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Chapter 61 The Blood Dragon.

Chapter 61 The Blood Dragon.

Seras raised an eyebrow at the extra baggage before they both walked over towards the rest of the guards.

"Are you sure you want me to train you?" Seras asked in a voice full of skepticism.

Usually people begged for her NOT to train them and yet this handsome prince seemingly held no fear of her.

Was he mental?

Was he trying to get some alone time with her?

Did he not believe his grandfather would grant his request?

"I am. Are you not up for it?" Exedra asked in a flat tone that inadvertently caused all hesitation to leave her body.

\'Is he challenging me?!\'

He wasn\'t.

\'Did he actually dare to look down on me?!\'

He didn\'t.

\'Does he think just because he\'s handsome he can treat me like shit!\'

He doesn\'t.

\'I\'ll train him until he begs for death!\'

He was fucked.

Realizing he\'d made a mistake when he saw an intense red aura spreading across Seras\' body, he was going to apologize but stopped when a realization dawned on him.

Wouldn\'t it just make him better if she trained him with the intent to kill him?

Because of the information revealed at the party, Exedra knew his days were about to get very hectic sooner or later.

He needed to use every opportunity to better himself no matter how much pain he had to go through.

"Let\'s go somewhere a little more… private." Seras voice was incredibly deep and menacing and did not fit at all with her youthful looking appearance.

Before he could react, Seras appeared in front of him and they vanished from the space in an instant.

His wives seeing this were slightly worried but they had been informed by their husband prior to this that he would need this training in the days coming forward.

Even when he warned him that he might not return for a few days, they were sad but they did not resist him since they understood he was doing everything to better protect them.

Ultimately they trusted him not to die…. But it still wouldn\'t hurt to do something to distract themselves which is why they came to the training grounds.

"Alright let\'s do this." Bekka stretched her seductive body and loud cracks and pops were heard.

Lisa put on a determined expression before she walked towards one of the weapon racks along the wall.

Her husband, Lailah, Bekka and even Mira were all making great strides towards becoming more powerful and yet she was the only one who was stagnant!

Pretty soon her daughter was going to be able to beat her in a fight and she was only four!

Taking a deep breath, she picked up a four pronged spear from the wall before standing in front of the hellhound woman.

"Please teach me well."

\'Maybe if I do good, honey will praise me and ravage me again..\'

"Sure, let\'s have fun!"

\'Maybe if I teach her well, husband will fight me and fill me after!\'

Both girls were… extremely motivated.


With a flash, Exedra and Seras appeared in the middle of a flat mountain range near the territory of the bloodflame clan.

The area was completely barren for several miles and there were several wide canyons made by Seras when she was \'training.\'

Shoving the young dragon away from her, Seras began making preparations to make this training space suitable for her.

"Spatial lock." The ancient dragon muttered a single spell under her breath before her body flashed with a blue light that quickly vanished.

"Do you believe I\'ll run away?" Exedra asked, confused over why she would use a spell to negate his teleportation.

"Mana domination." Ignoring him, Seras casted another restriction spell.

Exedra suddenly felt as if he could no longer use his spells and his hypothesis was confirmed by the system.

< Hosts mana is being forcibly suppressed by the individual Seras Bloodflame.

< Alert! Mana is too pure to be devoured.

< Restriction cannot be lifted.

He could only gnash his teeth in anger.

Mana domination is a spell that uses the users own mana to forcibly dominate the targets mana and negate their use of spells.

Exedra found it incredibly disrespectful that she dared to \'dominate\' him in any kind of way and temporarily forgot why he was here.

He felt as if Seras was sneering at his existence!

It didn\'t matter if the distance between the two was as wide as the gap between heaven and earth.

His pride as a dragon had been stepped on!

His very blood cried for retribution!

Exedra opened his mouth wide to reveal rows of teeth sharper than blades and shot out a blast of black and purple flames toward Seras.

Even though he couldn\'t use his magic, his skills were a natural part of his body and thus he could still use them freely.

Seras\' anger disappeared immediately when she saw this dragon who wasn\'t even 100 years old dared to attack her.

Amused, she did not move an inch from where she stood and let the flames hit her full on.


The flames exploded on contact and all Exedra could see was a thick smoke, but he was not foolish enough to believe he\'d killed her but he atleast hoped he\'d shown her he was not a force to be looked down on.

When the smoke cleared, Exedra\'s anger skyrocketed when he saw the vampire dragon hybrid didn\'t have a single injury on her and was actually covering her mouth like she was trying not to laugh!

"*snicker* Pfft… I\'m sorry give me a minute here…. HAHAHAHA!!!"

"You bitch!" Exedra roared.

He\'d never been so angry in his life!

Not even when he was beaten on the street in his last life did he feel as humiliated as he did now.

"HAHAHAHA THAT WAS REALLY GOOD YOU WERE THIIIIS CLOSE TO BEING ABLE TO SINGE MY HAIR!" she held up her fingers to show the exaggerated tiny difference.

"You dare laugh at me?!" Black electricity began to crackle along Exedra\'s claws and fingers.



Seras simply snapped her fingers and Exedra\'s face twitched in confusion before his body began to heat up.

"Feel that? " Her mocking tone from before was no longer present and she now seemed like a real instructor.

Seras had used her blood affinity to literally boil Exedra\'s blood. His insides were currently being cooked and he was having difficulty even standing.

"You\'re too angry. Dragons are naturally prideful so that makes us easy to manipulate and incite." She walked towards the trembling man as she spoke.

"Where is the deadly calm young man I saw at the party? Is the trampling of your pride all it takes for you to fly into a rage?"

All the while she was speaking, she was circling Exedra eyeing him as he stood motionlessly with sweat dripping from every pore of his body and his eyes glowing furiously.

"So the first lesson will be inner discipline mixed with a little bit of punishment and a buildup of your pain threshold!"

Coming to a stop in front of Exedra her childlike face showed a wide cheeky grin. "I won\'t aim for your heart so try not to die okay, little prince?"

In the next second, Exedra\'s blood began to harden and formed sharp tendrils that pierced through his body.

His eyes bulged when he felt the worst pain imaginable.

Pain resistance barely helped, as the agony he felt in every corner of his body was almost unbearable but he would never allow this crazy loli to see him be so weak.

Inwardly pleased that Exedra had managed not to scream, she took her focus off of him and instead picked up her large red spear and began drawing pictures on the ground. "Meditate like that for a while okay I\'ll check on you whenever I remember to."

With that, blood began to pool on the ground around Exedra until it rose up above him and encased him in a small bright red dome.

"Now… should I take a nap when I\'m done with my picture?"

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