
Chapter 91

It was because I couldn\'t understand the mentor\'s words exactly.

Seojun tilted his head several times before asking his mentor.

“You think it might be possible for me? What do you mean?”

< Um... First of all, the director said it might be possible, but he wasn\'t sure. In the first place, the director also said that it is impossible to use the middle and lower ends at the same time. < Yes! >

The mentor nodded vigorously and answered, and Seojun tilted his head again and asked.

“Why only me…?”

< From now on, what I\'m going to explain is the director\'s personal! So, this is the director\'s opinion! >

The mentor raised his index finger and continued talking.

< I said earlier that each being has its limits, right? That mana is the source of the essence of existence. >

Seojun nodded.

I still didn\'t know what he was talking about, but I remembered what he had just said.

< To paraphrase this a bit, it means that each being has a limit on how much mana can be accepted and varied. > < Mana is the source that makes up the essence of an existence, and it cannot exceed its quota. > < Of course... Although the quota is huge. >

“Uh… what about that?”

Seojun nodded slowly.

As expected, I didn\'t understand the concept the mentor was talking about, but I could understand the context.

The mentor continued.

< The limit of the source that existence can bear. In other words, it is also called the limit of cause and effect. >

The limit of cause and effect.

In a word, it meant mana that could be allocated and handled by beings, so causality was fixed.

To be precise, as the mentor said, there was a clear limit.

< And the limit is usually the middle or lower part. Only one of these two is sufficient. >

Someone said, ‘Is that enough to satisfy the limits of a transcendent?\' could have thought

However, considering that these concepts and training methods were created for transcendentalists in the first place, it was understandable enough.

< However, if you use middle jeon and lower jeon at the same time, you will get out of the assigned causal category . < Existence will collapse or disappear. >

Unable to withstand the power, it is said to collapse or disappear.

< That\'s why it\'s impossible to use both the middle and lower fields at the same time. > He

said that a transcendental person would be born


It was a concept used by transcendentalists, so it was full of complicated things.

But in the end, what the mentor wanted to say seemed to be this.

“Are you saying that there is a possibility that an existence will not collapse or disappear even if I use the middle and lower ends together?”

< Yes. You understood it correctly! >

“Why is that?”

When Seo-jun asked, the mentor answered right away.

< Because Kim Seo-joon has not measured causation. >


Seo-joon was dumbfounded by the unknown mentor\'s words.

However, the mentor continued to speak whether he knew it or not.

< Kim Seo-joon, for some reason, cause and effect are not measured. Do you remember the last time? >

“If it was the last time…?”

< Why did I report it to the director because Kim Seo-joon didn\'t have ID the other day? >


It was only then that Seo-joon was able to recall what had happened several months ago.

That was when I first realized that none other than Seo-jun\'s member information existed at the Transcendent Academy.

In response, the mentor reported to the director of the transcendent academy, but in the end, he only received an answer that he did not know.

To be precise, I only heard that there were signs of someone intervening.

Because of that, Seojun couldn\'t create an ID, and he couldn\'t leave a post in the Transcendentalist community until now.

< The reason was that Kim Seo-joon\'s cause and effect had not been measured. It will be easier to understand if you look at causation here in the sense of a record of existence . Seo-joon was about to ask for a detailed explanation, but he just accepted it to mean that he had no records of his own. “Is that often the case?” When Seo-jun asked carefully, the mentor shook his head firmly and answered. < No. As I said at the time, this is the first time in the history of Transcendent Academy. Seojun Kim is the only one. In the first place, all beings that exist have no choice but to measure cause and effect. >

“......You still don’t know why?”

The mentor smiled and nodded.

< Yes. Except for traces of someone intervening, there are still... The director is still looking for it, but it\'s the first time it\'s happened... haha. >

Then the mentor continued to speak vigorously.

< Anyway! Since causality is not measured, there are no assigned limits. Therefore, there is a possibility that even if the two danteon are used together, they will not collapse or disappear . "...So that\'s why you said it might be possible." And Seo-joon, who heard all the stories, couldn\'t help but fall into deep trouble. For now, throw away complicated concepts and just say the conclusion. Seojun said that there is a possibility of using two short circuits. And if you use those two dantian together, you can use tremendous power that even transcendentalists can\'t ignore. But the question is, \'It will be possible.\' It was that it did not mean \'possible\'. If two short circuits are opened and things go wrong, it could be destroyed. After thinking about it for a while, Seo-joon asked the mentor again. “But why did you tell me not to listen to the Mana lecture?” < Ah! You didn\'t tell me. The director said there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to use two danjeons at the same time. That\'s... >

The mentor thought for a moment, then raised an index finger and said.

