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Chapter 198 Motherhood

Chapter 198 Motherhood

Naturally, the dragon valued faith and loyalty above all else.

As a result, the vampire lords who had sworn fealty to him before he declared his open challenge were rewarded with a relatively unchanged lifestyle.

They had a few additional responsibilities but other than that, they were free to keep going on as they had been before he\'d arrived.

Those that did not originally want to follow him were burdened with more... taxing tasks.

Nacht was placed in charge of foreign relations. His job was to help regulate trade with other races and ensure that Upyr maintained favorable deals while also monitoring potential outside threats.

Faust would be responsible for running the economy and collecting taxes from the egregiously wealthy vampires.

However, he would only do so based on Luxuria\'s own design of taking only 10% of their assets every year.

Abaddon was already fully aware of how over taxation would only lead to a rebellion.

Margot was to work with Valerie to upgrade Upyr\'s infrastructure and eventually their technological knowledge, however all of the methods and resources that went in to producing such things would have to be treated as state secrets.

Unfortunately, Valerie\'s team of demonic dwarves was still rather small, so it would take quite a while before the entirety of Upyr could be upgraded to fit Abaddon\'s specifications.

Lastly, Kristina would preside over Upyr\'s military might, however, her position was subject to change since Abaddon had made it very clear that she had to gain the approval of Seras, Bekka, Audrina, and Lusamine.

If Kristina\'s battle prowess was found to be lacking in any sort of way, she would be stripped of her position and end up serving in the army instead of leading it.

It had taken about a week to prepare to integrate these changes, but all in all things appeared to be proceeding rather smoothly.

With everything ready to be implemented, the last item on the agenda was Abaddon\'s coronation.

For something like this, the entire continent had been called to gather to watch the first crowning to occur in centuries.

Most were completely unsure of who the new king was going to be, but public speculation was that the queen had bore a son whom she was going to pass the throne to.

She certainly kept enough men around for such a theory to be possible.

Though why no one had heard of him yet, no one was certain.

Irregardless, everyone was more than excited to witness the coronation of the new king, and the capital city of Erebus had quickly become overrun with travelers.


Currently, Mira, Thea, and Seras were all together in a barren training room within the castle.

As someone who had never had children before, Seras didn\'t think she\'d be much good as a mother.

After all, she and Kirina had several disagreements in the past and now the two are barely on speaking terms.

However, Seras knew how important Abaddon\'s children were to him.

She wanted to be the best wife she could, and that meant pushing aside her fears to be the best mother possible for his three children.

After Seras woke up from her sex coma, she immediately went to find Thea and Mira to introduce herself properly.

While Mira was already vaguely aware of her father\'s teacher, this was Thea\'s first introduction to the dragon woman.

So, how would the three of them get along now that they were supposed to be family?

To summarize it plainly, Seras fit in with the girls like a hand in a glove.

Once they learned that Seras was the most feared warrior in Antares, she immediately became another one of their beloved mothers.

Leading to the current situation where all three had spent the past four days within Audrina\'s private training hall.

Mira and Thea were like sponges, greedily smoking up every bit of knowledge that they could from their new mother.

Seras\' wide range of knowledge and slightly childlike demeanor ensured that not only were the girls learning, they were having fun doing it as well.

It seemed like nothing could interrupt the good time that the three were having.

"Alright, my precious daughters, I just have a few more notes!" Seras said as they sat cross legged on the ground.

Both girls looked at their mother eagerly as they awaited her expert advice.

This is how their days had gone by, with long sparring sessions followed by brief intermissions to point out any improvements or notes that Seras had about their prowess.

"First is my little junior berserker!" Seras happily scooped up Mira into her arms and gave her cheeks some very intense nuzzles.


"Alright, you\'re doing very well increasing the variety and speed of your attacks, now we should improve the quality of your ice a bit. I want you to focus on making it harder and sharper than normal ice, alright?"

"How do I do that?" Mira asked with a serious, yet equally cute expression.

"Visualization is key, my dear daughter!" Seras held up her hand and formed a ball of bright red blood.

The blood began to squirm and rotate until it took the form of a solid drill. "Think about the inner workings of your element. What makes it what it is, how can it best be used, and how can you imprint your will upon it?"

Seras could\'ve given her daughter a more concise explanation, but she had already seen countless times over the last few days that Mira was more than smart enough to learn something like this on her own.

"Mmm okay, Mira will try." The young dragon nodded resolutely.

"That\'s my girl!" Seras placed a big smooch on Mira\'s forehead before removing her from her lap and gesturing for Thea to come closer.

The young woman became slightly flustered when she thought Seras was going to make her sit in her lap too, but Seras seemingly understood her embarrassment and gestured for her to lay her head on her shoulder.

Once the two were comfortable, Seras began stroking Thea\'s long golden hair as she gave her critiques.

"I must admit, I find it rather difficult to find flaws for you to improve upon, my daughter. Every time you make a mistake, you correct yourself before I can even say anything. If I had to make one assessment, it would be that your combat feels rather... rigid."

Thea nodded slowly in understanding as she absorbed the words of her newest mother. "What do you mean rigid?"

"Well I can tell that you\'ve been well trained and very intensely at that, but your combat becomes rather predictable after a while. Your sense of improvisation is practically nonexistent, sweetie."

"Can you help me fix that?"

Seras smiled childishly revealing her two gleaming white fangs.




Seras fought the urge to laugh at both of her daughters. "Do the two of you just think I\'m some all knowing war goddess?"

When she received two unhesitant nods in response, she smiled wryly.

"I\'m happy that you think that of me, my dears. But some problems can only be solved through actual experience. For a problem like this, all you need to do is fight against a lot of different opponents and learn something from each of them.

The rest will take care of itself, okay?"

"I understand. Thank you, mother."

"Thank you mommy!"


As Seras pulled the two in for another bear hug, Mira asked the one question that had been on her mind all of this time. "Did you train daddy like this?"

"Hm? No, I trained him with the intent to kill him." Seras said plainly.


"...so father had to go through something like that too, huh...? I pity him." Thea said as she sent Abaddon a silent prayer.

"I-It was his fault! I swear! H-He was so mean to me back then a-and I just wanted to get back at him a little bit..." Seras had become slightly flustered under the accusatory looks of both of her daughters.

"Father was mean?" Mira asked.

"Well... maybe mean isn\'t the right word. I don\'t know if you girls know this about your father but he\'s really quite introverted. His family is his entire world and he doesn\'t really allow anything or anyone to interfere with that.

In the five months we spent together I consistently tried to seduce him, but I ended up only earning his ire and I suppose you could say I wanted to punish him a bit for not giving me the time of day.... B-But I\'ve matured since then!" Seras said proudly.

Mira and Thea looked at each other briefly before shrugging. "Well, you\'re apart of our family now, so that means that you are apart of father\'s world too."

Suddenly, Seras\' cheeks turned slightly pink as she fell into a small pit of obsession. "I know~ Hehehehe...."

By now, both of the girls had seen all of their mothers do this exact same thing at least once when it came to their father, so they were both pretty used to it.

Usually, these delusions lasted for several minutes so both girls got comfortable as they waited for Seras to come back to reality.

As Seras continued her giggling fit, she suddenly paused as she stared hard at the door.

Her jovial and warm mood suddenly changed into something much more cold and distant.

In a moment, the door opened to reveal Kirina standing in beautiful ceremonial clothes.

"I\'m sorry to interrupt you girls, but it\'s high time you get ready. King Abaddon\'s coronation is in a few hours."

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