
Chapter 305

In this way, Irina and her great voice were able to quickly approach the ranks of transcendence.

And by then.

『What are you doing right now?』

The observer began to notice Astelgia\'s actions.

The observer suddenly came to Astelgia and shouted.

『Since the causal flow is complicatedly intertwined, I left it alone. How dare you do this?”

Then, the Observer leads to the extinction of Astelgia, Irina, and the great voice.

However, Astelgia was already expecting this situation to come.

He knew that one day the observer would come and

that the observer would not tolerate it.

So, Astelgia was prepared for it.

‘I don\'t know who you are yet, but you can\'t play around with us like that.\'

“under! Foolish! Even so, it\'s just a creature!]

The observer seemed not to back down this time.

Astelgia was driven to the end, but Astelgia resisted to the end.

A being who first created the concept of transcendence, which was not established in causality.

Having overturned the 0% probability, he became an existence that could no longer be controlled by the power of the Observer.

『This is impossible!』

The observer was greatly perplexed.

No matter how much it is the existence that first created the concept of transcendence, and

the existence that is no longer bound by cause and effect.

In the end, it was an existence within the frame of cause and effect.

To put it simply, beings born in the world determined by the observer.

Because he was trapped in the frame of cause and effect from the root, he could not resist his own power.

However, Astelgia was not like that.

I couldn\'t resist and even became a threat at first glance.

The watcher thought for a moment.

at last.

I can\'t help Astelgia.

And it was clear that if Astelgia was left alone, it would continue to cause headaches.

One by one, little by little while nurturing Transcendentalists.

It will begin to eat away at the cause and effect that binds dimensions.

And one day I\'ll make a big fuss.

If it is an unavoidable threat.

Rather, let\'s keep the threat under control.

“I will not stop what you are doing. Dan!』

The observer spat out his will.

『I will demand a reasonable cause and effect according to your actions.』

Astelgia thought for a moment.

In the end, I was able to resist the observer, but

I was not able to completely resist the observer.

To be precise, I could only ‘resist\'.

Astelgia is an existence that is no longer bound by causality, but in the end it is an existence within the framework of causality.

To put it simply, it was because they were born in a world set by the observer.

Even now, if the observer put his mind to it, there was no way for Astelgia.

However, the observer also presented a negotiation plan like this because the damage was severe.

‘...... good night.\'

Astelgia could only nod her head.

‘Instead, stop meddling in our affairs all at once.\'

『As long as you submit a reasonable cause and effect. However, the cause and effect

must be ‘reasonable.

This was the first pact between the Observer and Astelgia.

It was also the reason why the later observer could not do anything about the transcendentalist academy.


‘This can\'t be...!\'


Irina and her great voice.

It was around this time that the two of them faced the truth about the world.

The two of them have risen to the ranks of transcendence.

Together with the presence of the observer, the two were able to face the truth of the world.

Astelgia spoke to Irina and the Great Voice.

‘From now on, I will provide assistance to all dimensions. Although... I can\'t help everyone, but I want to help the chosen ones like you.\'

Blind beings who can rise to the ranks of transcendence.

‘However, I alone have a limit. So please, can you guys help me?\'

Astelgia begged Irina and the great voice.

To this, Irina and the Great Voice gave different answers.

‘If I can be of help to Master, I\'m willing.\'

Irina agreed.

‘I... can\'t agree with you.\'

The great voice denied it.

‘You want to help only the chosen ones? So what about those who weren\'t chosen? Are they to suffer at that level for the rest of their lives? Just because you weren\'t chosen?\'

‘You can\'t save everyone. As long as the observer is enduring, there is obviously a limit, and above all, there is no way to do anything about the observer.\'


cried the great voice.

‘Are you saying you\'re going to give up like this because there\'s no way? I... can\'t agree with you.\'

The great voice finally turned its back.

‘I will save everyone. I will somehow find a way to save everyone.\'

- That child eventually gave up transcendence.

Astelgia\'s eyes were filled with bitter feelings.

-And the child found a way to save everyone. The method was a little different, but...

Seo-joon slightly looked down at Astelgia\'s words.

The final battle on Earth.

The final moments of the great voice.

【Not yet... everything is over.】

It was because that moment suddenly came to mind. The great voice

did not think that evil became good

because of conviction .

Evil is just evil.

Here, beliefs are nothing more than packaging materials.

In any case, the end of the world was what the great voice sought again.

This blue and beautiful world.

