
Chapter 158

The Sword Master and the Apostle of Patience looked at Seo Jun with different expressions.

Geomseong (劍星) said, ‘What\'s with all these guys?\' with the look you want.

The apostle of patience said, ‘Am I right now?\' I looked at Seo-joon with a wanting expression.

However, Uiseong was just looking this way with a worried expression, unable to grasp the atmosphere from afar.

After a long silence, the Apostle of Patience opened his mouth.

“Does the demand… mean… money…?”

As I was talking, I really wondered if this was right.

“That’s it.”

However, the Apostle of Patience was able to recognize that the words were true from Seo-jun\'s answer.

no by the way

What does such a count mean?

The Apostle of Patience was ridiculous, but I thought it was rather good.

It was because he could give it any amount of money.

Jinrihoe is a world-class religious organization with hundreds of millions of believers.

The amount of money that comes in in the name of donations every year amounts to thousands of trillions.

Here\'s the profit you get from dealing with dungeons around the world.

I couldn\'t even imagine adding the profits from various projects implemented by country and continent.

Jinrihoe possessed an astronomical amount of capital.

And the apostles of self-control and patience were the 7 apostles called the leaders of the Jinrihoe.

Those who actually lead the Jinrihoe.

Of course, he had the right to manage capital.

Ask them to tell us the purpose of the Jinrihoe.

Or tell me the truth about Beserk.

This was a request that could not be granted, even if it was a gamble with one\'s life at stake.

Perhaps Seo-jun had this in mind and asked for money neatly.

‘In the end, you, like everyone else, must mean that money is everything.\'

The Apostle of Patience opened his mouth with a fishy laugh inwardly.

“I’ll give you 500 billion in Korean currency.”


The apostle of patience laughed at Seo-joon\'s head nodding without hesitation.

500 billion.

It was a huge amount of money, about 500 million dollars, but considering the capital of Jinrihoe, it was literally new blood.

However, it was an enormous asset to say that it was an asset that one individual had.

What kind of professional hunter in the world would mention justice or faith in front of 500 billion people?

After all, Seo-jun is no different from other pro hunters...

“You mean you don\'t want to negotiate.”


The Apostle of Patience was momentarily dazed by Seo-jun\'s voice.

“What is that…?”

“500 billion won in negotiations with the lives of the two apostles and the prospective apostles at stake? You said you were going to negotiate, but are you going to hit me from the start?”

The Apostle of Patience couldn\'t help but be slightly surprised by Seo-jun\'s direct words.

Seo-jun\'s words, none other than ‘preliminary apostle\'.

Did you know that Calia is the designated Apostle of Purity?

The Apostle of Patience asked Seo-jun.

“Then how much do you want?”

It was only then that Seojun gently raised a finger.

And the Apostle of Patience was not so foolish as not to know what that meant.

The Apostle of Patience nodded slowly after a long thought.

“...... good night. I’ll give you one trillion.”

1 trillion was crazy enough to say that it was really huge.

Still, it was still new blood compared to the capital of Jinrihoe.

But why?


Seo-joon\'s spread fingers didn\'t think to fold.

And the Apostle of Patience was not so foolish as not to know what that meant.

The Apostle of Patience nodded slowly after a really, really, really long thought.

“............ good night. I’ll give you 10 trillion.”

Now it has passed the blood of new feet.

Unless it was a bird called a pterosaur, it could no longer be called bird\'s blood.

Although the capital of Jinrihoe was astronomical, 10 trillion was also astronomical.

However, as Seo-jun said, considering the lives of the two apostles and the prospective apostles as stakes, it was also enough money to give.


is it really crazy...?


Seo-joon\'s spread fingers still didn\'t think to fold!

The Apostle of Patience slowly opened his mouth with a feeling of really, really, no way.

“Can\'t you stand...?”

Seeing such an apostle of patience, Seo-jun\'s mouth also slowly opened.

“100 trillion.”

“This crazy.”

“This crazy.”

Not only the apostle of patience, but also the sword star who was listening quietly shouted in a startled tone.

It literally looked like he was looking at a ‘crazy guy\' without any mistakes.

If ‘What\'s with all these guys?\' If there is vitality in the sentence, it must be about the Apostle of Patience and the Sword Saint.

The Apostle of Patience exclaimed, frowning.

“Stop talking nonsense!”

It wasn\'t 100 trillion.

