
Chapter 365 365 Her First Kiss

Chapter 365 365 Her First Kiss

"I can still do this. Then...why should I bother about a cancelled marriage?"

Clara felt her heart swell with a kind of love she hadn\'t fully comprehended until now. 

It was a love that went beyond titles and social expectations. It was a love that connected with the very essence of Zach, a love woven from the threads of shared moments, laughter, understanding glances, and the unspoken language of their hearts.

She marveled at the depth of her affection for him, a love that whispered promises of support, of standing beside him through trials, of celebrating his victories and comforting him in defeat. 

It was a love that cherished his quirks, his dreams, and his flaws alike.

In this moment of revelation, she realized that love was more than a formal relationship sanctioned by society. It was an intimate bond, a genuine connection that needed no validation. 

She loved Zach for who he was, for the courage that defined him, and for the way he made her feel safe and valued.

A sense of liberation washed over Clara as she understood that her love for Zach was not bound by the constraints of a planned future or a prearranged engagement. 

It was an organic, powerful force that would guide her actions and decisions, no matter what the world expected of them. This love was hers, pure and genuine, and she would embrace it, nurture it, and let it shape her path in ways that mattered most. 

Therefore, there was no need to care about a cancelled marriage because she didn\'t need to be his fiancée to proclaim her love for him.

The thud of her heart was like thunderous applause, a cacophony of emotions echoing in her chest. Each beat was a reminder of her closeness to Zach, a proximity that sent shivers down her spine. 

His steady, rhythmic heartbeat beneath her ear was like a comforting symphony, a song that whispered promises of warmth and belonging.

As she leaned against him, she could feel the strength in his arms, the firmness of his chest against her back. The contours of his muscles were like the cliffs of a fortress, sturdy and protective, and being held in his embrace made her feel safe, cherished. It was a feeling of security, a sanctuary she had longed for. 

The fragrance of his body, a subtle and unique scent that was distinctly Zach, filled her senses. It was a scent she associated with comfort, with the familiarity of home. It wrapped around her like a gentle embrace, making her feel like she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

In this close embrace, the world outside faded away, and it was just the two of them. Time seemed to slow down, giving her the chance to savor this moment, to imprint it on her soul. 

Every sensation, every heartbeat, every breath they shared was etched into her memory, a memory she would carry with her, a reminder of this beautiful connection.

The desire to remain in his comforting embrace forever gripped her heart like ivy on an ancient wall. Just the thought of spending the rest of her days nestled against his chest was intoxicating.

Yet, the practicality of life knew that this fleeting pleasure had a shelf life. The sands of time stopped for no one and were destined to flow past them at some point. 

Still, she refused to let the impending end sour the sweetness of now. She was determined to bask in the joy of his arms, to absorb every ounce of love and warmth they offered.

She didn\'t waste her time talking and snuggled in closer as if trying to merge her body with his, a union of souls that would link her spirit to his for all eternity.

Zach, lost in the embrace of this petite and delicate woman, felt no urge for words either. 

The tender curves of her form, the gentle hold of her presence, rendered him speechless. He marveled at the delicate features composing her face, each one a testament to her beauty and grace. 

Her eyes, like pools of sincerity and emotion, held depths he could lose himself in. As his fingers tenderly traced the contours of her cheek, he couldn\'t help but wonder at the serendipity that had brought them together. 

In that moment, silence was their most eloquent language. The beating of their hearts spoke louder than any words could. 

He could feel the soft rise and fall of her breath against him, a gentle rhythm that harmonized with his own. 

Gently, he used his fingers to lift her chin, tilting her face slightly upward, before bending down to kiss her on her lips.

He didn\'t give her a chance to reciprocate his advances as he pulled away after a short contact on the lips.

In that fleeting moment, when his lips met hers, Clara\'s heart seemed to momentarily stop. It was like time had slowed down, and her mind couldn\'t catch up with the suddenness of the event. 

The sensation of Zach\'s touch on her chin sent shivers down her spine, and her senses were overwhelmed.

Hesitation gripped her heart tightly. It was her first kiss, a moment she had dreamed of, but reality had eclipsed her fantasies. 

Caught in the whirlwind of emotions, she was a deer caught in the headlights, unsure of what to do next. Thoughts raced through her mind like a tempest, too swift for her to grasp and articulate her desires.

The world around her seemed to fade into a blur as her mind grappled with this new reality. How should she respond? Was she ready for this? Did she truly want it to be this way, caught off guard and lost in the surprise of the moment?

Regret began to nibble at the edges of her thoughts, as if a golden opportunity had slipped through her fingers. She wished she could rewind time and handle the situation differently, take charge of her emotions and respond with the passion and love she felt for him.

But in that fleeting moment, all she could manage was to stand still, frozen in the wake of an overwhelming rush of emotions and desires she hadn\'t quite anticipated. It was a blend of joy, fear, longing, and uncertainty, all tangled into a knot inside her, leaving her momentarily paralyzed.

She was too stunned to do anything and just like that she missed the biggest opportunity of her life to make advances on the man she loved.

The kiss itself was sweet and gentle, like a soft melody in the midst of a storm. It wrapped around her like a warm embrace, shattering the walls of skepticism and doubts she had built in her mind regarding Zach. 

In that fleeting connection of lips, it was as if the universe whispered to her, reaffirming the love he held for her.

It was a comforting kiss, a balm to her wary heart. Every touch of his lips conveyed a reassurance that her doubts were unfounded and that their connection was genuine and deep-rooted. 

It also reassured her that her feelings were not one sided and Zach too liked her to some extent.

Therefore, when she came back to her senses again, she didn\'t feel that she had missed any opportunity. 

Instead, she couldn\'t have been happier because Zach had finally shown his stance regarding her.

"I didn\'t take the matter regarding the cancellation very seriously because it didn\'t matter much to me as long as I could see you and be with you whenever I wanted. But now that I know how much it means to you, I will definitely marry you. That I can promise you, but it might take some time. Until then, don\'t let it bother you, okay?"

Zach\'s words were like a barrage of missiles ramming and exploding continuously in her heart. 

She had never expected to hear such open proclamations of love from Zach, especially when she had been using the excuse of their arranged marriage to pester her way into his heart.

She never noticed when his feelings regarding her changed to this extent, but it gladdened her heart and filled her with warm and fuzzy feelings.

"But..." Clara was just about to say something when she was cut off by Zach.

"Hear me out first, okay? There is no need to think so much about marriage when we can do whatever we want right now. We could kiss right now, and no one will be able to stop us. We could even take the last step before marriage and have sex, and it would still be fine. Not even your father can probably stop you from doing what you want. Do you want to try?"

Clara\'s face turned beet red at the mention of sex. It was almost as if blood would leak out of her face if Zach said anything further to push her buttons.

This was the first time Zach had confessed his feelings to her. Even this first confession had been quite physical, which was so unexpected for Clara that it fell beyond the realm of her comprehension.

Her head began to spin, and it felt like she had plunged herself into a whirlpool of confusion and uncertainty.

She didn\'t know what to do. She was trying to come up with the words in her head in order to answer Zach\'s questions. 

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