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Chapter 176 Thea Has Boobs!

Chapter 176 Thea Has Boobs!

"How is this possible?"

The wives all muttered amongst themselves as they stared at their now beautiful teenage daughter.

Whatever joy they felt from her return was wrestling with the shock caused by her new appearance.

Children however are easily adaptable.


Mira hurriedly threw herself around Thea\'s long slender legs. "You left Mira! How could you!?"

Thea chuckled before separating from her father and taking the pouting ice dragon into her arms.

"I\'m sorry little sister. I-It was kind of a spur of the moment thing and I just-"

Unfortunately, Mira no longer cared about being left behind. A more important issue was now pressed against her.

Or more specifically, two nicely shaped and moderately sized issues.

"Thea has boobs! Mira wants boobs too!"


Thea\'s face became beet red and she quickly tried to remove Mira\'s hands from her chest. "M-Mira! Y-You can\'t touch them!"

"Then give Mira her own so that she can touch those!"

"I can\'t do something like that!"

"Liar! Thea is being selfish!"

As the two girls argued over nonsense, Abaddon had a horrifying realization.

His daughter had now become a gorgeous young woman.

Did that mean he had to worry about her being preyed upon by the men in this city?

Would she get married and start a family of her own soon?!

He wasn\'t ready for his sweet girl to leave him just yet!

Silently, he sent a telepathic message to every male demon in the city under his command.

\'This is the only warning you will ever receive. If you lay so much as a finger on the second princess I will twist your arms from your body and stick them up your-"


Finally, it seemed like the mothers had been broken from their delirium and Thea was suddenly bombarded with fierce tackles of love.

Audrina was first, followed by Bekka, Lisa, Valerie and Lailah.

The weight of all of the women was more than enough to knock Thea backwards, resulting in a massive pile of sobbing women on the floor.

"W-What happened to you?"

"We were so worried!"

After making sure Mira did not suffocate under the breasts of their mothers, Thea returned each and every one of their hugs.

It took a while to calm them all down, but once they were in the state of mind to listen Thea was finally able to say the words that had weighed heavily on her heart for so long.

"I\'m sorry for leaving so suddenly. I know I must have scared all of you b-but I want to explain where I\'ve been for the past five years..."

"""\'""Five Years!?!"""""

With a sigh, Thea began to explain everything, starting with the dream she had all of those years ago.

She told them about her desire to help defend the family, and not be the only member who had to consistently sit on the sidelines.

When she began to tell them about her master and her hellish training, a few of the wives flinched outright while Abaddon merely nodded in satisfaction. He was growing more and more impressed with his daughter as the seconds ticked by.

At the stories end, Thea held up her wrist to show them all the prize she had claimed.

A simple silver bracelet with no noticeable markings or features.

It was the very definition of the word ordinary.

"This is one of the six endings of reality, the witchblade. I-I know it may not look like much but i promise it\'s extremely powerful!"

\'Oh?\' Abaddon immediately formed several questions about his daughter\'s weapon. How was it different from his? Why could she already use hers and he could not? Was her weapon the reason she was no longer capable of evolving?

Thea\'s mothers and sister stared hard at the plain peace of jewelry.

It certainly did not look very witchy.

And it did not look like any kind of blade they had ever seen before.

But for right now, that was hardly important.

All that mattered to them was that their daughter was home and safe.

Well... almost all of them.

"So you must be pretty strong now, yea? Wanna spar with your favorite mother?" Bekka asked cheerfully.

"What makes you the favorite one, furball? Thea wants to have her first drink with her ACTUAL favorite mother. Isn\'t that right dear?"

Valerie had been dreaming of the day one of her daughters became old enough to drink and today was finally the day!

Lisa, Lailah, and Audrina scoffed at what was seemingly a pointless debate.

Obviously one of them was the favorite, right?

"No! I have to show sister my new pet!" Mira felt like her sacred beast was the coolest thing on earth and she just couldn\'t wait for her big sister to see it as well.

Thea helplessly hugged her arguing family members. "I\'ve been gone for five whole years. I want to do everything with everyone."

Abaddon could not wipe the grin from his face. Evidently, his daughter had become every bit as clever as she was beautiful.

\'Nice save, Thea.\'


The family had gathered outside in the backyard after a few more minutes of hugging.

Thea looked at the grounds on which she trained with her first master all those years ago and felt slightly nostalgic.

Bekka soon approached her carrying two silver longswords.

"After all that training you told us about, I\'m sure I don\'t have to take it easy on you, do I?"

Thea smiled and took the one of the swords from her mother\'s grasp. "Of course not, mother."