No matter how much it was called Jinrihoe, it was not 100 trillion.

Of course, it was not that there was no 100 trillion won in the capital of the astronomical Jinrihoe.

However, there was a clear limit to the funds that could be operated immediately, even if it was capital.

Above all, it was a situation where a huge amount of money was invested due to preparations for the Apostolic Ceremony of Purity, which was to be held soon.

In this situation, borrowing 100 trillion was a difficult matter for even an apostle of patience to decide alone.

That moment.

“Then I can\'t help it.”

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!!

The magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田) began to explode in Seojun.

and that fleeting moment.

The Apostle of Patience could be seen and felt.

A huge wave of murderous intent that seemed to crush the entire world.

A source of terrifying power that far transcends units.

It was only for a moment that he felt it, but the Apostle of Patience was momentarily overwhelmed by its terrifying power.

‘Have you recovered your strength while negotiating?\'

No, where the hell does this mean negotiations!

This wasn\'t ‘negotiation\', it was ‘threatening\'!

Cold sweat dripped down the cheeks of the apostle of patience.

Either way, the situation is unfavorable this way.

On the other hand.


It seemed that Seo-joon would go black at any moment.

I was in a situation where my body was already in a state of recoil from using the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

In that state, I felt like I was about to die when I forcibly squeezed out the mana of the three-tier field.

Would it be like this if the whole body\'s nerves were burning and every bone collapsed?

Moment by moment, consciousness flies away and the mind is cut off.

It was just that he had raised his magic power, but in fact, Seo-joon couldn\'t do anything right now.

However, Seo-joon desperately grabbed hold of his confused mind.

Seo-joon bit his teeth and endured the dizziness and endured it again.

If you endure it once, you can earn 100 trillion won.

What kind of money is 100 trillion?

It was enough money to eat 100 billion Hwa-ta lectures 1,000 times.

Even if he took tutoring for Jecheon Daeseong, it was a whopping 100 hours of money.

Above all, it was astronomical money that added ‘only\' and ‘something like that\' to the price of equipment that could be purchased at the Transcendent Shop.

‘This kind of pain...! Hehehe!\'

However, there was a limit to enduring with mental strength.

Seo-joon\'s impression continued to grow more and more formidable.

However, the apostle of perseverance began to get impatient with the impression of Seo-joon becoming threatening.

The Apostle of Patience turned his head and recognized the situation again.

The Apostle of Temperance was still unconscious.

Blood was seeping out of his severed left arm in time with the beat of his heart.

I hurriedly blocked it with my energy, but I couldn\'t completely stop it, perhaps because the wound was in jeopardy.

Calia was caught by the star of medicine and was unable to do anything.

His strength was only the Apostle of Patience himself.

On the other hand, the sword star is alive and well over there.

Onomatopoeia is also healthy.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!!

And now, this terrible aura bursting out of Seo-joon.

It is clear that each other is a gamble with each other\'s lives.

However, it was this side that would lose with a high probability.

Then the Jinrihoe would lose three apostles.

Fatal deviations occur in future plans.

I\'d rather lose money.

To be honest, 100 trillion is nothing compared to 3 apostles.

‘...... I\'m sure that person will understand.\'

The Apostle of Patience had no choice but to open his mouth after a long period of thought.

“………… Oh, I got it.”

It was only then that Seo-joon was able to dissipate the magic of the Samdanjeon (三丹田).

‘Heh heh...! Hehe...!\'

I was about to die.

If I had been a little late, I would have fainted.

Seo-joon still couldn\'t come to his senses for a while from the pain that seemed to cut off his bones.

The Apostle of Patience saw Seo-Jun notice and quietly got up from his seat.

Seeing such an apostle of patience, Seo-joon bit his teeth and said.

“You have to pay in advance.”

“... How can I deposit 100 trillion won right now?”

Actually it was.

No matter how much Jinrihoe was, it was impossible to suddenly deposit 100 trillion won.

It was even more so in a dungeon like this.

But if I sent it back like this, I could have just said I didn\'t know.

Seojun opened his mouth again.

“Then, at least swear the truth.”

An oath of truth that members of the Jinrihoe must keep.

The Apostle of Patience was forced to swear the truth.

“I will deposit 100 trillion to you. I swear by the name of the truth.”

“You have to tell me the deadline. What should I do if I say later that I didn\'t say I would give it to you?”


