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Chapter 81 What Awaits.

Chapter 81 What Awaits.

No one knows exactly where they came from or how long they've been alive.

All anyone knows is that they are all monstrously powerful and they act in accordance with the sin they are given.

Typically, they do not get along and they each lead their own factions centered around their ideals.

'More family huh..'

Since Exedra had come here to this world, he had yet to meet a member of his family that he disliked.

Despite that, he wasn't expecting for them to walk in to a warm welcome.

Demons are inherently chaotic and despite Eris telling him they wouldn't harm him, he knew she could never be 100% sure.

'But for that I have certain contingencies…' His eyes drifted to a specific part of the ship.

The main reason he agreed to go was because he desperately wanted to know more about his Grandson of Igrat skill and he knew the demon lords would be the best beings to ask.

He knew if he'd asked his mother to reveal his heritage the demon lords would come looking for him eventually.

Even if they didn't care about their brother, the temptation to have the first ever demonic dragon on their side was too great.

Throw in the 'blessing' from Asherah, he was a potential resource that was too valuable to ignore.

He was always going to go on this trip unbeknownst to Eris, Zheng, and Lusamine. The only reason he'd hesitated is because of their relation to his mother and because he didn't want to seem too eager to go.

"Is that really him?"

"Seems like it.."

"Gods I'm glad none of my wives are on board."

"He's handsome sure but he doesn't look nearly as scary as the rumors say."

"Surely they must've been exaggerating."

Exedra became aware of a few of the crewmen on the ship standing around eyeing him curiously.

While he'd gotten used to stares ever since his appearance changed, he couldn't help but notice they were seemingly sizing him up.

"Why… are they staring at me like that?" Exedra asked the group without turning around.

"Daddy is super famous!" Mira had a proud look on her face and looked at her daddy with sparkling eyes full of reverence.

"Am I?" This was certainly news to him.

"She's right honey." Lisa added with a warm smile. "Everyone has heard about the party a few months ago it's all people talk about."

Exedra was slightly surprised.

He figured the revelation of his heritage and the blessing would make some noise among the people as planned but this was a little out of his expectations.

"Didn't think people would care that much about who my father was."

"Huh?" Bekka's furry ears twitched in confusion. "Well that was certainly surprising but… nobody really talks about those things anymore."

"Hm?" Exedra was now utterly confused.

"The blessing?"


"What else is there?"

Now even Lailah was looking at her husband strangely. "You.. do you really not remember?"

"Was there anything else?"

Seeing their husband tilt his head in genuine confusion, each of the girls looked at eachother before shrugging.



"Our mistake."

'What odd women I'm married to.' Exedra stared at his wives before turning his gaze back towards the sea.

Valerie watched this entire scene with an expression of disbelief.

'Does he really not remember killing the young master of the SnowScales??'

Was the battle so insignificant to him that he didn't even bother committing it to memory?

Valerie started to wonder if the rumors about this man being extremely powerful weren't as exaggerated as she'd originally believed.

If only she knew that Exedra didn't possibly believe something as insignificant as Jeddah's execution would get the people talking so much.

It wasn't like it was some hard fought battle. Exedra won without even lifting a finger and he was sure none of them could've possibly understood how his spell worked so what was there to talk about?

Exedra and Mira soon walked around the ship while she excitedly told him about the stories going around about him, leaving the wives and Valerie to chat excitedly amongst themselves.

While she wasn't uncomfortable, the dwarven woman couldn't figure out why these women were being so nice to her and treating her like an equal.

From her experience royalty was supposed to be stuck up and haughty but everyone was so kind it was strange.

They seemed genuinely interested in her and the things she had to say and even her hobbies and experiences.

She was having so much fun chatting until Lailah brought up something that made her face hot and blood cold.

"So.. you want to marry him as well? Also you think you could handle him in bed? What a bold girl."

"I-I was just joking!… Hey what's with those pitying looks??"

Valerie's embarrassment disappeared immediately when she realized the three women were giving her looks like she had no idea what she was asking for.

She wasn't the kind of woman who'd back down from challenges!

She'd never been beaten at drinking and she'd never been beaten in bed!

"Well… we wouldn't mind you know." Bekka began.

It was clear she never thought she'd say these words but after the revelation of what she'd done for Mira, she found herself incredibly grateful to this person.

"Eh? Mind what?"

"If you wanted to marry him." Lailah finished.

"…Come again?"


Unbeknownst to Exedra his wives were once again discussing his love life but he was too focused on the sight in front of him to notice.

After almost two full days of being out at sea, he could finally see Samael on the horizon.

"Daddy?" Mira suddenly asked.


"Will there be lots of enemies here?"

A sadistic smirk spread on Exedra's face.

"I hope so."

Mira flashed her own joyful psychotic smile. "I can't wait!"

"Meow." (You're both fucking nuts.)

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