
Chapter 419 419 The Goal

Chapter 419 419 The Goal

Bruce shook his head at him in response. "That is the thing we aren\'t able to sell our sugar because most of the people are buying from Davis and Brown. They don\'t seem to care that we have significantly lowered our prices. That is not a problem for them. They want theirs. So what do you think we are supposed to do now. Yes we are making sugar but what does it matter when no one is wanting to buy it." He cried out.

Zach remained calm as he shrugged his shoulders at him in response. "well then we are going to have to keep the sugar in storage. It is as simple as that." Her said to him calmly.

"What do you mean that we are going to just have to keep it in storage." Bruce asked with a narrowed brow. "Well sugar has a long shelf life which means nothing will happen to it if we keep it stored."

Bruce was confused by how calm he was however he chose not to say that out loud to him. 

"You see you don\'t have anything for you to worry about. Everything is going to be fine." He said to him calmly as he brushed off his words.

Bruce however narrowed his eyes and he knew for a fact that she shouldn\'t have been that calm.

Everything seemed to be falling apart around them and if there was anyone else that was in their position they would be freaking out. And so it left him unnerved by how calm he was.

 He guessed that there had to haver been something that he wasn\'t telling him because it seemed that there was something that wasn\'t adding up.

Zach must have been able to come up with as solution or along term plan and he knew for sure that it had nothing to do with keeping the sugar on the shelf.

"What exactly are you planning." He asked Zach as he turned to look over at him with a raised eyebrow. Zach let out a sigh form his lips as he shook his head at him.

"I don\'t know what you are talking about. There really is nothing." He said to him adamantly.

However Bruce wasn\'t entirely convinced. Although he knew better than to judge or to try and push him any further.

"I guess that I will just have to believe you." Bruce muttered and Zach hummed nodding his head at him in response.

Although he knew that he could trust Bruce and he could tell him about his plan, he could never fully tell who it was that was listening in and so he had to keep everything to himself.

If he wanted his plan to succeed then hie would have to do it on his own.

The best way for him to get things done was for him to do things on his own and not try to get others involved in his matters.

His goal was to take princess Candice down in the long run and if it meant that he had to let her win a few of their battles then that was what he had to do.

But he knew that in the long run that he was the one who ended up coming out on top.

She was going to have to watch her back because when he took her down she would be completely destroyed.


Compelled by the circumstances, Zach found himself in a position where he had to defer the release of the sugar his industry had manufactured, awaiting an opportune moment to sell it at a more lucrative margin. Despite having a well-thought-out plan, the execution of his strategy required some time and careful preparation. 

In the ruthless market dynamics, where competition constantly engaged in price wars with him, the decision to withhold the sugar stock was a carefully calculated strategic move. 

By temporarily holding back the product, Zach aimed to create scarcity as Candice\'s industry was far from enough to meet the needs of the entire city let alone the produce that was being dispatched to other cities for sale, turning it into a sought-after commodity. 

Hoarding the stock also served as a means to counteract the aggressive pricing strategies of the princess, preventing a premature race to the bottom. 

This deliberate scarcity could also potentially give Zach the leverage to dictate terms when he finally entered the market again with bountiful produce in his possession. 

It was a tactical maneuver to secure not just short-term gains but to establish a foundation for long-term market dominance. 

But to get his plan into motion, he needed to be able to sustain his business for a little while longer, just enough to cripple the small business Princess Candice had been running at a loss. 

After the recent price cuts introduced by Princess Candice, it was only a matter of time before her business went under as she had no plans to make it thrive. She only wanted to put some pressure on Zach through this. 

Due to her aggressive maneuvers, Zach had no choice but to bring his plans forward. 

There were not many people who were capable of helping Zach out of his predicament. 

After all, no one wanted to be on the opposite side of the royal family of the empire they and their families resided in. 

Moreover, it hadn\'t been that long since Zach arrived in this new world. There were not many acquaintances he could count on in such a situation. 

Thinking back on his allies in Elizabeth city, he finally settled on a person he could trust wholeheartedly and asked for Bruce\'s assistance in setting up a clandestine meeting with that individual. 

Bruce didn\'t take long as his network was quite widespread. At least in Elizabeth city, Bruce still had some friends who were willing to help him out and had helped him set up a meet without arousing any suspicion of the higher-ups. 

Under the shroud of the night, Zach silently approached the side entrance of his mansion, intending to rendezvous with the elusive figure he hadn\'t encountered in a long time. 

The passage of time seemed deceptive, for it felt as though he had departed Elizabeth City only recently. However, the events that transpired in the interim had reshaped his outlook, causing him to perceive the world through a different lens. 

Bruce kept trying to remind him to be mindful of the people all around. They couldn\'t be one hundred percent sure that there was no spy around them. Therefore, when leaving the Smith family residence, none of them was accompanied by any guards. 

Given his current situation, Zach couldn\'t put his trust in a lot of people. There were only a few people who would be willing to stand with him regardless of the gains or losses. 

He was going to meet one such person who also had the capability to withstand some of the pressure from the royal family with his help. 

Zach carefully muffled his footsteps, navigating the city\'s nocturnal silence with calculated precision. He moved swiftly until he found himself in a secluded corner, where the usual bustle of urban life faded into an eerie quiet. 

Here, the city seemed transformed into a ghost town, its streets echoing with the absence of human presence, like transparent ghosts haunting the deserted landscape. 

The shadows cast by the moon played tricks on the surroundings, creating an otherworldly atmosphere as Zach continued his journey through the spectral stillness of the night. 

With a clear destination in mind, Zach stepped into a crumbling building that seemed to teeter on the brink of collapse. 

The structure bore the appearance of an inn abandoned by the destitute and overlooked by the affluent. It occupied a realm where the poor couldn\'t afford its services, and the wealthy dismissed it without a second thought. 

This desolate inn, with its decaying facade, served as an ideal setting for a covert meeting, away from prying eyes and hidden from the notice of those who might question clandestine dealings. 

Thrilled at the prospect of unexpected business, the inn\'s owner readily agreed to lease the entire establishment once Bruce conveyed Zach\'s intentions. 

In a place where customers were a rarity, this sudden opportunity to reserve the entire space for the night felt like a providential boon to the owner. 

The heavens seemed to smile upon him as Zach\'s request promised an unusual windfall for the neglected establishment. 

The inn\'s owner relented to the proposition after Bruce generously offered to pay the rent for all the rooms for the night, sweetening the deal with a little extra compensation for the inconvenience caused. 

The sum, though considered substantial by the owner, was a mere trifle for Bruce, who found himself swimming in wealth ever since the sugar business began to flourish. 

As Zach stepped into the inn, an eerie feeling enveloped him, reminiscent of the haunted houses he used to explore for amusement in his previous world. The atmosphere was equally creepy, with an air of neglect and decay hanging over the establishment, amplifying the sense of desolation. 

The inn stood like a ghost from a forgotten era, its weary façade resembling a haunted mansion abandoned by time. 

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