
Chapter 230

At the end, the meteor that filled the sky\'s field of vision disappeared without a trace.


Seo-joon\'s head tilted involuntarily.

That wasn\'t enough, so I rubbed my eyes and looked straight ahead.

But all I could see in front of me was a clear blue sky.

“uh...? ah...?”

What\'s going on...

I can\'t understand at all. Jecheondaeseong in

its intact state, free of causal restrictions,

is not enough to say that it is transcendence.

Jecheon Daeseong cast all his might in the Cheonwol Yuseongbong.

That\'s not a formula, but a type 1 meteor fall.

That\'s why the space where Seo-joon is standing now had to be destroyed.

The space itself should have been destroyed because the catfish was not enough.

But it disappeared.

The meteor that seemed to crush the world has disappeared without a trace!

Seo-joon turned his gaze and looked at Irina.

Irina wasn\'t even letting out an excited breath.

Her golden hair, resembling the light of the sun, was tucked behind her ears.

It was unbelievable that he was the one who had just created the scene.

Seo-joon opened his mouth with a confused feeling.

“Didn\'t you say that the senses... teach you?”

Then, Irina tilted her head and answered.

[This is the sense?]


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

Where the hell do you mean that sense?

It wasn\'t a sensation.

No, I shouldn\'t have said it was a sensation!

It was only then that Seo-joon remembered what his mentor had said.

The first time none other than Seo-jun asked about the director of the transcendent academy.

It was the mentor\'s answer to him.

‘Well, if you\'re asking about the state... the question is meaningless. The second transcendent... I can only say that.\'

What were you talking about at the time?

But now I knew.

To be precise, ‘the question is meaningless.\' I could understand what the mentor said.

not judged.

There is no one to compare with, and there is no one to offend.

The level of that realm cannot be measured.

That\'s why it\'s meaningless to discuss the realm.

The strongest transcendentalist in existence.

At least this was the only thing that could explain Irina.

Seo-joon blankly looked at Irina.

The look of Irina she looked at was so beautiful that it would not be lacking even if she was called the goddess of beauty.

However, the existence contained in it was literally a monster.

No, I couldn\'t even express it with the word monster.


Seo-joon had no words to say at that enormous gap.

[Uh... Why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?]

I was embarrassed to become Irina at Seo-jun\'s appearance.

That would be the case. Didn\'t he just commit a bizarre thing by saying he was hungry?

[Why, why? Excited to see the power of the EX grade! you\'re surprised It\'s not that I don\'t understand.]

Daeseong Jecheon giggled.

At the words of Jecheon Daeseong, Seo-joon was able to come to his senses.

“By the way... EX grade? Did such a class exist at the Transcendent Academy?”

The highest grade that Seojun saw at the transcendent academy was SSS.

It was Shakyamuni\'s immovable mind.

And I\'ve never seen another SSS grade.

In a word, the highest grade that existed in the transcendent academy was the SSS grade.

But what about EX grade?

It was a level I had never seen or heard of.

Jecheon Daeseong shook his head and replied.

[no. There is no such thing as an EX grade.]


Seojun wanted to say something.

You said that what Irina just saw was an EX grade, so

now EX grades don\'t exist?

The answer came from somewhere other than Jecheondaeseong.

「It means that it is outside the rules that cannot be defined even by the record of causation.」

Seo-jun\'s head turned naturally at the sudden sound.

There is a being with an ibis head. It was

none other than Thoth,

the god of wisdom whom I had met at the entrance of the academy earlier.

〔Ah, you are welcome Mr. Thoth.〕

[Yo! Nice to meet you!]

Irina and Jecheon Daeseong each greeted Tot.

At first glance, Tot\'s eyes turned to Jecheondaeseong.

It was something of a displeased expression.

“That frivolous mouth is still a monkey.”

[That’s it again! What\'s up with the new head! It\'s not wrong.]

「Is it okay if I call you monkey head?」

Jecheon Daeseong nodded as if there was something wrong.

[Isn’t there anything bad? You call a monkey a monkey\'s head, right?]

He shouted while pointing at Seojun and Irina alternately.

[This is a human head! The director is the head of an elf! And...]

Daeseong Jecheon pointed to Tot again.

[You\'re a new head!]



He clicked his tongue and shook his head coldly.

Being a god of wisdom and also having a new head seemed like a complex.

In addition, he seemed to know very well that he would only lose himself by mixing words with Daesung Jecheon.

Thoth spoke to Irina without even paying attention to Jecheondaeseong.

“so. What did you call me for? Why did you ask me to bring the Book of Thoth again?」

〔In order to teach Kim Seo-Jun-nim the senses, system causal registration is necessary.〕


Thoth\'s expression became bizarre at Irina\'s answer. Distorted.