< First, open the two short circuits at the same time. In that sense, have you collected cause and effect? >

“Oh yes. I\'ve put it together. I haven\'t received it yet.”

At the mentor\'s question, Seo-joon nodded.

Currently, Seojun has won the Interchange Tournament.

It is safe to say that 6 billion won was secured regardless of whether or not the second match took place.

Then, the mentor nodded and at the same time extended one more finger.

< Second, bear the enormous burden of cause and effect. >

“Yes? A causal burden?”

When Seo-jun tilted his head, the mentor immediately continued.

< If you open two dantian, of course the mana you need to fill in those dantian also increases. However, the number rises exponentially instead of simply doubling . So, the use of cause and effect is essential. >

He talked around, but in the end, he said that the elixir that replenishes mana at the Transcendent Shop is essential.

In a word, it meant that money had to be poured.


Seo-joon fell into trouble.

And the mentor opened his mouth again, as if he had noticed Seo-jun\'s troubles.

< This is my personal personal statement... but I think it\'s worth trying. > As

Seo-jun looked at it, the mentor continued.

< First of all, the director, please do not spit out the words \'it will be possible\'. If the director said that, you can assume that it is possible. If it was the existence called the director of the Transcendent Academy, the depth of that realization would literally be beyond imagination. I wouldn\'t carelessly mention the possibility of something that could go wrong. < And the director seems to be looking forward to it very much. A transcendentalist who can simultaneously use Samdanjeon (三丹田). He said that he might have to step down as director, so Won... >

The mentor spat out the words as if muttering to himself.

Seo-joon asked his mentor out of curiosity.

“The person who is the director of that Transcendent Academy.”

< Yes. >

“What kind of person are you?”

Then the mentor answered with a puzzled expression.

< Hmm... It\'s difficult to tell you who you are, but if you\'re asking about the state... the question is meaningless. >

And then a word.

< I can even tell you about the second transcendental person... >

“The second transcendentalist?”

< Yes. Oh, did I not tell you about the history of our Transcendent Academy? >

“Yes. It\'s the first time I\'ve heard of it.”

< Oops! I forgot to tell you this important and interesting thing! Then, while the words have come out, I will tell you now. Our transcendent academy... >

It was then.


Suddenly the door to the waiting room opened and someone came inside.

It was none other than Seoyoon, who went out to ask how the exchange match would go.

< Oops! I must have been around too long. >

The mentor scratched the back of his head awkwardly at Seoyoon\'s appearance.

< Anyway, the answer to your question is yes! Think carefully! >


Then, as always, he was a mentor who vanished in an instant.

Seojun shook his head at the unchanging appearance of his mentor.

And he said to the approaching Seoyoon.

“Are you here?”

“yes. By the way… Who was there just now?”

“no. Who is it?”

“It looked like he was talking to someone… isn’t it?”

It seems that I overheard a conversation with my mentor from outside a while ago.

However, since Seoyoon couldn\'t hear the mentor\'s voice, Seoyoon only tilted her head.

“Perhaps it was my self-talk. What else did you say?”

Besides, when even Seo-jun said that, Seo-yoon seemed to think it was an illusion, and answered with a slight shake of her head.

“They said they were in a meeting. I came back because I was told to let you know as soon as the meeting is over.”

“I see...”

As expected, the other side seemed to recognize the seriousness of the situation.

No matter what happened, it didn\'t have a big impact on Seo-jun, so Seo-jun just passed it over.

That\'s how Seo-jun and Seo-yoon spent their time talking.

And how much time has passed?


I heard someone knocking on the waiting room door.

I wondered if they were reporters, but... Come to think of it, reporters couldn\'t access the waiting room.


With Seoyoon\'s answer, the door to the waiting room opened and a man appeared.

He was none other than So Jin-hyun, the representative of Hunter Mill.

So Jin-hyeon was slightly taken aback by Seo-jun and Seo-yoon\'s gaze at him.

“I heard that you were here, so I came to see you, but… I don’t know if I was interfering with you.”

“Oh no no. It\'s not like that.”

Then Seoyoon waved her hand as if she was embarrassed.

For some reason Seoyoon\'s response was different from usual, and Seojun just tilted his head.

So Jin-hyun also nodded softly and said, as if he had just said it.

“I came to tell you about the progress of the second game.”

It seemed that the meeting was over.

Seo-joon waited in silence for So Jin-hyun\'s words to follow.

“Anyway, as the situation is like this, it is difficult to proceed with the previously planned 2nd game... but it was difficult to cancel it. So, as a result of the meeting, the conclusion was reached to continue the second game.”