As the two warriors took their positions, Abaddon consoled a pouting Mira within his arms.

"Hmph... Mira wants to spar too..."

"I know my daughter but don\'t you want to see how much your sister has grown first? You can spar with her afterwards."

His words seemed to pacify her if only a little. Mira began to analyze every aspect of her sister\'s body from her breathing to her stance and even the direction of her eyes.

She would study her sister thoroughly so that she could defeat her and force Thea to give Mira her own boobs!

If Abaddon could have heard his daughter\'s thoughts in that moment, he would have fallen over with a broken heart.

Luckily for him, all he could tell was that Mira was studying her sister like an expert warrior.

\'Both of my daughters have become such capable warriors.\'

As Audrina watched the tender way her husband looked at their children, she was overcome with utter bliss.

So much so that she had forgotten that she had multiple important things to tell them.

After shrugging off her vest and rolling up her sleeves, Thea took a fairly relaxed stance and waited for her mother to begin.

As Bekka stared at her daughter\'s stance, pride began to swell up in her chest.

\'She looks like she\'s wide open but her awareness is extremely high.\'

Recognizing that her daughter was inviting her to make the first move, Bekka lunged forward with her sword raised above her head.


Thea paried effortlessly before sidestepping her mother and swinging her sword towards her back.

Displaying insane agility, Bekka performed a quick backbend and watched Thea\'s blade pass harmlessly before her eyes.

Thea quickly attempted to alter her blade\'s trajectory to pierce through Bekka\'s stomach, however the hellhound kicked her hand to throw her off.

\'I noticed when I hugged her earlier but her body has become quite hard.\'

Bekka flipped gracefully backwards to put some space between herself and her daughter.

Thea however did not intend to allow her mother to take a breather and lunged after her.

"Excellent Thea! Never give your opponent a moment to recover!"

"You should not applaud your opponent, mother!"

"You are so cute I cannot help it!"

While Thea wanted to be upset that her mother was not really taking this spar seriously, she couldn\'t find it within herself.

How could she fault her mother for having fun when she was as well?

Her own smile had not left her face since they\'d began and it didn\'t seem like it was going anywhere any time soon.

After a while, she decided to stop fighting it and just have fun.




Thea and Bekka continually brought their blades against one another and it seemed as though they were never going to get tired.

Thea\'s swordsmanship was elegant and refined with hints of calculated savagery mixed in.

Bekka\'s on the other hand was much more animalistic and focused on making odd and unpredictable movements to catch her opponent off guard.

The two were learning a lot about each other and their family was watching their spectacle in awe.

After a while, Bekka decided she\'d had enough of a warmup.

Dropping her sword to the ground, she held up her hands that were growing long claws and black fur. "Do you still need time to warm up or can you show us that new toy of yours?"

Thea recognized that her mother had finally become serious and responded in kind.

Dropping her sword to the ground, Thea\'s bracelet began to glow with a white light as it transformed into a black gauntlet adorned with strange jewels.

"Get ready mother cause I\'m about to show you something amazing!"

Bekka\'s smile became so wide you could no longer tell that her eyes were open. "I would expect nothing less of one of my daughters!"

Just as the jewels on Thea\'s gauntlet glowed once again, and her body underwent a drastic change.

The metal from the gauntlet melted as it crawled up her arm and made her clothes disappear.

In it\'s place was a set of black metal lingerie armor that left very little to the imagination.

On her legs were a pair of black metallic thigh-high heels that made her look even taller and mature.

Her arms were covered in dark gauntlets with clawed fingertips. With a flick of her arm, dark, nine inch blades burst from her elbow and wrist.

Though perhaps the biggest change of all was Thea herself.

Her long golden hair had changed into a deep, rich purple and her blue eyes had become red with black sclera.

Before either of the girls could move to attack, Abaddon appeared between them in a flash.

"Sorry girls, we\'ll have to end it here for the day."


"Husband, why!?"

Abaddon sighed as he pointed to his armored daughter. "Can\'t you feel it? The power coursing through her is enough to destroy the entire house."

"..." Bekka had been too absorbed in her lust for battle before to notice but now that she was calmer she could indeed feel it.

Her daughter\'s potential was... frightening. The way her power had suddenly exploded was well beyond normal.

Thea sighed as she undid her transformation and Bekka began to do the same.

With the fight over, Audrina\'s mind was finally free enough to recall the information that had escaped her earlier.

"I remember now! Lailah, I beat up your mother and stuck her in the basement. I forgot to tell you."

Lailah blinked her eyes several times to allow Audrina\'s words to set in.

Unfortunately, that did not make them any less absurd.


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