
Chapter 438 438

Chapter 438 438

Although at the start Candice still continued to hold onto the hope that she would be able to suede the people into wanting to buy her things soon turned out to be the exact opposite of that.

Even though at the beginning it seemed as though there were only a few individuals that were openly showing their support for the Smiths.

soon ENOUGH THAT changed. As more and more people began to get brave and made the decision to stand up for themselves. More people took on the initiative that they no longer wanted to be associated with the browns or the Davis families.

They could now see clearly that they weren\'t after the interest of the people but rather for their own.

They realized that they Had been wrong for turning their attention away from the Smiths before and they saw now that the one that they should have been buying from were them.

If there were any people that they should have been doing their best in order to avoid then it was the browns and Davis. They could also see now that the governors and the princess weren\'t trying to help them out either.

They were only getting involved for their own interests and they didn\'t care for the interests of the people. The realization was one that brough them pain as they came to realize the reality of the fact.

And that was the reason why they knew that it was best of them to associate with the Smiths instead.

Zach was right and the key to the success of one of the companies was for them to be. Able to win the interest and the affection of the people because it was the one thing that would pay off in the end.

At the beginning it may have seemed as though they were following a lost cause but after some time they had come to learn that was far from the truth and that the people were the ones who came to decide in the end which business it was that came out on top.

And also they decided which ones ended up coming crashing down.

And as for the Smiths art that very moment their own business was booming and it was growing. Much faster than any of them had ever imagined.

The people had completely turned thewier attention away from the other competitors and they were only interested in buying from the Smiths.

They saw them as a group of individuals who were intent on helping them and they wouldn\'t do anything in order to cheat them or to do anything wrong.

They would be doing whatever they could for the benefit of the people and that was why it was that same group of people that they were concerned about were the ones who had been intent on helping them out.

But despite the fact that the people no longer cared for the princess they didn\'t dare to say it out loud.

Although they knew for a fact that if they were to speak up more and stand upright out against her they would get punished,.

They knew that they couldn\'t risk that and so they would have to keep their support or the Smiths a secret.

However most of them had still managed to withdraw their support for the princess. They were starting to see her real colors and they were not interested in getting involved in her war with the Smiths.

She was risking them just so that she could win as battle that she had started.

They would no longer find excuses for her behaviors and that was why they had turned their support the other way and had decided to support the Smiths.

Although they knew that they had to do it in secretly but the secrets wouldn\'t stay hidden for long as it as clear that they were starting to buy more from the Smiths and their stocks were slowly rising back up.

The stocks of the princess however wasn\'t going up as it seemed as though she wasn\'t getting any more customers withing the city and the people weren\'t too keen on buying from her.

Candice soon came to realize what was going on.

She could see that she had lost the hold that she had on the people and they were no ;longer interested in following her every command. Instead they seemed to turn their attention instead towards the Smiths.

She had tried to get their attention back on her by offering less work hours but it was too later for that as the people had already lost trust in her and the governors.

She knew that she couldn\'t use fear in order for her to do her best to force them back into her fold.

She knew that it would be able to work for a short time on some but there were those that wouldn\'t bend to her will.

She had already tried everything that was within her power which she possibly could and nothing seemed to be working,.

This was the one thing which left her completely helpless as well as frustrated.

She didn\'t like the fact that she was losing and the fact that Zach was the one that had the upper hand.

However it. Didn\'t matter how hard she tried to deny it or for her to pretend as though that wasn\'t what was going on she knew that was the truth.

Zach had won against her in this battle and she had lost.

And if she didn\'t stop the fight right now then she would have lost the people entirely.

She knew that wasn\'t something that she could risk happening. She didn\'t want to risk losing all of the people as she knew that it wouldn\'t look good for her.

She had to stop right. now and focus on winning back the people which she had lost.

She also knew that she couldn\'t go after Zach now. The people had been turned to his side and she knew that been if she were to give orders against him they wouldn\'t be enforced.

The last thing that the people wanted was for them to go against Zach and she knew that they wouldn\'t do anything that would cause him harm or that would hinder his business.

The power as well as the control that she once had on the people was slipping right through her finger and there was nothing that she could do about it.

Instead she was left helpless.

Her city was falling apart and she was quickly losing control; of it with each day that passed. She was forced to watch from the sidelines as everything around her fell apart and she knew that there was nothing that she could do about it.

She couldn\'t believe how she had gotten to this point. She had thought that she was smarter than this and that she was able to outsmart Zach.,

After all she had seen many like him fall because of their ego however she didn\'t understand how he had managed to play and outsmart her.

The fact that she wasn\'t able to have any control of the situation and she felt as though it was falling apart was the one thing that left Candice frustrated more than ever.

She thrived on the fact that she knew that she was able to have control and yet now she felt as though she was losing it all.

Sher couldn\'t help but groan in frustration at the very thought as she tugged on her hair and ran an angry handover her face.

She couldn\'t allow him to win in the bigger picture. She wouldn\'t be able to live with herself if he did.

He may have seemed strong at the moment but she was much stronger than him in the long run both mentally and physically and she was going to make sure that he didn\'t win in the ,long run.

She wasn\'t one to give up and simply because she had met a bump in the road it didn\'t mean that she was ready to throw in the towel and give it all up.

Sher wasn\'t done until she had so herself and she was far from it.

She was determined and she was stubborn and one of the things that she hated and it irritated her the most was when she got upstaged and that was something that she wasn\'t going to stand for.

Despite Candice\'s own loses and thefact that she had played a losing game against Zach for the rest of the Byzantium people things were looking good for them.

Under the control of Zach the economy of the city was goring at an alarming rate and it was as though all of the troubles that the Smiths had been facing seemed to vanish.

Zach was making a lot of money for the Smiths and the city as well and he was also providing opportunities for the people to make money as well.

He wasn\'t only helping himself and the Smiths but he was helping the people as well as the city at large.

He was considered a hero and the people felt as though they were indebted to him. They felt as though he was the one who had saved them and they wouldn\'t have been able to make it this far without him.

For that fact they were beyond grateful and they were able to see all the good things that he had done for them.

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