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Chapter 36 The Dangers Of Entering A Dungeon.

Chapter 36 The Dangers Of Entering A Dungeon.

I don\'t think I\'ll ever be fully comfortable with talking about things like this in front of my mother but given how open she and Bekka are, I should probably start trying.

Mother looked at me proudly before she began to laugh. "Fufufu you\'re your father\'s son alright, I remember that look vividly! One time we were on a beach in the vampire continent and- "

"Okay! Well we gotta go now." I hurriedly cut her off before she gave me nightmares.

Plus Mira was here too!

What if she traumatized her?

Bekka and I hurriedly said our goodbyes before we immediately departed the castle.

The dungeon was about 40 minutes away by carriage so we decided to fly and save some time.

I carried Bekka in my arms like a Princess and we flew off above the clouds.

We\'d been flying through the sky for about 20 minutes when Bekka suddenly spoke.

"Hey, I\'ve been meaning to ask but aren\'t you more handsome today?"

"Excuse me?" I had no idea where this was coming from.

I looked in the mirror this morning and I didn\'t look any differently.

"I didn\'t notice when you woke us up because I was so tired but when I saw you again later I was so surprised that I would\'ve jumped on you if you were alone."

\'Is she just acting like this because she likes having sex with me?\'

"But now since we are alone I can show you just how attracted to you I am." She wore a mischievous smile that nearly made me give in but I held firm.

"Come on Bekka we have to conquer the dungeon today."

"Then I should make sure you finish quickly right?" She whispered softly before she buried her face in my neck and licked me all the way up to my ear.

This girl is really…

And so, the trip that should\'ve taken us 30 minutes, took an hour instead.

….I blame her.


General POV

The Dungeon of Black Winter was located at the foot of a large mountain to the west of the castle.

The opening looked like a large cavern with a glowing black portal at the entrance.

Currently, their was no one around except for a few guards who were assigned to keep out certain unsavory visitors.

The guards were making idle chitchat and gambling while they were on duty.

This was a medium difficulty dungeon and barely anyone comes here so they could do stuff like this no problem.

A party of about sixty entered earlier and there was a betting pool over how many of the members would come out alive.

"Those bastards were way too cocky I\'ll bet two hundred and fifty gold only ten come out alive!"

"Ten? My aren\'t we feeling generous today."

"I bet that hot girl used half of those guys as a meat shield."

"I\'d let her use me too."

"This is why you\'re fucking single. Women can smell that desperation on you."


"He\'s right Ko."

"Fuck you guys, what do you know anyway!"

The group of guards all looked at each other and wondered if they should point out that they all had at least one wife but seeing that their friend was getting upset, they elected not to comment.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, six flashes of blue light appeared and when they vanished a person took its place.

There were five men and one woman.

All appeared to be humans with badly damaged armor and various injuries.

While nothing appeared to be life threatening, their were numerous cuts and bruises on each of them.

"Ha! I bet six or less! Pay up fuckers!"

"God damn it!"

"Lucky son of a bitch!"

"Shit I\'ll be eating bread for the rest of the month…"

The adventures who\'d just come out naturally weren\'t paying much attention to the gambling of the guards behind them and were instead focusing on their own internal struggles.

" Damn it Maki! What was the point of bringing a god damn dual element mage if all you were going to do was be fucking useless!"

"Hey! She tried her best alright!"

"You shut the fuck up Jackson! All she\'s good for was a mediocre fuck and keeping a few low level ice wolves away! What good is that if an eight foot yeti comes to stomp our skulls in!? We lost over fifty men!"

"I\'m getting real sick of you talking about her like that!"

"Yea! I tried my best alright! They had artifacts that weakened my light and fire element so I couldn\'t heal you guys or use any real firepower!" The young blond haired woman with bright green eyes finally spoke up to defend herself.

The one who seemed to be the leader of the group, a man known as Sekkar didn\'t respond to Maki and instead looked at the young man fiercely defending her.

"Oi. Get a fucking grip. You think you\'re the only one in the guild she\'s sucking off?"

The other two men, who had been watching all of this with disinterested faces, suddenly started looking around as if they found all of the surrounding trees and dirt very interesting.

"W-what do you mean?" The young man named Jackson asked warily.

He was undoubtedly the youngest in the troop and the least talented, but he was smart and came from a prominent family in the human continent.

"J-Jackson don\'t listen to him he\'s lying!"

Maki was visibly sweating now.

Of course as a rare dual element mage she had a lot of influence and connections but there were certain things she could only gain by marrying into a big family.

Jackson was the perfect solution to her problems.

He was well mannered so he wasn\'t overly forceful and could be manipulated easily.

He also wasn\'t her type at all so she was free of any sort of emotional attachment to him.

"Oh? Then I shouldn\'t know about those three moles on your left butt cheek should I?"

Jackson\'s face immediately darkened.

"You.. you\'ve seen her naked?"

"Me and half the guild \'Prince Charming\'." Sekar sneered.

"J-Jackson I-" Maki stammered.

She had to save this operation no matter what!

This was her true ticket into high society!

Jackson didn\'t even look at Maki and instead turned towards the other two injured guys who had yet to say anything.

"Tristan? Cahal?"

They both looked at eachother briefly before they turned towards him and nodded slightly.

Jackson said nothing and instead stood up and winced in pain before he began hobbling away.

"Jackson I can explain!" Maki scrambled to get up and began to follow him but Jackson raised a single hand to stop her.

"I can\'t believe I ever loved someone like you." His tone was incredibly cold and full of malice.

"I knew it, I should\'ve proposed to Isabelle instead. I just hope it isn\'t too late." He muttered the last part before he once again hobbled away.

"I-Isabelle? That slutty bar owner?! I\'m leagues better than her!"


Jackson finally struck Maki with a blow to the face that sent her tumbling back to the ground. "Keep her name out of your filthy mouth."

Jackson began to kick and throw punches at the woman, incredibly infuriated that she had the nerve to call someone else a slut.

Interestingly enough, the guards were not paying any attention to this scene, symbolizing that they were actually quite used to dramatic scenes like this.


Suddenly, everyone present witnessed the sight of a man with four black wings on his back descending from the sky with a woman in his arms.

They landed directly in between the guards and the battered adventurers.

The woman hoped out of the man\'s arms and stretched her body "Ah we finally made it!"

"Would\'ve taken less time if we didn\'t take that little detour my love."

The woman hearing this smiled brightly before she seductively walked towards the man with her tail wagging in the air.

"Oh? Did my husband not enjoy our detour? You certainly sounded like you did."

Instead of answering the man wrapped his arm around the woman and pulled her close. "Of course I did." He said before he delivered her a passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds.

The pair were naturally, Bekka and Exedra.

The two had finally arrived at their destination after a rather explicit detour and immediately began to feed the people around them dog food.

Everyone seeing this was naturally stunned.

Who were these guys?

The man was obviously a dragon but why was he so damn handsome?

Who is this strange beastkin woman? She\'s beautiful but I\'ve never seen a race like hers before!

The reactions of all of the men present ranged from jealousy over Exedra\'s looks and the woman in his arms to questioning their own sexuality.

Only the young blond haired woman Mika saw Exedra and immediately concocted a plan.

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