Although it has the will of goodness, which is the salvation of existence....

It has no meaning from the point of view of dying.

It\'s nothing more than an excuse.

The great voice was evil.

nothing more, nothing less.

Even if it means becoming evil yourself.

Even if you have to bear all the sins yourself.

The great voice chose a way to save everyone.

So, evil.

It should disappear as evil.

The great voice just endured it.

-The child left like that... It made me think a lot.

Astelgia couldn\'t hold onto such a great voice.

I knew.

That the ideal of a great voice is impossible. He knew full well

that it was just a joke and

that it would bring about the worst.

There was no way to deal with the Observer and

no way to save everyone.

This is the obvious limit of existence.

Therefore, there was no reversal of his decision.

Astelgia and Irina establish a transcendent academy.

And select beings in all dimensions and nurture them as transcendental beings.

As a result, numerous transcendental beings were nurtured,

and as a result, many of them received the salvation of existence.



The more Astelgia did, the more she couldn\'t shake off something nestled in a corner of her heart.

A great voice that came out to save everyone.

Because the words he had spoken were still there.

However, there was still no way to deal with the Observer and

no way to save everyone.

This is the obvious limit of existence.

It\'s a limit you can\'t escape.

By the way....

Even though he is a being who transcends his limits.

Even though it was an existence that overturned the 0% probability.

Right now at this moment.

What kind of contradiction does it mean to draw a limit?

Astelgia was worried, but that was all.

Because there were definitely limits that even transcendentalists could not do.


Astelgia had no choice but to change her mind quickly.

The dimension where Astelgia was born.


- My child.

Astelgia\'s child who had no choice but to leave behind in the dimension.

Because he knew that the child was destined to die.

In a world constrained by causality, the future is determined.

Destiny, once decided, can never be changed.

The only way is to transcend one thing.

However, Astelgia\'s child could not be chosen,

so Astelgia had no way to save the child.

The child\'s death was a predestined ending.


-It was also the ending deliberately decided by the observer.

Astelgia was only then able to realize.

at last.

As long as there are observers, this world is a closed world.

No matter how much he nurtures the transcendents and saves the chosen beings.

In the end, you cannot escape from the world set by the observer.

Balak is just balak.

Astelgia was unable to do anything while watching her dying child.

nothing really.

We know that we cannot save all beings.

By the way...

‘You say you want to help only the chosen ones? So what about those who weren\'t chosen? Are they to suffer at that level for the rest of their lives? Just because you weren\'t chosen?\'

What is the reason why the great voice of the former disciple who left comes to mind?

-I finally made a decision while watching my dying child and watching the non-chosen beings.

‘Irina. Listen to me carefully from now on. From now on, you have to lead the transcendent academy.\'

‘Are you talking about me? Master is here, how can I...!\'

‘I will find a way to save everyone from now on. I risk everything.\'

Astelgia risked everything to find a way.

to save a dying child.

In this way, I want to save those who are not chosen as well,

and thus lead everyone to salvation.

There was only one way.


To get rid of him and free this world from the determined future.

But that was literally impossible.

This is because beings born in the world of causality are bound by the item of causation only by being born.

Therefore, expelling the observer

is impossible to eliminate the causal law that hangs over this world.

The observer is the law of causation itself.

And since causality is the root of existence, existence cannot exist the moment the root is denied.

It is a contradiction that denies one\'s own roots.

Because it is a paradox that cannot exist.

Astelgia, the first transcendent.

Even the observer could not get rid of the observer even if he himself could not do anything about it.


-If an existence is not determined by the law of causality, wouldn\'t it be possible if it is an existence that is not rooted in the law of causality?

And that was impossible for him.

Because it was rooted in the law of causality at the same time as it was born.

Therefore, not only Astelgia, but

all beings in the universe were impossible.

However, Astelgia eventually finds a way.

It is none other than exploiting loopholes in the law of causation.

Effects follow causes, and

causes follow effects.

Every effect must have a cause, and

every effect must have a cause.

that means this.

If a result has a cause, it can create one result.

The outcome Astelgia wants is an existence that is not determined by causality.

the price.

-my everything.

It was the very existence of Astelgia.

To bet one\'s existence itself literally meant erasing one\'s existence from this universe.

All memories associated with him disappear.

Complete extinction that even the fact that it existed is erased.

So, Astelgia thought about it, but finally made up her mind.

Because I was the only one who could do this.

