
Chapter 338 338 The Reason For His Visit

Chapter 338 Chapter 338 The Reason For His Visit

His hatred soared like mercury in a thermometer placed in boiling water.

He looked around and confirmed that there were only two of them; the targets of his hatred, the bastards who had stolen his limelight.

Once was an old man who was well dressed enough to look like a high born while the one beside him was a gorgeous young lady who was probably his daughter.

The two had surrounded the princess and were barring her from making her way to the conference hall.

Of course, the fantasies in his mind were far from the truth. The old man and the woman didn\'t look anything like thugs or stragglers who had somehow managed to stop the princess of the empire on the street despite their low upbringing. The guards around the princess would have long since taken care of them had that been the truth.

Lillard lunged in the direction of the princess so as to announce himself to the princess as her humble servant for the rest of her stay.

The two strangers were intrigued by his intrusion and stared at him with calm but indifferent eyes. Their gazes seemed to be asking him, \'Is there a need to go that far?\'. There was slight disgust evident on their faces after seeing how he was trying to humble himself in front of the princess.

"My lady, you are finally here. Welcome to our humble city. It is an honor that you graced us all with your brilliance even though we don\'t deserve it. In an attempt to lighten the weight of your heavy favor on our shoulders, we have done our best to prepare everything so that it might appeal to your transcendent senses. You must be tired from...."

"I will decide whether or not I am tired. Are you the one in charge here?" asked Princess Candice coldly. She didn\'t like it one bit when someone interrupted her conversation for something foolish. She had barely heard the introductions from George and Christina when they were interrupted by Lillard.

Therefore, she didn\'t give him any face and treated him in such a cold manner.

"My lady, I am the governor of this region. Byzantium city comes under my jurisdiction. I was tasked by your royal brother Olaf to help you with all the lowly matters that are beneath your exalted status in this city. If I have earned your ire in any manner, feel free to strike me down where I stand. I wouldn\'t dare to resist."

Although the governor had already run his mouth, his legs were trembling in fear that the princess would take him up on his offer.

"Do you think I am interested in your foul life? Just get to the point. Who are you?" bellowed Candice in a calm but threatening manner. She was obviously angry, but her anger seemed to be directed towards the old man and the young woman beside her instead of the pushy governor.

"My apologies. It seems that I forgot to introduce my humble self to your royal highness. I am called Lillard, the governor of this region and the one currently responsible for maintaining the economy of the place."

Princess Candice nodded in a cool manner as if indicating that this was much better than his previous attempt where he was only one breath away from getting himself killed.

Of course, no one in attendance had the right to demand an introduction out of the princess, not that she needed one. Her identity was obvious to anyone with eyes.

While the princess was being greeted by several onlookers of noble status, the strangers took the initiative to introduce themselves to the governor.

Since the Princess had no intention of announcing herself or her entourage to the governor, the latter had been feeling quite awkward despite being the highest-ranking person in that place other than the princess.

"Nice to meet you, I have been rude thus far for not introducing myself earlier to you. My name is George. I am the leader of Elizabeth family in Mesore State. And this is my daughter, Christina. While we are on the topic, I feel like I must appreciate this city under your management. My daughter has been staying here for the past few weeks and I don\'t know what kind of sorcery she has encountered here that she refuses to return to her old father. She probably forgot about me while she was playing around here."

George laughed good naturedly as he teased his daughter while Lillard carefully studied the conversation trying to figure out any hint of a trap.

Christina blushed slightly as she used her elbow to hit her father lightly for teasing her in front of outsiders. Still, she didn\'t go overboard as barely anyone witnessed the exchange between the father and daughter as they were busy trying to guess the background of the father daughter pair to be able to gain the attention of the royal princess even before the governor.

Lillard pushed the gears in his mind into overdrive in an attempt to glean some information regarding the two strangers who just introduced themselves as the part of the Elizabeth family of Mesore state.

He felt like he had heard of the Elizabeth family but no matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn\'t recall where he had heard of this family.

His rational mind took over and he kept himself from offending the duo until he could ascertain their background and their supporters.

Putting some more pressure on his feeble mind, he managed to recall the Elizabeth family that rose to prominence only a few months back. The leader of the family, named George, was supposed to be a Marquis appointed by the emperor as an award for devising a new means of transportation for the country.

The Elizabeths had gotten too close to the central power in a much shorter time because of their innovation. They had the right to negotiate terms with the government based on the trucks they had to offer.

Even Lillard would have to think twice before trying to confront George given the popularity of their means of transportation. Even the sugar business of the Windsor family that was practically keeping the whole city economy afloat, relied heavily on the trucks of Elizabeth family.

Not to mention that the current status of George Elizabeth wasn\'t any worse than his own. A marquis wasn\'t any less affluent compared to the governor of a small state like his.

Therefore, forgetting about his earlier resentment against the Elizabeths, Lillard took a deep breath, straightened his uniform, and approached them with a smile that concealed the storm within. He knew he had to be subtle, to not let his true emotions betray him.

Lillard reached the duo, greeted them politely, and introduced himself, masking his disdain with practiced courtesy. He extended his hand to the old man, trying to suppress the resentment bubbling within him.

The old man reciprocated the greeting with a firm handshake and a congenial smile, seemingly oblivious to the storm brewing beneath Lillard\'s calm exterior.

Lillard proceeded to exchange pleasantries with them while sneaking glances at Princess Candice who was witnessing the situation with a bit of curiosity as she made small talk with a bunch of highborn trying to gain her favor with flattery and gifts.

Despite his cordial attempt at establishing good social rapport with the Elizabeth family members, Lillard didn\'t feel at ease associating with them.

He believed that their sudden appearance in Byzantium city was nothing more than an attempt to get a share of the piece of pie that should rightfully belong to him alone. There was a high chance that Elizabeth family was an enemy in disguise waiting for him to show a weakness.

"I wonder why you decided to pay my city a visit. Is it because of your daughter or maybe there is some other reason? Could it be that you came specifically for her royal highness?" prodded Lillard carefully. He wanted to know George\'s intentions and whether he was going to end up becoming a competitor to him.

Unfortunately for him, even George didn\'t know the reason for his visit.

"I wish I could answer that question for you, but just like you I am completely in the dark. It would be more prudent to ask her royal highness. Only she knows why I am here."

George pointed towards the princess while letting out an exaggerated sigh.

In fact, his presence in Byzantium couldn\'t even be considered a visit as he hadn\'t come here of his own volition at all. On the contrary he had been summoned here by the royal family.

It was a summons of the highest order that he could not refuse even if he wanted to. And the summons not only required his presence for the welcoming ceremony but also that of his daughter Christina.

Christina had gotten used to staying close to Zach during her stay in Byzantium city and was extremely resistant to the sudden summons. But in the end, she caved in because her father would end up in a tough spot because of her willfulness.

Lillard was dumbfounded when he didn\'t find any traces of falsity in George\'s words. He hadn\'t expected George to be that straightforward. As such he couldn\'t help but look forward to the fun that would take place once Prince Candice decided to have them pay their respects to her.

Princess Candice didn\'t allow anyone to get too close to her. Everyone who wanted to greet her had to do so from a distance.

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