
Chapter 81 81 A Smile On His Face

Frederick\'s senses on the other hand were overclocking as his eyes kept darting in the direction behind Bruce\'s back in order to determine who was accompanying him.

But to his pleasant surprise, no one came. Bruce seemed to be completely alone. Frederick felt like the lady luck was on his side this time. He was sure that even in his deteriorated state, he would be able to handle a cripple like Bruce with his eyes closed.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Frederick still wanted to make sure so he purposefully asked a leading question to goad Bruce into answering to his own detriment.

"Don\'t treat me like a kid please. Don\'t you think a rival family head deserves at least that much?" Bruce sneered at his question and answered his question with a rhetorical question. He had been playing these political games for so long, it would have reflected bad on his part if he failed to understand such a simple trick played by Frederick.

"That\'s fair. So let me talk straight then. My whole family was destroyed just like you intended. What more do you want? Why can\'t you just leave us alone? Hasn\'t he taken enough from us for what my son and I tried to do?" Frederick yelled like an old lady in the street with a defective larynx.

Bruce was completely expressionless as he listened to the ravings of Frederick Sosis.

At the same time, Bruce decided to clarify his position. This was his fight and he didn\'t want to rely on Zach for this. He pointed his finger alternately between himself and Frederick and said, "Don\'t worry this has nothing to do with Zach. This is completely between you two and me."

Frederick wondered why he sounded so confident even though he had come over alone but he dismissed it as the arrogance of the winner; after all, Frederick didn\'t dare to kill him now even if he could. He could not provoke Zach anymore than he already had before reaching safety.

"What more do you want from us? We have already lost everything." Frederick tried to look pitiful in an attempt to garner Bruce\'s sympathy.

"Not from where I am sitting, you haven\'t." Bruce said as he looked at their legs and then his own.

Before Frederick could understand the meaning behind the sentence, Bruce raised his voice and began to narrate all the things the two monsters in front of him had done. He didn\'t want them to die without knowing the reason for their death.

"Do you still remember how I became confined to this prison like wheelchair Frederick? If you don\'t remember that, you should at least remember how your family attained its current prestige, the family you trampled upon to reach that position, and the people you murdered to attain all your wealth. Don\'t think that all your actions over the years went unnoticed. I paid close attention to all of them for example the number of people who went missing from your estate and were then found in conditions that could only be called grotesque. I still wonder about the kind of experiments that were being carried out inside your house. Oh~ and there is also the number of maids that you have buried in this maze like garden who could not survive the torture of your bastard. I wonder if you have the face to deny those things even now." Bruce urged Frederick to answer him with a provoking motion of his chin before looking at Raisman who was trying to hide behind his father.

"And you…did you think your father would be able to save you if you harmed my little sister? Not only did you torture her by threatening her with the well being of our family, you even tried to molest her when things didn\'t go your way. And you expect me to turn a blind eye to this monster that has destroyed who knows how many lives. I wonder if there is even a place in hell for devilish creatures like him." The last few lines were once again directed towards Frederick who was grinding his teeth as he tried to control his anger.

If words could have hurt him, Frederick would have been killed a hundred times over. He knew that the things Bruce were spewing were nothing more than hubris. Only the strong could accuse the weak in this world and Frederick was the stronger one amongst the two.

A bad feeling took over his rationality as he saw the creepy confidence on Bruce\'s face as he threw about accusations. He looked like he was up to something.

"Maybe he is buying time for that dark mage to arrive." This thought took over his mental faculty as Frederick became desperate. He felt that if this wasn\'t the case then there was no reason to chatter on for so long. Therefore, Frederick wanted to ram his way through him if he had to.

"You better reassess our positions and leave here. Even if I am injured, I am still more than enough to take care of a cripple like you. Don\'t force my hand or you might as well consider this your last day in this world." Frederick openly threatened Bruce since he was blocking the only path to their salvation.

Bruce heard his threat with a smile on his face. When Frederick was finished, Bruce burst into an uncontrollable laughter as his whole body shook like it had been taken over by something else.

The bad feeling in his gut intensified as Frederick went into shock as he stared at Bruce who was slowly standing up from his wheelchair without any support.

Remembering the reason why they had turned him into a cripple, Frederick felt goose bumps on his skin in terror. His son wasn\'t any different from him except the fact that he couldn\'t produce any kind of sound…not even a scream from his dysfunctional throat.

"How…How can that be possible?" Frederick muttered unconsciously as he couldn\'t believe that the cripple he had been threatening was standing on his feet once again.

Not a single soul witnessed what transpired next at the edge of the Sosis family residence despite the number of eyes focused on the Sosis family.

The only thing people remembered was the fire that burned the very existence and the root of the Sosis family to the ground. The same fire that burned for exactly three days and three nights and became a reminder for all the powerful families of Elizabeth city…a fiery reminder of the end of any individual or any family that tried to mess with the Luther family and the force supporting them from the dark…the Dark Mage Zach.

Elizabeth Family Estate

A woman bearing lithe and exaggerated bodily proportions was lounging around on a chair that looked no different from those posh mahogany chairs that looked antique but classy at the same time. Because this world was close to the Victorian era from Zach\'s past world, the standards of luxuries were the same as those of that era as well except that they were more pronounced due to the existence of magic.

She was sitting with one leg crossed over the other uncaring that her thigh was partially visible from slit of her dress at the side. Also there was no need for her to be so conscious since there was no one else but her in the room that was too big for a single person. From the grace and confidence oozing out of her majestic bearing, one couldn\'t be sure whether she would have cared even if there were someone else in the room with her.

She looked like something was bothering her as she stared at the stacks of paper in front of her. She seemed to be analyzing something as her right eyebrow rose into an arch every time she delved too deep into thought. She was definitely struggling to get her work over with as soon as possible.

No matter how one looked at her, she was perfect from all angles and for all who laid eyes on her human or otherwise. She had meat in all the right places. Her bust and behind were especially endowed like she had been created with the sole purpose of seducing all the creatures of the world with their perfection. This woman had the ability to bring to light the most hidden desires of lust out of anyone. Her lengthy black hair reached her lower back like a dense cascading waterfall of the softest silk and her dark eyes only complimented her overall seductive appearance and seemed to be able to draw anyone in like the sirens of the depths.

If there was one human in the entire world who deserved to be called a succubus than it was only her. Even the succubi would not be able to reject such an obvious truth.

This woman was none other than the eldest daughter of the Elizabeth family. The very one who was admired and cherished by countless men even from far off places. Her charm was just that great that even men from far off had ended up tangled in her love net unable to go back to where they belonged. But of course the woman had never returned the affection of a single one of them like an untouchable goddess that could only be admired from far away,

However there was no denial that she was a femme fatale who could cause wars just by her appearance in the wilderness.

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