Eventually, Thoth tilted his head as if thinking about it.

As a result, the beak on the bird\'s leg swayed back and forth...

It was so ridiculous that Seo-joon had to suppress his laughter.

Thoth continued to tilt his head.

Maybe the concept that the voice in the ear is sound is correct.

Or is there something wrong with your ears?

There seemed to be a conflict between them.

“Could you say it again? Maybe it\'s because I\'m overworked, but I\'m not in the best condition.\'

Thoth eventually concluded that his ears were wrong.


[If I want to teach Kim Seo-jun, I have to register causation in Thoth\'s book.]


Thoth\'s body froze at Irina\'s words.

「Who...is teaching?」

〔I am.〕


〔This is Seojun Kim.〕

Thoth\'s gaze turned to Seojun.

“As far as I know, that person is a beginner. Wasn\'t it?J


Thoth looked at Irina again.

“So... Irina, are you teaching beginners?”


“... I see.”

Thoth nodded once.

The expression on his face fully understood how the situation was going, so he was an asshole!

「What is it! What kind of dog...! Is it because Irina doesn\'t know what happens when you teach first-year students!]

〔Ah, there are some special circumstances intertwined there.〕

「Circumstances? What kind of guy\'s ejaculation is that? No need to listen! Isn\'t it possible under any circumstances!! As long as it\'s not a situation that doesn\'t sound like it\'s said that the observer will bear the burden of cause and effect on behalf of him—.” [

That\'s it.]

Thoth was speechless for a moment.

At the same time, Thoth\'s expression twisted.

[Puhahahaha! Look at that new head! Puhahaha!]

Jecheon Daeseong started rolling on the floor as if he was going to die of laughter at Tot\'s appearance.

But Thoth couldn\'t be bothered with that kind of jecheondaeseong.

“What? What now...?」

< That\'s what Mr. Thoth... >

The mentor\'s voice followed.

The mentor calmly explained to Tot what had happened.

That\'s how I ended up explaining the situation.


The beak on Tote\'s new head snapped open.

At the same time, the toki\'s eyes quickly turned into owls.

It was as if he was facing something in an abyss

that he couldn\'t

even imagine.

[Puha puhhahahahaha!!]

Seeing Tot like that, Jecheon Daeseong struggled as if he would soon run out of breath.

But Thoth didn\'t care at all.

I just stare blankly at Seo-joon.

Not even a transcendent, but a mere beginner.

An awkward atmosphere as if a screw was missing somewhere.

All sorts of complicated thoughts swirled through Tot\'s head.

And a single word spoken.

“Are you thinking of taking a lecture?”

“Yes, yes?”

Seo-joon was quite embarrassed by Thoth\'s sudden words.

But I don\'t know if I know Seo-jun\'s feelings.

“What do

you think ?” Is there any way, Mr. Thoth?]

「I\'ll try to find out. No, I will definitely find a way.”

The look in Tot\'s eyes looking at Seo-jun was very unusual.

[Let\'s talk about that later and deal with this first.]

Only after Irina\'s words did Thoth withdraw his gaze.

Finally, Thoth put down a book he was holding on the floor.

The Book of Thoth, a known record that contains all the secrets of the world.

It was a super-dimensional information collection commonly known to us as the ‘Akashic Records\'.

Thoth\'s book opened with a chirping sound.

A bright light burst from Thoth\'s book.

Thoth gently closed his eyes and stretched out his hand toward the glow.

Seo-jun looked at the scene blankly and asked.

“What are you doing?”

Then, Irina answered with a small smile.

[The technique I just showed you is registering the causal rate. Seojun Kim, who has not yet transcended, has causal restrictions.]

〔That\'s why you have to register my technique in the causal rate so that Seojun Kim can learn my technique.〕


〔The transcendent academy\'s system You can think of it as registering my skills on .】


It was only then that Seojun could nod his head.

〔Mr. Thoth also created the current academy system. Mr. Thoth went through a lot of trouble overturning the system that was old-fashioned.]


Seo-joon saw Thoth again.

Then, a question suddenly came to my mind.

“By the way, causal registration? Wasn’t that something that only observers could do?”

This time, the answer came from Thoth, not from Irina.

“It is only reconstructed based on the records written by the observer. You can\'t write something new like a watcher. Like you said, only the observer can do it. In fact, it\'s not like registration.”

“And strictly speaking, even this registration is impossible. Although it is a reconstruction, this is also because it requires causation. Especially if it\'s Irina\'s, the cause and effect is enormous. But...”

Thoth did not conclude.

However, it was not difficult to see what was behind it.