Then Seoyoon took a step forward and asked.

“But for us right now, only Seo Jun is allowed to participate.”

“So I\'m going to change the method and rules of the second game a little.”

And at So Jin-hyeon\'s words, the heads of Seo-jun and Seo-yoon tilted at the same time.

Originally, the 2nd match was a way to compete in a dungeon raid by forming a team between students from each academy.

However, the changed method that So Jin-hyun said was like this.

“One student and one instructor in each academy rather than the original way of forming a team between students. How about doing a dungeon raid as a team like this?”

Currently, only one student who can participate in Dream Academy is Seo Jun.

The only person who could be called an instructor was Seoyoon.

In other words, in Dream Academy, Seojun and Seoyoon formed a team to compete in the second round.

“So what do you think of Dream Academy...”

So Jin-hyeon\'s suggestion made Seo-joon ponder.

Of course, Seojun had nothing to do with it.

But it wasn\'t Seoyoon.

Seoyoon is none other than a B-class hunter.

On the other hand, the least of the three major academy instructors were made up of A-class hunters.

There was a one grade difference between B and A, but there was a significant gap in skills.

Even though they are retired, the gap was not easily filled.

Even though they said they were teaming up with Seojun, it was clear that they would be compared somehow.

It was already being said that there was nothing to be done in the current community.

But if things go like this...

Seo-joon couldn\'t answer easily.

However, Seoyoon\'s thoughts seemed a little different.

“Of course there will be additional prize money, right?”


So Jin-hyun was taken aback by Seo-yoon\'s sudden words.

Seoyoon didn\'t care and continued talking.

“You suddenly and unilaterally changed the existing rules and methods. Then can\'t we make a request accordingly?”


At Seoyoon’s words, So Jinhyeon was at a loss for words.

To be honest, the situation came to this point because Lee Ha-yoon made Su-yeon and Min-yul like that.

Strictly speaking, it was their own fault.

That\'s why Seoyoon\'s request wasn\'t reasonable enough, so it was natural.

“Then how much…”

In the end, So Jin-hyeon had no choice but to accept Seo-yoon’s proposal.

Seoyoon then turned her head and looked at Seojun.

It was Seoyoon\'s expression as if asking how much she needed.

Seeing Seoyoon like that, Seojun could not easily open his mouth.

And do you know what Seojun is thinking?

Seoyoon slowly opened her mouth.

“Don\'t mind me. As the director, I have never been able to help Seo-jun, but I have to help at least once. And...”

There\'s nothing like the eyes of those people.

Seoyoon swallowed the words in an audible voice.

Seo-jun was at a loss for words at the sight of Seo-yoon.

As in the past, and as it is now.

Seoyoon seemed to be blaming herself for not being helpful to Seojun.

For some reason, Seo-yoon\'s appearance reminded him of the day he first met Seo-yoon.

Seojun and Seoyoon.

The first relationship obviously started between each other using each other.

However, if asked if he was still like that, Seo-joon could firmly shake his head.

And it was the same for Seoyoon.

In the gap, the past days have become a kind of will to each other.

Now, a bond that transcends that relationship has been formed between the two.

To be honest, Seo-jun was willing to participate unconditionally if there was an additional prize money.

Judging from the mentor\'s words just now, Seo-jun had to frantically collect causalities from now on.

That\'s why Seo-joon had to save money when he could, and the more, the better.

And now Seoyoon\'s will.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“Before the prize money, I will make a counteroffer.”

“If it\'s a counter-proposal...?”

“The people who make up the team are the representatives, not the instructors.”

Seo-jun immediately continued.

“Seo Yoon is the director of the Dream Academy. Then shouldn’t there be representatives from the other three academies that fit their positions?”


So Jin-hyeon swallowed his words behind his back, but Seo-joon was able to guess what it meant.

It is also true that the representatives of the three major academies were all former S-class hunters.

Hunters who stood out quite well even in S-class hunters.

On the other hand, Seoyoon was a B-class Hunter.

The gap between Class B and Class A didn\'t make sense, let alone Class B and Class S made even more sense.

No matter how retired, S-class is S-class.

In other words, no matter how good you are, will that be your opponent?

And to be honest, even Seo-joon couldn\'t guarantee that.



“Advance payment of prize money for winning a tournament.”

If you open Samdanjeon (三丹田), the story is different, but it was different for a long time.


Looking at So Jin-hyeon\'s dumbfounded expression, Seo-joon continued to speak.

“If you give me the tournament prize money of 6 billion first, I will accept any method or rule.”

And then tok.

“Or not.”

spit out the words

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