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Chapter 59 The Key To His Heart.

Chapter 59 The Key To His Heart.

"Grandmother who is the pretty sleeping lady?" Mira asked with a confused expression.

Yara turned to her granddaughter and scooped her up into her arms before making introductions. "Well Mira this is Audrina Sanguine, my oldest friend and the current vampire queen."

Expecting her granddaughter to be surprised or even amazed she was surprised when Mira instead squinted her eyes and stared hard at the sleeping lady.

"Why is the vampire queen sleeping in our garden like a homeless lady?"

"Because she\'s an idiot."

"Ohh…" Mira nodded as she forever learned to associate the vampire queen with idiocy and homelessness.

A mischievous glint flashed in Yara\'s eye as she got an amusing idea.

"My sweet granddaughter do you want to wake her up?"

Yara whispered the plan in Mira\'s ear and she nodded her head in agreement.

Mira held her hands out and materialized two snowballs with her new powers.

Yara shook her head silently when she saw her daughters powers again.

When she sensed the aura of a noble dragon from her so suddenly, she thought she might\'ve been mistaken but later that night her son confirmed that he\'d given her a priceless treasure.

His only request was that she keep the secret from Lisa until he could give her one as well and Yara could only absentmindedly nod her head.

Where was her son getting all these treasures from?!

Sadly he didn\'t seem to intend to give her an answer anytime soon.

Mira handed a snowball to her grandmother, and prepared to throw the other one herself.

"1.." Yara began.



Both girls threw snowballs towards the deeply sleeping woman.


Mira\'s snowball hit her right between her boobs, effectively waking her.

"W-what is thi-"


Yara\'s snowball hit her directly in the face, effectively silencing her.

"We did it!" The two exchanged a high five in celebration while their target was fuming.

She was having a good dream about her time with Exedra and these two had actually ruined it!

Wait… wasn\'t Yara the one she needed the most right now?

"Ahem, I\'m actually glad to see you Yara. I need to talk to you about something." She said as she wiped the snow from her face and breasts.

Yara gave her friend a confused look.

This wasn\'t the reaction she was expecting at all.

Curious about what could be causing her friends strange behavior, she hurriedly sat down and pulled Mira into her lap.

"How do I… make your son fall in love with me?.." she asked in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

The more she thought about it the more she realized that Exedra having sex with her was completely different than what she saw with his wives.

While she was satisfied, there also was a part of her that felt slightly empty and unfulfilled.

It felt like something was missing, some small part that she\'d somehow neglected and skipped over.

It was then that she\'d remembered he said only his wives would get the real thing.

This led to her asking Yara how to win her son\'s heart!

She wanted that same ultimate transcendental pleasure that his wives received along with a sense of fulfillment after.

Yara and Mira blinked several times when they heard Audrina\'s question.

Mira turned her head towards her grandma. "Can Mira kill her?"

"I\'m not sure yet." Yara responded dryly.

"Mira\'s mommies would want me to kill her."

"I know dear but let\'s see what she has to say first."

Audrina felt like a vein was going to burst in her forehead. She was being serious you know!

"I\'m serious! I want to know how to make him fall in love with me."

Yara stared at her friend for a moment before she closed her eyes and began to stroke Mira\'s hair. "I don\'t believe you can. " She finally said.


Yara sighed before she began to explain. "You didn\'t care about Exedra in the slightest before his appearance changed. Now you suddenly want to know the key to winning his affection because he\'s handsome?"

"T-that\'s-" Audrina began but Yara wasn\'t done.

"While I can admit physical appearance plays a large role in relationships, if it\'s all they are based on then it\'s nothing more than a fallacy. And that is what I\'ve always taught my son to believe."

"The reason he loves his current wives so much is because they tried to establish a relationship with him before he changed, but he was too afraid to do it. Even when he had nothing and was nothing, they reached for him all the same."

"B-but what about his newest wife!" Audrina asked as she held onto a glimmer of hope that she could win him over.

Mira\'s ears perked up when she realized they were now talking about her birth mother and she too turned to look at Yara with curious eyes.

"Now Lisa… I\'m not sure." She said.

"See! I still-"

"But I can tell you from my eyes, it seems like he fell in love with her because she reminds him of who he used to be or more specifically who he\'s running away from. She\'s fearful and shy just like he used to be. For the first few days she was here she constantly worried her presence was unwanted or that we would look down on her. "

"It took a lot of reassurance from me and the castle staff but eventually she was able to relax and start treating this place as her home and her wonderful personality began to flourish and captivate all. Her personality was so warm and inviting I\'m sure he must\'ve realized that Lisa would\'ve treated him exactly the same if they\'d met prior to his transformation. "

Audrina wore a slightly crestfallen expression but still Yara continued, "His loyalty to his wives who would still love him even if he lost all of his looks and power is absolute."

"You of all people should understand how rare it is to find someone who would stand by you through anything, even if you lost everything."

Audrina wore a crestfallen expression.

The first man she\'d met in thousands of years who she couldn\'t captivate actually ended up being the one she\'d least suspected and the one she wanted the most.

Anytime she was around him just a whiff of his scent was enough to override her pride and make her want to submit to this man.

And now her friend was telling her there was no hope?

It should\'ve been enough to drive her into despair.

But the will of a being thousands of years old is not so easily broken.

Audrina suddenly gave Yara a warm smile that caught her completely off guard.

"Thank you Yara… I think I understand what I need to do now."

Before Yara could ask what the smile was for, Audrina\'s body exploded into a cloud of bats and she flew away.

Yara and Mira watched her fly away until their eyes could no longer see her before Mira turned to her grandmother once more. "She\'s not going to be Mira\'s new mommy right?"

Yara was about to tell Mira of course not but stopped when she remembered the smile on her friend\'s face.

As long as they\'d been friends she\'d never seen a smile like that one before.

"I don\'t know pumpkin. We\'ll have to wait and see."

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