< I don\'t know... I don\'t know... >

The only thing I could hear was the mentor\'s distraught voice.

How much time had passed like that?

The light that had been bursting from Thoth\'s book became quiet.


Before long, a notification sound came from Seo-jun\'s smartphone. What appeared on the screen

of < Sensation >

were two monotonous letters.

The feeling of defining the sensation itself.

“Are you done?”

Seojun slowly looked down at his body.

But I couldn\'t feel any difference.

Thoth and Irina answered at the same time.

“I tried to register, but it is not perfect. As I said, Irina\'s things are something other than regulations that cannot be fully recorded in the language of cause and effect. Even the observer couldn\'t record

it. ” So...]

Right at that moment.

Suddenly, Irina\'s momentum began to change.

At the same time, the strange sensation I had just felt began to soar.

It is an illusion as if the space you are standing in now has become an adversary. Even the action

of taking a step, even

the action of breathing.

I couldn\'t do it according to Seo-joon\'s will.

A power that does not even feel the emotion of fear.

[You have to learn it yourself now, right?]

Irina\'s voice came to my ears.

But why does it feel creepy?

“Wait a minute...!”

[I don\'t have much time, so I\'ll quickly explain the concept and theory.]

Irina continued with a smile.

〔By the body.〕



Seo-Jun wondered why Irina\'s technique couldn\'t be recorded as causal.

I could feel the reason.


An unknown place in Africa.

A man was standing on it.

A lot of strange magic circles were engraved around the man.

The magic circles radiated colorful light and exploded with terrible magic.

how much time had passed like that?

“Ah, this is the Hell of the Seven Deadly Sins that the demons created.”

The mouth of a man standing in the magic circle slowly opened.

The crystallization of fear in which humans fear the same humans.

“It’s really great...!”

The man was none other than a twisted being who ran away from Seo-joon.

The twisted being shuddered at the transcendental power felt throughout.

Human pride (Superbia) who wanted to become a god.

Even though it had not fully bloomed yet,

the power felt throughout the body was truly transcendent.

The twisted being slowly raised its head and surveyed its surroundings.

A space filled with strange magical powers and magic circles.

On one side stood an unidentified being wearing a long robe.

It was a being called the Great Voice by the humans of this dimension


‘Even though I have this kind of power, I can\'t judge it at all...\'

The twisted being shed a chuckle.

Despite possessing transcendental powers, they are completely invisible.

That\'s why I\'m not even sure I can win.

Is this a possible thing?

Would it be a little different if it fully bloomed?


The twisted being was unsure.

That\'s why the twisted being couldn\'t hold back his curiosity.

“I have a question. May I ask?”

At the twisted being\'s sudden question, the great voice quietly raised its head.

Since I\'m looking straight ahead, I can see the face.

For some reason, the hood was filled with darkness.

The great voice looked at the twisted being without a word.

The twisted being slowly opened its mouth.

“Why are you trying to destroy your dimension?”

The great voice, as expected, uttered no will.

That time when I thought I wouldn\'t answer this time again.


Suddenly, I heard the will of a great voice.

【What is the reason for living life?】

I couldn\'t understand the expression of the great voice.

It\'s because the face is not visible in the first place.

The twisted being tilted its head and replied.

“Hmm... I\'ve never thought of anything complicated like that before? I mean, is it just because you\'re alive? I live because I am alive. They say humans live because they can\'t die, right? I am similar.”

The great voice made no response.

At the sight of such a great voice, the twisted being asked again.

“You don’t need a reason to live, don’t you?”

【Not necessary.】

A great voice took over the will.

【A life lived for no reason. I don\'t deny that that can also be one reason.]

“Then why ask for the reason for life?”

The great voice did not answer.

As if you are thinking about something.

After a little while,

the will of a great voice was heard.

【But... if even that has no meaning. If what you think you live for no reason isn\'t true. Do you still think it\'s worth living?]

“That... what do you mean?”

The twisted being couldn\'t understand that.

【I don\'t want you to understand. I don\'t think my actions are good just because I can understand them.]

The great voice turned its back.

The will was heard again over the back.

【We just made a deal. I gave you strength, and you can destroy this dimension and take all the causes and effects of the dimension. Do you need more reason than that?]

“Well, that’s right.”

The twisted being shrugged.

“so. What can I do now?”

The great voice uttered its will with its back turned.

【I tried to fully bloom your power over time... but I didn\'t know that Irina, not the observer, would move.】

“A watcher? Irina? Who is that?”

The great voice did not answer the twisted being\'s question.

【Your current strength is enough to deal with him


【So let\'s start right away.】

The stage of the final end.

The great voice just disappeared from sight.

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