
Chapter 7 7 Luna

"Are you really not going to stop me if I try to leave? How can I believe such rubbish? You could have at least made your lies more believable." The girl continued with a slightly low and raspy voice as if afraid of making a fool out of herself by asking it out loud.

"Of course what I said still holds true. You can leave whenever you want. I will not stop you no matter what you choose to do. I am not and will not try to restrict your freedom in any manner should you choose not to leave. Nor will I stop you from leaving right this moment. You are free to do whatever you want." Zach still appeared nonchalant as he rambled on about his non-interest in the girl.

Something in his voice made her want to believe him but then she remembered how humans had been fooling them into slavery and her expression hardened once again.

"I told you to stop acting but you are still trying to fool me. Hmph, I won\'t fall for your tricks. Save them for someone more gullible." The girl was acting haughty for someone who had been on the receiving end since the moment they had met.

He had not only saved her from the slavers but had also healed her wounds. But despite all that, she was not willing to give him even the benefit of doubt.

The girl didn\'t look like it with her delicate features and all but she was quite stubborn in reality.

Even though Zach had told her to leave if she liked, the girl was still apprehensive about leaving in his presence. She felt that she would be stabbed in the back once she actually trusted the human and tried to leave.

"Humans and their wicked games; how devilish." The girl muttered under her breath as she sat down some distance from Zach who had been keeping an eye on her movements from the corner of his eyes.

The girl waited until she finally caught Zach sleeping peacefully under the shade of a heaven touching tree. There was a tranquil half smile on his face as if he was having a happy dream.

"I wish it turns into a nightmare that haunts him from sleeping in the future." The girl cursed in her heart when she caught him smiling even in his sleep. Here she was trying her best to survive while the bastard was enjoying an evening nap under the setting sun.

She only gave it a momentary thought before coming back to the task at hand. She had been planning to escape the grasp of the human as soon as he lowered his guard down.

This was the perfect opportunity for her. Her captor was slumbering as she made her way across the tree that he had been sleeping under and carefully snuck past him.

She turned back to look at his face to find even the smallest movement that might have been out of place but luckily the human hadn\'t noticed anything at all. He was still asleep.

"This is my only chance of escaping his hands. I need to make it count." The girl thought as she swiftly made her way across the forest.

She didn\'t travel very far before she turned her head back to take a look at what Zach had been doing. She wanted to confirm whether the words that he had uttered back then were the truth or not.

To her surprise, Zach hadn\'t moved an inch from his position after she had snuck out.

"It is because he had been asleep and her plan had been perfect." She kept telling herself so, not wanting to believe in a human.

Her steps that had previously been swift and flawless began staggering. She unconsciously looked back again and again almost hoping that the human would come after her to stop her but no such thing took place.

The human was still in the same place.

Her feet finally came to a halt as she made a hundred and eighty degrees turn on her feet and resumed the same pace back to the starting point.

Even though she wasn\'t sure if her decision was the correct one, her steps didn\'t falter even once. She had never trusted humans before but this time she wanted to believe in Zach.

She snuck past the sleeping Zach once again and laid down on her previous spot as if she had never left.

Just when she thought that she had made it back safely, Zach opened one of his eyes and stared at the girl in amusement.

The girl turned around as if feeling the mocking stare that was burning a hole through her back and it was then that she became accustomed to shame and utter humiliation.

One look at his snickering face and the girl knew that Zach had never been asleep. He had watched her little attempt to escape. Had he wanted to stop her, she wouldn\'t have been able to take a single step away from this place.

The girl tried to hide her growing embarrassment as she put on a cold expression that refused to reveal the slightest hint of shame but the growing red on her cheeks gave her away.

Zach held in his growing laughter as he didn\'t want her to have a bad impression of him. She was the first person in this world that he had truly made contact with. She was a potential source of precious information and Zach was reluctant to part with her.

As he looked at her seriously, her cold exterior couldn\'t hold at all. She was surprisingly fragile and easily embarrassed.

"I couldn\'t go any further because of my injuries. My injuries flared up as I tried to leave. I would only be captured by someone else again if I left in my current condition. So, I am thinking of sticking around until I recover to the extent that I am able to travel alone without any danger to myself. Don\'t think for a moment that it is because I trust you." The girl looked exceptionally cute as she tried to explain her actions with improvised lies that had no frame or logic.

Zach had been the one to treat her in the first place so he knew that the wounds on her body must have healed already. As for rest, she had already taken plenty with Zach guarding her from the side. He had even purposefully acted to be asleep so as to give her a chance to leave without feeling the stress of being caught again.

Even though he had seen through her lies already, Zach was sensible enough to not call her out on those lies.

Zach nodded along with her explanation as if it made perfect sense and had a serious expression on his face throughout. Even the girl was fooled into thinking that she had successfully turned everything around and had saved her face in front of the human.

"Since we are going to be travelling for a while together, it is only prudent that we introduce ourselves. We can\'t keep referring to each other with confusing words like Hey or you there." The girl was finally back to her stubborn self. Maybe she had already gotten over her earlier embarrassment thanks to Zach\'s assists.

Zach nodded in response as if her logic was perfectly astute.

"I am Luna. As you can see I am a succubus." Luna looked at Zach expectantly with her beautiful eyes.

"I am Zach, a human which you are already aware of." Zach also reciprocated in the same fashion thinking that this was the format of introduction in this world.

Luna nodded then tilted her head to the side as if thinking about something that she couldn\'t understand. Zach also became curious since this was the first time that he had seen Luna look so unsure of herself.

"What is it? What are you thinking about with that expression on your face?" Zach finally asked her breaking her out her reverie.

"What expression?" Luna was caught unawares so she tried to retort back.

"The expression that says you are solving rocket science all by your lonesome." Zach teased her mischievously knowing full well that Luna will not be able to understand his meaning.


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