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Chapter 124 New Residents?

Chapter 124 New Residents?

No matter how much he screamed, begged or pleaded, Exedra did not relent and continued to purge himself of his anger.

At some point, the rest of the wives joined in to watch the spectacle and they were all staring with sparkling eyes.

If their husband were not so distracted he would\'ve noticed the thick scent of arousal wafting off of each of them.

Lailah : \'He\'s been going on for so long now but I don\'t want him to stop! This show is so exhilarating!\'

Lisa : \'I want to give him his third child! Maybe another girl? Or even a boy?\'

Valerie : \'That look in his eyes is driving me wild! I\'ll need to change my panties at this rate!\'

Audrina : \'Darling\'s body is covered in blood! I want to lick it off!\'

Bekka : \'My husband is so possessive! I feel so loved!\'

His wives were.. rather unaffected by the torture in front of them.

By now, Canis was regretting this entire venture.

He couldn\'t possibly take the treasure now that he knew it was in Exedra\'s possession.

The dragons were their largest benefactor so he didn\'t want to do anything to tick them off.

If Gnash was actually able to win the armor, he had planned to challenge him for it at a later date and then claim it.

But now, not only was he not going to get the legendary item, one of his best warriors was going to die soon as well.

This had turned into an incredibly wasteful use of time.

\'And why the hell is she here?!\'

Canis was currently staring at Audrina who had not taken her eyes off Exedra since she\'d arrived.

She was staring at him with such apparent lust that it made even Canis blush.

It had taken a while for him to notice her since she\'d immediately erased her presence upon arrival, but there was no mistaking it.

The queen of the vampires was ogling a young dragon who wasn\'t even a tenth of her age.

\'I need a drink…\'

Exedra had finally begun to calm down as he wriggled his hand around inside of Gnash\'s stomach.

"Hoh? Seems you\'re not as gutless as I thought." He muttered as he stared down at the broken man beneath him.

Gnash had long since stopped reacting to Exedra\'s torture and patiently waited for death.

His screams had become hoarse whispers and his tears had already dried up.

"Tch." Exedra cursed his earlier bloodlust.

In his haste to cause his enemy the most pain imaginable, he forgot that a mind can only bear so much torture before it breaks completely to protect the individual.

Gnash\'s punishment had ended way too soon.

"Maybe I should\'ve asked you what 1000 minus 7 was…" he muttered before lifting Gnash\'s limp body off the ground.

He stared into his empty, dead eyes that still contained traces of fear.


With a casual toss, Gnash was thrown high in the air above.

Exedra opened his mouth wide and a spew of purple flames shot out and enveloped Gnash\'s airborne body.

Within a few seconds his body had been completely reduced to ash and Exedra was receiving the standard messages from the system.

[ 1 WarWolf (Second stage) killed.

- 2,500 SC

- 2,000 XP

As the ashes of his enemy fell like fresh snow, Canis begrudgingly declared his victory.

"The contest is over! The demon lord has won!"

Cheers of applause erupted from the surrounding beastmen women.

However the men of the tribe simply clapped silently and cursed Gnash\'s weakness.

Stheno presented her lord his rightful armor and Bekka dove excitedly into his arms.

"You are mine." He growled possessively in her ear. The message appeared to be well received and she shyly buried her head into his blood soaked torso.

\'So jealous!\'

The rest of his wives did not linger behind and they all swarmed him as well.

After lingering in their embrace for a moment, he approached the leader of the Osa tribe.

"Your business is concluded. Take your people and leave this place."

Canis looked agitated with the way he was being treated but there appeared to be little he could do.

"We\'re going but.." he took a moment to look at the demon army in the sky and on the ground. "If this place is truly yours, you should know that the small number of demons you have here will not be enough to defend it in the coming weeks."

"I am touched by your concern." Exedra snorted.

What Canis was seeing was only half of his forces.

And even if they weren\'t, the Rabisu were more than strong enough to combat an army thrice their size.

Canis ground his teeth in frustration before turning his gaze to Bekka.

"I am glad to see that you are beginning to take after your mother, my daughter."

Those words seemed to catch Bekka off guard but she did not allow them interfere with her hatred. "You are not my father, and I have no mother."