Because the only person who could derive that result was himself as the first transcendentalist.

- I want to save my child.

And to save everyone else.

Astelgia was the first to change the fate of her child in exchange for her existence.

The observer noticed this, but did not stop it.

It was said that the first Transcendentalist, like a thorn in the eye, would take care of it, but there was no reason to stop it.

Even for a mere unsightly existence.

And Astelgia took advantage of the observer\'s thoughts by being careless.

Subtly, very subtly so that the observer does not notice.

He created a ‘result\' that is not bound by the law of cause and effect.

The result of being born in exchange for the existence of the first transcendent.

If you were a normal watcher, you would have noticed right away, but

the watcher said that Astelgia risked her existence to save her child.

I was just thinking like this.

- Actually, this is the biggest reason.

Astelgia smiled bitterly.

But I just didn\'t notice it right now.

It was something an observer could easily notice at some point.

The only existence that is not rooted in causality.

It was because the observer could not have overlooked it without knowing it.

Therefore, Astelgia could not grant this result to her child.

If it did, the observer would notice it at once,

and then immediately destroy it.

Therefore, it had to be the most ordinary and

most unattractive being.

An existence that a contemplative observer would not know even if he passed by in contemplating cause and effect.

In our daily life, the most ordinary and ordinary being in the universe.

- But that was only for a moment.

No matter how insignificant it is.

One day, when it grows up repeatedly, it will eventually stand out in the eyes of the observer.

That\'s why the observer has to create a situation that can\'t be done.

It was necessary to create a situation in which the entity could not be destroyed.

Until he can stand against the Observer.

-At that time, the child suddenly came to mind.

A great voice that has left none other than.

Astelgia thinks.

The Great Voice had a plan to destroy the Earth and turn the entire dimension upside down.

Right now, due to causal restrictions, he was unable to exert his full power.

But the Great Voice will find a way and

eventually become a growing threat to Earth.

And there is no one on Earth who can stand against such a great voice.

After all, the observer needs someone to stand against the great voice.


-The observer thought that even if he noticed that there was an existence whose causality was not measured, it would not be easy to extinguish it.

Astelgia did not inform the Great Voice of this fact.

In a way, it was like using a great voice... but

Astelgia endured.

Because few people knew this truth.

At the same time, this was the way to save everyone.





『Don\'t you know the first Transcendentalist?』

‘Of course I don\'t know. I just listened.\'

『Hmm, I don\'t think he\'s lying... Above all, I can\'t see cause and effect even though he\'s not a transcendental person... What is it?』



『In four dimensions, there are beings who have given up their transcendence.』

『Simply put, they could have become transcendents, but they did not become transcendents.』


『To destroy your dimension.』

‘Yes? Destroy a dimension? No, why did you suddenly say that to me?\'

『You find that existence and kill it.』

‘Am I?\'

『Then will you be watching your world perish?』

‘Then...how much can you give me?\'


』 Then you have to pay for it. Is this also causal? Right?\'


‘It would be nice if you could make an advance payment if possible.\'

『This crazy.』




-But a plan is just a plan. I didn\'t know what variables there might be. I just wanted you to get through this.

Astelgia\'s eyes looking at Seo-joon were somehow proud.

-More than anything else, even if all of these fit together, one last thing remained.

The choice of existence that is none other than.

When all goes well and you go up against the Observer.

It was over when the person who inherited this will made another choice. If


just transcend yourself by saying that you are not interested in such things, all of this has no meaning.

So it\'s a gamble on everything.

But the only way to save everyone.

Astelgia looked straight at Seojun.

There was an inexplicable feeling in those eyes.

-I had no choice but to bet everything on your choice.

Astelgia nevertheless gave her all in return. Thus, one of the most ordinary and

, in some ways, the most unattractive beings

on Earth escapes from the law of causality.

Astelgia didn\'t know who he was, and

there was no way to know in the future.


Beware the observer.

And when the time of choice comes...


I hope you will take over my will.








『[If you learn mana, you can see the world. (Instructor: Archmage Merlin)]

[If you do this exercise, anyone can do 3 to 500 tons. (Instructor: Hercules)]

[Basic of stick and spear skills. < Ran. me. Chal > (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)]

[Physical is a piece of paper the moment the mental collapses. (Instructor: Shakyamuni)] 《

Membership cost : 4,000,000 ?》

I\'ll let you know that you can.)

‘Hey, scammers.\'

Seo-joon turned off his smartphone.

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