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Chapter 130 Départ Haineux

Chapter 130 Départ Haineux

\'If I were to use two of my weapon techniques one right after the other, what would the result be?\'

It was nothing more than a 2 A.M drunken curiosity, but it lingered in the back of his mind for a while.

In the morning, he attempted to try it in an opened space far from any prying eyes.

The results were downright comedic.

After successfully executing his sword art, Exedra prepared to perform his spear art next but instead he tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face.

What he learned was that unless you had two techniques that possessed similar footwork and muscle movements, it was never going to be possible to use them back to back like he wanted.

He would require a brief moment to change his footwork and re-adjust his muscles.

His body just didn\'t have the necessary flexibility and proportions to pull off such an absurd idea as the one he\'d envisioned.

Armed with that knowledge, he elected to forget about the idea as something impossible.

However, with this monstrous new form of his, the idea didn\'t seem to be as far fetched as he\'d originally estimated.

His transformation made it so that his body reflected his innermost will.

So if he desired stretchier tendons and more flexible muscles, wouldn\'t his body respond accordingly?

Fortunately, it seemed his hypothesis was correct.

His body suddenly felt much lighter and he felt

a sense of \'freedom\' that was foreign to him.

He was filled with so much confidence that he only wished he could\'ve tried this sooner.

Fell Moon Sword Art

Piercing Sun Spear Art

Demon\'s Absolution Halberd Art

Three incredibly powerful weapon techniques, and he had to execute them one after the other.

He didn\'t have a warhammer art yet but he could always improvise.

\'I can do this.\'

He spread his monstrous clawed feet into a wide but odd stance.

A seasoned warrior like Helios had an inkling of what Exedra was about to do, however he couldn\'t believe it.

It was nothing short of insanity.

He was sure this was about to go horribly wrong and his grandson was either going to end up falling on his face or ruining his muscles.

Either way, he would not intervene.

Sometimes the youth need to feel their folly with their own bodies.

Exedra began to gather energy into all of his weapons.

His spear began to glow an intense fiery red.

The sword became coated in a swirling dark mist.

The halberd shuddered as it seem to come alive with a dark malicious energy.

His hammer also thrummed and crackled with lightning.

Sensing danger, Tiamat put up a shield to defend herself and the group.

"Départ haineux."

As Exedra began his lethal dance, the bystanders found themselves unable to take their eyes off of him.

Audrina : "What is that movement?.."

Bekka : "It\'s so odd, yet it\'s incredibly graceful."

None of them had ever seen anything like it. Exedra was wielding four opposing elements simultaneously while also showcasing the most bizarre movements imaginable.

The momentum of his dance carried him forward and he finally clashed with his eager master.



Seras parried his spear with her own, but that could not stop the damage caused by his attack.

A huge trench was carved in the ground behind her, turning the soft green grass into scorched earth.

Seeing the damage caused by her student\'s attack, the vampire dragon became even more excited.

\'That could\'ve seriously hurt me! Maybe even killed me!\'

\'Thank the mother goddess, this is so fun! I never want this to stop!\'

Before she could goad her opponent for more, he shifted his feet rapidly and performed his sword art.

Seras was stunned that he was able to change weapon techniques so freely, yet her awe did not stop her from raising her spear to defend.



\'What the hell just happened?\' She wondered in disbelief.

As she stared at the point of contact between his weapon and hers, she realized she wasn\'t seeing things.

Her ancient spear that had been with her through so many battles had actually been cracked by a dragon who wasn\'t even 100 years old.

This was a legendary grade treasure!

Things of this nature don\'t just break!

Still reeling from the increasing power of each of his attacks, Seras was unprepared when Exedra\'s hammer came next, aimed at exactly the same spot as his previous sword strike.

Seras\' spear shattered instantly, however she had no time to be surprised or mourn the loss of her dear weapon.

The hammer\'s momentum continued and it slammed hard into her midsection.

For the first time, Seras was forced to cry out in pain as she flew back several feet.

Coughing out a mouthful of fresh blood, Seras knew that her ribs and internal organs had almost been ruined completely by that ferocious strike.

