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Chapter 89 Grandparents?

Chapter 89 Grandparents?

Beelzebub : "We don\'t have time for you to eat him at your leisure!"

Belphegor : "Eat him quickly so that you can all go."

Leviathan : "Give me a piece."

Unfortunately, Exedra could no longer hear any of them.

As soon as the flesh touched his tongue, the dragon\'s soul was immediately broken.


100 years.

If you asked Exedra how long he felt like he was screaming out of his body, that would be his answer.

When his soul shattered he was immediately embroiled in the most insufferable pain imaginable.

It was seemingly never ending and his mind had long sense collapsed from the burden.

In the end as his soul felt like it would turn to dust in the void, he didn\'t even have the presence of mind to say goodbye to his loved ones or to profess his sincerest apologies.

"My sweet grandchild.. let me help you okay?"

Exedra slowly felt his consciousness being put back together again.

While the process was painful, it did not cause him nearly as much discomfort as it did when his soul was originally broken.

It felt like hours went by as his soul was slowly made whole again, piece by piece.

Suddenly a warmth began to spread through him and all of the pain he felt disappeared as if it were a dream.

He felt as if he was being pulled somewhere by some outside force and when his surroundings changed he found himself in a throne room in front of a red haired naked man and five women.

He could not see their faces, nor could he notice any details about his surroundings.

He tried to speak, and to ask them where he was but it proved to be of no avail.

One of the women came down from the steps of the throne and walked towards his floating soul.

She gingerly took him into her hands and brought him close to her face.

"What a naughty grandchild I have. You should know better than to try and cheat the rules gods have laid out."

"But I don\'t dislike that." A male voice spoke.

The red haired man slowly rose from the throne and Exedra gasped when he saw his wings.

They were truly unlike anything he\'d ever seen.

Unlike the white wings of an angel or the black ones of a demon, this man\'s were brilliantly vibrant and he could not tell what color they were.

In one moment they looked red, the next a bright cyan,and then an illustrious gold.

He was so captivated by the man in front of him, he did not even notice that the woman holding him was now holding him as if he were an offering.

The winged man took him into his hand and stared at him curiously.

"What an odd little mishmash you are."

"He is still our grandchild!" The woman protested.

"Of course he is Igrat my dear I did not mean to imply otherwise."

"Hmph, as long as you\'re aware husband."

The man chuckled before he turned his attention back to the flickering soul in his palm.

"A human that does not belong… a prince of the dragons and a future leader of the demons… Oh? Seems you\'ve even gotten old Maliketh\'s blessing. Such boundless potential."

Exedra got the same feeling from this being that he did when he was blessed by Maliketh.

He could hide nothing.

His life, his death, his hopes, his dreams, his sorrows, his joys.

They all felt like they were revealed in full display and he could do nothing but wait until the being found what he was looking for.

"Oh? Receiving help from a god of destruction and creation as well huh."

"What?!" Igrat was immediately alerted.

"What would one of those pesky gods want with my sweet baby?"

The man fought the urge to chuckle when he heard the way his wife was referring to their grandchild.

"Your sweet baby is responsible for the death of an entire city."

"So?" Igrat tilted her head as if she truly did not understand where the problem lie.

"I forgot who I was talking to."

The man chuckled before returning back to Exedra\'s soul.

"It doesn\'t seem like Yaldabaoth wanted to harm him, more so he plucked him from his old world for a greater purpose."

"I don\'t care about that, I just want him to stay away from this sweet boy!"

"Again, he-"

"I don\'t care!"

The man signed before he examined Exedra\'s soul once more. "Your potential is some of the most frighten I\'ve ever seen. Why mother allows something like you in her world is something I will never understand."

The man smiled and Exedra could barely make out his eyes that glowed an intense red. "Since she has no intention of interfering, let\'s have a little fun with this shall we?"

The man held out his other hand and a black orb with a purple symbol appeared.

"This is what you want right?"

Exedra tried to scream yes but it was to no avail, luckily it seemed like this man understood him anyway.

"But just this is.. so boring. " The man clicked his teeth in frustration.

"It was fine when I gave it to my children originally but I feel as though they\'ve lost their luster a bit throughout the centuries.


The woman suddenly let out an excited scream as she came to a horrifying idea.

"What if we combined it with the Rabisu?"

The man\'s ears twitched and he looked at his wife like she was a genius.

"Hey! I\'m never making you anything again you ungrateful bitch!" One of the women screamed from beside the throne.

"I-I\'ll make it up to you Lilith I promise!" Igrat flashed her a helpless smile.

"Hmph." Was her only reply before she turned away.

"But we cannot give him such a powerful army they would undoubtedly destroy the balance." The man reasoned.

"I\'ll just keep 95% of their power here and give them potential to grow?" Igrat looked at the man like it was obvious.

"Ha! An obvious solution indeed. "

Igrat brought out her own black ball with a much more jagged and demonic looking symbol and came closer to her husband.

"Shall we get started?"


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