The apostle of patience, Ooi, finally ascended to heaven.

In the end, the Apostle of Patience was able to move freely only after making an oath to deposit within a week.

So, the apostle of patience and moderation, and Calia.

These three soon disappeared from Seo-joon\'s sight.

And it wasn\'t until after a little time passed that Seo-joon\'s senses didn\'t feel any more presence.


Seojun passed out just like that.

And the appearance of Seo-joon who fainted like that.


The sword star also ascended to heaven together.


Greenland, where the main body of Jinrihoe is located.

All the apostles of Jinrihoe were gathered in the center of this place, called the sanctuary and holy ground of Jinrihoe.

However, the number of people seemed small.

Humility, mercy, kindness, patience, chastity, temperance, diligence.

Originally, all seven apostles should have gathered.

But now, only the four apostles who were ‘humility, mercy, kindness and diligence\' were gathered.

Moreover, the four apostles were restless for some reason.

In such an awkwardly flowing tension.


An unknown voice came from somewhere.

Rather than a voice, it felt like a will had been implanted directly into my brain.

That\'s why I couldn\'t guess the gender or age at all.

At that will, all four apostles flinched and trembled.

great voice.

It was because the four apostles knew very well who that being was.

Above all, the content to be reported was not very good...

But it was impossible to keep an eye on it forever.

Eventually, the apostle of humility took a step forward and opened his mouth.

“They said that he had been restrained...”

The apostle of humility said it himself, but he doubted whether it was true.

The apostle suffered.

This has never happened before in the history of Jinrihoe beyond the level of nonsense.

The disciple of humility took a quick look and continued.

“Fortunately, his life was saved, but in return, an amount of about 100 trillion Korean won...”

But he could not finish his words.

100 trillion won.

It was because it was an astronomical amount of money that even the apostle of humility could not be humble.

It was an enormous amount of money that would disrupt the soon-to-be Apostolic Ceremony of Chastity.


The great voice said nothing.

The other three apostles, including the apostle of humility, had no choice but to notice.

It was because there was nothing to say about throwing out the Apostle of Patience who swore the truth with stupid words.

After such a long time, the will of a great voice was heard.

【The road has already been completed.】

The meaning is unknown.

【You\'d think it was out of the way.】

A great voice slowly raised its head.

At the same time, the four apostles all bowed their heads.

Because you shouldn\'t see the face of the great voice.

Above the apostles, the great voice of will was heard again.

【When the inevitable time comes for the stars to find their place, they will eventually perish without achieving the true power of transcendence.】 【

That is the determined destiny...】

【The determined future.】

The great voice slowly turns its head to one side of the space looked at

An empty space engulfed in darkness.

But the great voice uttered its will as if someone were there.

【It will become an echo of darkness wandering in the endless void.】

The great voice turned around.

and the will to follow.

【Liberate Beserk.】


The mind seems to be swimming in the water.

I couldn\'t properly recognize the humming sound in my ears.

That moment.


A musty yet familiar smell drifted into my nose along with the gentle breeze.

It smelled somewhere friendly, yet strangely warm.

Perhaps because of that, the spirit of Seo-jun, who was wealthy, began to return little by little.

“That couldn\'t be possible. That young man\'s condition was to the point of not being dead. How do you wake up from such a state?”

And between them, the voice of the doctor came in like a shimmering voice.

“Well, you\'ll see. Seojun oppa doesn’t need anything else, this is enough.”

“Trust me once. Captain, that\'s a panacea.”

After that, the voices of Soo-yeon and Min-yul were heard.

“Huh... even my medicine didn\'t help, so why...”


Along with the gentle breeze, the musty yet familiar smell continued to be felt.

Somewhere... a fairly familiar situation.

Seo-joon\'s eyes flashed at that strange sense of deja vu.

And what Seo-joon saw was none other than Soo-yeon.


Soo-yeon, who suddenly met Seo-joon\'s eyes, showed a surprised expression.

Seo-joon said with an absurd look.

“...... Are you doing this again?”

Then Su-yeon ran away in a hurry.

Seeing Suyeon like that, Seojun shook his head.

As expected, banknotes stuck in the nostrils.

‘But this time it\'s 50,000 won.\'

Seo-joon subtly put the bill in his pocket.

And then I was about to look around to see what had happened.

“What the heck!!!!!!”

The voice of the onomatopoeia sounded startled.

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