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Chapter 140 [Bonus ]Why Are You Here?

Chapter 140 [Bonus ]Why Are You Here?

Knowing his identity, the maids attempted to curry favor with him by bending a bit lower than normal and being extra attentive. Unfortunately for them, he behaved in a manner fitting the prince of a powerful nation and only offered polite smiles in return.

After a while, the door finally creaked open and an unfamiliar woman stepped through the door.

The dragon prince raised a brow in surprise, only to recognize the scowl he was receiving a moment later.

"So... you evolved again." He said as he scrutinized every inch of her body.

Her beauty and charm had exploded to near unbelievable levels, and her power seemed to have grown as well.

Seras fought the urge to pluck his eyes out for staring so hard, the only gaze she sought was that of a young demon lord.

"Seems like your vampiric heritage finally bloomed fully." he said as he inspected her creamy white skin and vibrant red eyes that were no longer reptilian.

"Why are you here, second prince." Seras had a deep dislike for beating around the bush.

The sooner she could get this person out of her domain, the better.

Jadaka did not seem bothered by her attitude and even seemed to have expected it to some degree.

Their eyes met and he finally got to the reason why he was here.

"Abbadon. Where is he?"

Seras felt her gaze become hard and her claws reflexively popped out of her fingertips. "Is that any of your concern?"

"It is if I say it is." he countered.

"Unfortunately I have no interest in telling you." she stood up and cut the conversation there, utterly uninterested in anything else this prince might say.

"Can I consider this to be an act of insubordination against the royal family?" He suddenly asked.

Seras\' hand froze a few mere inches away from the doorknob and she turned around with a fierce glare on her face."What?!"

Jadaka leaned back in his chair and closed his golden eyes. "It\'s rather simple. Your prince is asking you for information on a potential enemy of our land, yet you are deliberately withholding said information.

The hybrid felt her blood begin to boil. "He is not a potential enemy."

"That is for me to decide."

His eyes suddenly opened and he stared calmly at the seething woman in front of him.

"Where is he? I will not ask again."

"I will not tell you. I will not answer again."


The aura of two 5th stage dragons exploded and clashed, reducing all of the nearby furniture into smithereens.

The walls of the room containing the two of them began to creak and groan as it threatened to crumble underneath the weight of their power.

"Do you believe that I will not kill you because you are one of my father\'s lords?"

Seras smirked, her beautiful lips parting to reveal vampiric fangs.

"I believe that you will not kill me because you lack the ability, second prince."


Jadaka let loose a powerful hate fueled roar that destroyed the walls around them and cracked the marble floor they were standing on.

Then, as if it were all a big joke, Jadaka sucked in his aura and walked past Seras.

He came to a stop directly next to her and whispered in her ear.

"I will find that student of yours. And when I do, I will be sure to kill him in front of you."

"You are welcome to try." Seras taunted. She didn\'t believe the man she\'d fallen in love with would die so easily.

As the second prince of Antares left, Seras did not take her eyes off his back.

She\'d been alive a very long time and she had met a great many people.

It was easy for her to recognize the look someone had when they were restraining themselves.

Within the second prince, she could see it.

The struggle to suppress one\'s obsession.

But Seras didn\'t understand, Why was Jadaka so obsessed with Exedra?


Draven royal castle, Antares

Helios was currently in his own private room.

It was surprisingly simple, consisting of no more than a large comfortable bed with a few decorations inside.

The entire world would be surprised to learn that while Helios did like nice things, he was not as concerned with them as the other members of his race.

To him, glorious battle was the only true treasure in this world.

Everything else was just a trinket that would not stand up to the passage of time.

Helios suddenly sensed a presence at his door.

There was no knock, as all of the servants had already been instructed long ago not to make such an unsightly sound.

Helios would surely sense them if they\'d made it this far and he would only answer if he was in the mood for it.

After briefly glancing to make sure the women in his bed were still sleeping and covered, he walked towards the door and opened it.

Standing outside was a well dressed man in a butler\'s uniform.

He bowed deeply, showing his sincere apologies for intruding at such a late hour. "I\'m terribly sorry my king but she is adamant about seeing you."

Helios wondered about who might have been so bold in his very own castle.

After getting dressed, he strode regally into his throne room and took a seat on his menacing looking throne.

Placing his jaw in his hand and slouching a bit, Helios couldn\'t have looked more bored if he tried.

"Let her in."

The knights at the door heeded his command and they acted in unison, opening the large golden double doors to the throne room and allowing a single woman inside.

Helios immediately rolled his eyes, already able to guess what she had come for.

Still, he feigned ignorance for the sake of entertainment.

"Is there a reason why you so rudely barged into my castle so late at night, queen of witches?"

Sei put on a smile befitting of a ruler and tried her best to seem apologetic.

"My apologies, King Helios. I simply heard a bit of concerning news. I-Is it true that my daughter\'s husband has been expelled from your family and become a demon lord?"

"It is indeed." Helios nodded as he yawned in the woman\'s face, showing his blatant lack of interest in this conversation.

Sei silently gritted her teeth, frustrated at the way she was being treated yet utterly incapable of doing anything about it. "I-I see.. That is unfortunate but I hope it does not affect our partnership?"

\'How is it possible that as the ruler of your own nation you are utterly incapable of keeping your desires hidden?\' Helios snorted inwardly in contempt. Sei\'s eyes were giving away the hope she had in his next words.

Unfortunately, Helios was only concerned with the hopes of a select few and she did not happen to be among them.

"Do I honestly seem like the sort of being who is interested in charity? Our deal is void, witch." he growled.

"K-King Helios please be reasonable! We could strike a new deal if you\'d like? I have two more wonderful daughters whose talents and beauty are superior to Lailah\'s!"

Helios fought the urge to laugh right in her face.


...Ultimately, the dragon lost against his urge. The sound of his laughter shaking the walls of his great castle

"You\'re a humorous witch indeed! I was planning to kill you for barging into my home so rudely but my mood has been lifted greatly!" Helios said while still laughing manically.

Sei had no idea what to say after helios unveiled his plan to kill her so she simply laughed nervously along with him.

Suddenly, Helios stopped laughing and stared at Sei with golden eyes that were brimming with flames. "You are an idiot. Your daughter Lailah is worth more than the other two combined despite having only evolved once. The amount of mana she possesses for her age is staggering. All of the spells in your repertoire and yet none of them could help you see the potential of your own child."

Sei opened and closed her mouth several times, yet ultimately said nothing.

For the golden dragon Helios to praise someone, Sei knew his words had to be true.

\'Have I truly missed something?\'

"Then may I ask... where is the location of.. Abbadon\'s land?"

The dragon king stared at the woman in front of him for a long time.

After a brief deliberation, he told her the exact coordinates to Exedra\'s city.

She bowed gratefully, but not before Helios gave her a final warning.

"Witch Queen. Should you barge into my home uninvited again, I will see to it that every single member of your race goes extinct."

For a moment, Sei was paralyzed with fear.

Once she was able to move again, she left without another word.

Helios stood up and headed back to his room, his mind already predicting her next course of action.

\'So because you cannot get anything from me, you think he will be easier? Ha! A greedy bitch indeed.\'

Helios had come to understand his grandson very well.

He knew full well that Sei had a better chance of convincing him than she did Exedra.

"How entertaining..." Helios muttered before turning his attention to another topic.

There was no way for the news about Exedra\'s excommunication to have traveled oversees in a single night.

That meant the witch queen had placed a few rats in his kingdom.

\'It\'s certainly been a while.. since I went on a good rampage.\'


Huge thank you to Winston_Schrumm for sponsoring this bonus chapter!

-CSH :)

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