled you can act you know?" Tiamat joked as she tried to hide the fear she felt from looking into Jadaka\'s eyes.

She slowly began to inch away from him, hoping that the clearly irate prince would calm down, but she had no such luck.

In the blink of an eye, the second prince was on top of her, and his hands had found their way around her slender neck.

Jadaka had a secret that he could never tell anyone.

He had a deeply sickening attraction for his sister Yara.

Ever since they were kids, he had found his sister to be the most beautiful and angelic thing in existence.

But unlike everyone else, he quickly learned that his sister looked the most beautiful when she cried or was in pain.

Seeing his sister embroiled in the throes of despair gave Jadaka a sense of unfiltered euphoria and he began to see her as something that should never be touched sexually under any circumstances.

Not even by him.

To do so would taint her innocent atmosphere that multiplied his attraction for her and made the sadness she endured so much sweeter.

She was like a pure and magnificent flower that stood out the most when she was alone and isolated.

And that was the way he always wanted it to be.

So imagine the range of emotions that he felt when his sister went missing all of those years ago, and returned with a newborn baby boy.

Just like Yara, Jadaka also fell into a depression that lasted several years.

Someone had actually dared to soil his perfect rose!

It was such an unforgivable crime that he wanted to kill the man responsible, yet no one knew who the father was!

For almost twenty years, he had been unable to even stay in the same building with his sister and he had continually come to use Tiamat as an outlet while he fantasized about the times when Yara was still at her most beautiful.

But several months ago, Yara\'s revolting offspring was suddenly cured of the ailment that had plagued him all of his life.

And with that, Jadaka gained a new motivation and dream.

He was certain that if he killed Yara\'s son right after he had finally become healthy, he could make Yara show a face that was so enchanting that he could forget all about the fact that she\'d been soiled.

But how could he do this?

Rumors of the boy\'s formidable power had long travelled throughout the kingdom, and Jadaka was sure that any assassins he sent would end up dead.

He didn\'t dare to kill the boy himself or use any of the members of his personal guard, as he would surely be found out and be faced with his father\'s wrath.

So what was the answer?

As Jadaka continued to ponder over this query, in the blink of an eye his nephew had become a demon king.

This was exactly what he needed.

Now that Abaddon was on his own, Jadaka was free to kill him at any time he desired.

All he had to do was find this so called \'Luxuria\' where Abaddon ruled and reduce it to rubble in the middle of the night.

He had gone to Seras for the answer, but the sentimental bitch was stubborn until the end and refused to give up his location.

Tiamat was also useless, as no matter how much he asked her she claimed to not know his whereabouts at all.

Unbeknownst to him, she wanted the dragon for her \'collection\' and while she did not know why Jadaka wanted to know Abaddon\'s whereabouts, she knew it couldn\'t be for any sort of positive reason.

This left Jadaka with little to no choice but to amass his army and travel to the demon continent personally.

It had taken a while to get all of the preparations in order but eventually he was ready.

The day before he was set to leave on his excursion, he headed to his father\'s castle to inform him of his departure.

He was immediately informed by the royal guards that his father had travelled to the famous uruloki colosseum with the goal of testing his sister\'s lover.

Jadaka was in utter disbelief.



What in the name of Asherah was going on?

The man responsible for soiling his sister was alive?

But that couldn\'t be possible, could it?

Jadaka travelled to the colosseum himself to find out, and his worst fears were made reality when he saw a tall black skinned demon lord that was effortlessly overwhelming his older brother and the kingdom\'s best warrior.


Jadaka finally snapped and forceful tore away what little clothing Tiamat had on.

The unfortunate woman\'s pitiful whimpers did nothing to deter him as he forcefully spread her legs and pushed himself inside of her.

Why was that bastard so strong?

How did he suddenly come back from the dead?

How dare he lay his disgusting hands on his precious flower?!

"I\'ll kill them! I\'LL KILL THEM BOTH!!"

As Jadaka slipped further into his madness, Tiamat finally gained the luxury of passing out, freeing her from witnessing the second prince\'s frenzied descent into delirium.

-2 Days later

After being back in Antares for the first time in several weeks, Seras expected to return to quite a bit of paperwork and matters that required her attention.

While that was true in some part, she had nowhere near the amount that she thought she would and after a completely focused weekend, she was nearly done.

After this was done, she planned to reward herself by calling her husband!

Lailah had finally finished the first of her long range communication devices and she had given one to each member of the family.

The device had yet to undergo mass production so as of right now they were the only ones in the world who were privy to this method of communication.

In a few weeks, they were expected to begin selling the devices in both Luxuria and Upyr, and the potential profits were so great that Mammon would salivate whenever the topic was discussed.

"And.... I\'m done!"

Seras let out a massive sigh of relief as she finally finished the last document out of the massive stack she had on her desk.

"Orion, I\'ve finished!" Seras called happily.

Suddenly the door to her room was opened and an older dragon man walked in.

Orion was Seras\' secretary and more often than not, also acted as her right hand.

He wore a simple black butler outfit that only barely concealed the powerful body hidden underneath.

His chiseled jaw was hidden by a thick red beard that matched the color of his eyes perfectly and gave him a serious and stoic aura.

"Just in time my lady. Some guests have just arrived to see you."

Suddenly Seras wasn\'t in as good of a mood and she immediately wanted to crawl up in bed and die.

"Can you tell them I have terrible stomach pain and am unable to see them?"

"Afraid not, my lady." Orion said as he carefully picked up the ungodly stack of papers on Seras\' desk.


Orion merely chuckled as he headed out the door, paperwork in hand. "Worry not, I think you will be glad to see-"


Before the poor butler could even finish, two figures flew past him in a blur and nearly knocked everything out of his hands.

Seras was suddenly caught in a pincer attack the likes of which she could not escape from as both of her in laws caught her in a double bearhug.

"How are you, kiddo?"

"We\'ve come to spend some time with you!"

It took a minute for Seras to comprehend what had just happened, but once her brain caught up to reality she smiled happily as she returned both of their hugs.

"It\'s very good to see you both!"

Orion stared at this scene with an expression of surprise and disbelief.

He had been beside Seras for quite a long time and was already aware of all of her many faces.

So it was rather strange to suddenly see her making such an expression of genuine happiness when there was no sort of blood or death involved.

\'There are rumors that she\'s gotten married, so those are true after all?\' He wondered.

And when he took a look at the two individuals who were calling her \'daughter\', it wasn\'t hard to imagine who she\'d been wed to.

"I will bring tea for you and your guests, my lady." Orion said with a polite tone as he closed the door and allowed the happy family to chat.

The three of them spent quite a while conversing, and Seras had quite a few questions for Asmodeus in particular.

It had been thousands of years since she\'d lost a fight so spectacularly, and the respect she had for her father in law had grown immensely.

Asmodeus clearly liked the praise and attention he was getting as he now had a proud smile on his face that made Yara roll her eyes.

After several more minutes of pleasant conversation, the dragon princess suddenly asked about the man that linked them all together.

"How has Abaddon been recently?"

"We\'ve wanted to go back and see him, but we don\'t want him to feel like his parents are always hovering over him."Asmodeus added.

Seras chuckled as she took another sip of hot tea and thought of how best to summarize the recent events concerning her husband.

"Well if I\'m honest, Abaddon has been quite the busy bee."

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