\'Monster! He\'s such a little monster!\' She thought gleefully.

Exedra gave her no time to recover and executed his last technique with a large distance between them.

He performed a vertical slash in the air with his menacing halberd and a wave of negative energy shot forth.

Seras was cleanly bisected and the energy blast continued on into the forest behind them, leveling several trees before the attack finally lost power and dissipated.

Only after Exedra saw Seras\' two halves separate did he snap back to reality.

Executing all of those attacks like that had required all of his focus and he had barely registered the actual battle.

He shuddered in horror when he realized what he\'d done.


He tried to rush forward, however his body had already been pushed well beyond its limit and he simply fell onto one knee.

Exedra looked back towards the spectators and saw that they hadn\'t taken their eyes off him.

"What are you guys doing!? She needs help!"

However, nobody moved.

They were still much too shocked.

From beginning to end, they had watched it all without blinking and yet it was still unbelievable.

Not only did Exedra use multiple combat arts without pause, he was also able to harm Antares\' most legendary soldier to such a degree.

Saying that this was the upset of a millennium would be an understatement.

Helios recovered faster than the others and simply pointed. "Brat, she\'s half vampire. She\'ll be fine."

Exedra looked back to see that Seras\' lower half had melted into a puddle of blood before it re-joined the rest of her body.

She quickly stood up and twisted her hips a few times to make sure that she was as good as new.

Seeing that he didn\'t kill his master, Exedra finally relaxed.

His transformation was undone and he immediately fell face first into the grass, exhausted.

As if that was what they needed to snap them out of their trance, Tiamat dispelled her barrier and they rushed to check on him.

Seras however was still unsatisfied. "Are you sleeping, you fuck!? Get up I\'m not done yet!!"

She prepared to rush forward and slap him awake but luckily, Helios was able to stop her.

He grabbed the small dragon by the scruff of her neck and lifted her up so that they were eye to eye. "Do you understand how much trouble you are when you act in this manner?"

Seras was unfortunately having none of it.

She was still too riled up.

"Put me down you crusty old cocksucker!!"

Helios\' gaze hardened and he tightened his grip on his subordinate\'s neck. "Seras."

The authoritative and fearsome manner in which he said her name seemed to snap her out of her bloodlust.

Realizing what she had done, Seras suddenly became meek and submissive. "P-Please forgive me my king! I-I simply forgot myself."

Helios rolled his eyes and dropped his warrior to the ground. "Yes, I know."

Truthfully, if anyone else had talked to Helios like that they would not be allowed to breathe for a second longer.

Luckily Seras\' value to Antares was high enough for him to overlook certain personality disorders.

"He\'s not waking up!" Lailah cried.

All of the girls were crouched around Exedra trying to check on their exhausted husband.

Audrina had some suspicions about the power her husband showcased and she decided to check just to be sure.

Unfortunately, it was just as she feared.

"He won\'t be waking up for a few days.. he damaged his soul." Audrina said painfully.

While the damage was minuscule at best, soul damage was nothing to sneeze at and he would be incapacitated for a while.

The girls didn\'t have to ask any further questions.

They all knew full well the condition Exedra\'s father was in and while his wasn\'t as severe, he would still need time to recover.

The problem was...

"A few days?! We will be attacked soon! We don\'t have a lot of time!" Lailah panicked.

"I\'m here aren\'t I?" Audrina added. "Do you think I will allow any harm to come to this place?"

Lailah prepared to relax, but Bekka\'s cold voice interrupted.

"No, you won\'t be fighting."


"While this may be your home, you\'re much too powerful. It wouldn\'t be fair."

She turned towards Lailah, Lisa and Valerie.

"We can\'t keep hiding behind the more powerful members of our family. If our husband

is unable to fight, then we will act on his behalf."

As the girls listened, they realized Bekka was right.

They couldn\'t let their husband always be the one to handle their burdens.

Helios silently noticed the resolve in the eyes of all of the women present.

\'He has chosen good women indeed.\'

With ferocious powers like the ones displayed tonight and wives like this to support him, Helios was certain his grandson would go far.

Provided they could survive the armies that were coming of course.

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