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Chapter 48 Mending Fences & Dropping Bombs

Chapter 48 Mending Fences & Dropping Bombs

Behind his back were nine silver tails swaying rhythmically with his every step.

\'So he evolved again huh.\' Yara\'s thoughts were full of disdain as she stared at one of the people she hated most in all of Dola.

Standing behind him were two of Bekka\'s older brothers and another unknown beastkin man.

Perhaps by coincidence, Queen Sei had just managed to escape from her crowd of bootlickers and was making her way over to Yara at the same time as Canis.

Audrina flashed an amused smile as she realized what was about to happen.

Of course if things got too heated she\'d step in and stop her friend but for now? She wanted to watch her struggle for a bit.

Sei : "I am pleased to see you are in good health Yara."

Canis : "As am I"

Canis and his sons offered a small bow since naturally their status was much lower than the two women present.

Yara smiled faintly before proceeding to lie right through her teeth.

"I\'m glad you both could make it."

\'You should\'ve died on the way here.\'

"It\'s wonderful to see the two of you again I haven\'t seen you since the wedding."

\'All I want to see are the contents of your skulls.\'

"I apologize, but running a kingdom does tend to keep one terribly busy." Sei put on an apologetic expression that could fool anyone besides Yara and Audrina.

"Our tribe has gotten many more mercenary jobs over the years thanks to the Draven family influence so we have been quite busy as well." Compared to Sei, Canis actually seemed sincere but Yara knew he didn\'t have any desire to see his daughter either.

"You\'re looking lovely as well Audrina." Sei had finally decided to acknowledge the presence of the vampire queen who had been watching this whole exchange with a bored expression.

"Aren\'t I always?" Was her disinterested reply.

Canis snickered while Sei tried her best not to respond to such an obvious provocation.

"Still as unscrupulous as ever I see."

"Eat a di-"

"It is my highest honor to introduce to you…"

The voice of the announcer interrupted what was sure to be a war of words between the two rulers.

Yara narrowed her eyes when she heard the excited tone of the announcer and knew what was about to come next.

"From the Draven royal family…"

"The first Prince of Antares, Iori Draven!"

Thunderous applause broke out inside the ball room.

Seeing one member of the royal family was rare enough but TWO?!

These people were in complete awe.

A man wearing glittering red armor that left his chest exposed was walking through the crowd.

No one dared to get too close and risk this man\'s ire so they simply wished him good health from a distance.

He was divinely handsome with long white hair and intense red eyes. On the left side of his head was a single curved red horn.

When his eyes landed on his sister, they softened a bit before he walked towards her.

Everyone immediately sucked in their breath.

The reason why it was almost impossible to see two members of the royal family together up close, was because they did not get along.

As far as the public knew, King Helios\' three children hadn\'t spoken in years.

The truth wasn\'t that far off.

While it was true that there was a time when the royal family was in great turmoil, that was before Princess Yara went missing several years ago.

After she returned, her relationship with her first brother improved if only slightly.

Whether it was the guilt of driving his sister away or the realization that it wasn\'t her fault that her mother was the only woman their father ever loved, who can say?

They had a long chat when she returned home after being missing for several years and fences began to be mended.

Apologies were said but that was all.

They didn\'t become the best of friends.

They still had never even hugged.

The last time he saw his nephew was when he was still a baby.

All that was left between them was the hope that one day they could forgive and forget.

Yara needed time to heal and Iori respected that.

Dragons live extremely long lives after all.

So now the oldest child and the youngest child were about to exchange words for the first time in seventeen years.

Yara was in inner turmoil.

She wasn\'t even sure her brother would come when she sent the invitation, but now he was here and walking towards her.

Suddenly she felt someone grab her hand and instinctively knew that it was Audrina trying to get her to relax.

When he stood in front of her, there were a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

The servants working the party sighed inwardly as they were certain that a fight was going to break out between two evolved and they\'d have to clean it.

"You look well sister." Iori finally spoke.

Yara took a deep breath and composed herself.

She wasn\'t a child anymore.

He wasn\'t either.

They could try to be normal siblings for once…right?

"You look…scary." Yara finally said.


"Who wears battle armor to a birthday party?"

Iori looked down at his attire and scratched his cheek slightly in embarrassment. "Ah.. you know I\'ve always felt more comfortable in things like this."

"Really how childish." Yara scoffed but inwardly she was enjoying this feeling of playfully mocking her brother.

Seeing that the two siblings were in fact getting along the other party goers returned to their usual business.

Sei, Canis and Audrina silently excused themselves while the servents put the brooms they had picked up back down and continued serving.

"So… brother\'s not coming?" Yara asked after another round of uncomfortable silence.

Iori sighed heavily like he\'d already expected this. "No… sorry sister he\'s still-"

"It\'s fine." Yara interjected. "Even if he doesn\'t come he\'ll certainly hear about it."

Iori was quite perplexed that his sister had gotten over it so quickly and didn\'t seem to be very upset.

And what did she mean he would hear about it?

"Does it have something to do with the announcement you\'re supposed to make?"

Instead of answering Yara wore a shit eating grin. "Wouldn\'t you like to know?"

"I would yes that\'s why I asked."

"Tough shit."

"Such unsavory language for a Princess!" Iori put on a fake shocked expression as if he couldn\'t imagine those words coming out of his sisters mouth. "Where did you learn to speak like that?"

"Are you joking? You and brother Rekka called me bitch so much I thought it was apart of my name until I was four!" Yara frowned.

Iori hurriedly turned away when he heard stories of how he used to behave in the past. "Ahem, yes well… I\'m sorry for that." The proud fire dragon had a small blush and wore an apologetic expression.

Yara chuckled before she linked arms with her brother. " I know, it\'s fine so let\'s go get a drink."

Her brother immediately perked up when he heard the word drink.

Dragons love alcohol almost as much as they love treasure, and because of that love they were able to routinely trade wine and ale with the dwarven continent and maintain an amicable relationship.

King Helios and king Inhel are also drinking buddies.

Before they could reach the bar, the voice of the announcer rang out for the final time.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I please have your attention…"

"It\'s time.." Yara said with a smile.

"Hm? Time for what?" Iori asked.

"The answer to your question."

Iori figured he wasn\'t going to get a clearer answer than that so he chose to watch and wait.

"Accompanied by his wives and daughter…"

Sei / Canis / Audrina : \'Daughter?!\'

Sei : "I\'m a grandmother?"

Canis: "I\'m a grandfather?"

Audrina : "That weak little brat actually has the energy for sex?"

"The son of the first princess of Antares, Yara Draven…"

Yara knew what was about to come next, but she showed no reaction.

If her son hadn\'t asked for this, she wouldn\'t have obliged but since he did she complied.

"And the demon lord of lust, Asmodeus Morningstar…"


"The demons?"

"Is that where she went all those years ago?"

"Isn\'t he dead?"

"An incubus huh… no wonder I couldn\'t woo her."

"I don\'t think that\'s why Lotan.."

Naturally, the room erupted into murmurs and whispers.

Iori was slightly surprised but chose not to comment on this revelation.

Although he wanted to know more he decided to let his sister tell him on her own.

"The Fourth prince of Antares, Exedra Draven!"

The crowd quickly recovered from their shock due to the bomb that had just been dropped and erupted in applause.

Though not as much as when Iori entered, it was still an adequate response.

This man was the reason they were there after all.




Exedra and his family finally stepped out into the room and the room which was filled with applause a second ago became deadly silent.

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