Rather than being insulted that Bekka had rejected him, he was more upset that she rejected her mother\'s existence.

"Your mother was the greatest woman and warrior I have ever known. You may have your tantrum with me but you will not disrespect her memory." He growled.

Before Bekka could offer a single retort, Exedra\'s body began to leak an unholy pressure.

"Do you actually dare to order her.. in my presence?"

Canis released a low growl and swallowed his anger at this disrespect.

"My warriors! We\'re moving out!"

The Osa tribe obeyed his command and began to leave.

Or half of them did.

While all of the men turned around to leave, the women stayed behind and stared at Exedra with gazes filled with stars.

Canis finally noticed the women in his tribe were not leaving from where they stood. "The hell\'s the matter with you all? I said move out!"

The women ignored his command and instead came closer to Exedra.

"I wish to be your wife as well!"

"Please take me as your bride too!"

"I want to bear your children!!"

The outbursts went on and on.

Over forty women proposed to Exedra at one time, leaving him unexpectedly stunned.

He\'d always gotten a lot of attention from women but this was a new level of desire.

His wives were visibly furious.

Before there was a second bloodbath, Exedra patted each of his women on their heads to calm them down.

"What are you lot doing?! You cannot abandon this tribe!"

"Ryoko! You are already my mate!"

"Get over here Mariana and stop being a whore!"

The men of the Osa tribe were seething but none more so than Canis and his sons.

As the highest ranking members of the tribe, they of course had tasted over half of the women who were now trying to leave.

These women were abandoning everything they knew without a second thought for the idea of being loved by the man in front of them.

It was infuriating enough to to make them want to spit blood.

Before Exedra could tell the lot of horny women to fuck off, a sudden voice interrupted.

"Well, well! Looks like you\'re into something interesting again, Abbadon."

Descending slowly from the sky was the succubus Lusamine with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Interesting? More like annoying." Exedra rolled his eyes.

Lusamine figured that would be his response and smiled even wider as she landed in front of him and his wives.

"Do you trust me?" She suddenly asked.


"Good! Then leave this to me!"

She turned around to address the crowd of women who were currently ignoring their husbands.

"Ladies! Do you want to stay here and potentially bear a strong child?" She asked.

Every single one of them nodded and their tails began to wag furiously.

If they weren\'t interested in using him as a breeding bull, Exedra would\'ve found them cute.

They were like a herd of obedient puppies.

"Is this bitch offering them a chance to sleep with our husband?" Valerie asked dangerously.

"I\'ll kill her and them." Audrina said ominously.

The rest of his wives nodded in agreement and they all prepared to attack when Lusamine continued her speech.

"I can\'t promise you the chance to breed with my lord buttt if you prove yourselves useful to him, then maybe you can- Kyaa!"

Exedra grabbed the succubus by her blond hair and stared at her intensely.

\'What the hell are you doing?!\' He asked telepathically. \'You are going to get these women killed.\' If he didn\'t do it, he was sure his wives would.

He could already feel them building their mana for an attack.

\'You don\'t understand how your charm as a sin works! Because you did not suppress your aura of attraction you\'ve turned these women into complete thralls of lust! They\'ll do anything you say if they think it\'ll make you happy so let\'s use them!\'

\'Use them? For what?\'

\'When the incubus return they\'ll be able to drain much more vitality and strength from these women than they would with the humans we captured! Don\'t you want to make them stronger?\'

This reasoning did cause Exedra to pause.

Strength was key in life and even though the demons he\'d created were strong for their age, they would definitely struggle later on down the line.

\'But if they are thralls to me then they won\'t be able to sleep with other men.\' Exedra reminded her.

\'They will if you tell them it would make you happy! Just to see you smile these girls would stick their tits on an open flame!\'

Exedra released his grip on the sex demon and she looked to be slightly disappointed.

\'Aww.. just a little more and I would\'ve cum.\'

\'… I can still hear you, degenerate.\'

\'I know~\' she straightened her hair as she winked at him then returned to her speech.

"What do you say girls? Do you wanna stay in Luxuria with lord Abbadon?"

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