
Chapter 29

If there were one or two guests staying at the hotel, it seemed as if the entire hotel had been rented.

“I will guide you. Please come this way.”

As Seo-jun and Geomseong went inside, another believer volunteered to guide them.

Following the believer, they arrived at a room on the 11th floor, the topmost floor of the hotel.

Even though the hotel was not very good, the VIP room had a different shape and had an old-fashioned atmosphere.

“If you wait a little bit here, Lord Calia will come. If you ever need anything, feel free to call me as I am always waiting at the door.”

After saying that, Shindo left the room.

But for some reason, the expression on the swordsman\'s face as he looked at the believer didn\'t look good.

Why are you looking at me quietly?

“Waiting... I knew it would be like this.”

I heard the muttering of the Sword Master.

Seo-jun smiled inwardly and sat down on a sofa that looked like it would be comfortable in the world.

As expected, it is not an expensive sofa, so the comfort that comes over as if wrapping the body.

Feeling the comfort of money that he felt for the first time, Seo-joon asked Geomseong.

“Sword Saint-nim, are you acquainted with Sir Calia?”

That would be the case, just by looking at the swordsman\'s attitude toward Calia.

From knowing the name Calia to using the expression ‘year\'.

We\'re not very close, but we know each other by name.

The moment I thought that the water to play with was different.

“I see you for the first time today.”

The words of the Sword Master were completely different from what he had expected.

“yes? Are you seeing it for the first time today?”

“okay. This is the first time I\'ve actually seen it. I\'ve been in touch a few times, but this is the first time I\'ve asked to meet in person like this.”

Even so, when Seo-jun tilted his head, Geomseong clicked his tongue and said.

“The ones I met were the apostles, not the successors. The apostles of the Cataclysm era. I have met the Apostle of Purity, but I have not seen the Heir.”


Seojun nodded.

The swordsman was none other than one of the heroes active during the Cataclysm.

He is also a hero who joined forces with Jinrihoe to end the cataclysm.

To have met an apostle who was not an heir?

The perception that he was Seoyoon\'s grandfather was strong, so the swordsman was the swordsman.

And there were many heroes like Geomseong in the world, but Geomseong belonged to the older side among those heroes.

As far as Seojun knew, the age of the swordsman was about to turn 100.

In a word, it means that he was born almost at the same time as the cataclysm and has lived until now.

In a way, he was a living witness of the cataclysm and a swordsman who could be called a living fossil.

As his thoughts reached this point, Seo-joon suddenly came up with a question.

“Then what about the great voice? Have you ever met a great voice?”

none other than the presence of a great voice.

The Jinrihoe was known as an organization formed by the collusion of seven apostles under the great voice.

However, only seven apostles are known and active in the world.

The great voice has never been public or made an appearance.

Therefore, it was not known whether it was a man or a woman, and the age was also unclear.

Questions were popping up here and there about whether it actually exists.

Even inside the Jinrihoe, there was no one who saw the great voice except for the 7 apostles, so it was the point where they said everything.

It is only known once that he or she appeared.

It was the time when the Cataclysm officially ended, and at the same time, the Great Monster, Beserk, was defeated.

In fact, if it were not for this, it was accurate that Jinrihoe would not have the prestige it has today.

The actions of the seven apostles were no different from the heroes of today who save people from monsters and clear dungeons.

No, it would be more accurate to say that the cataclysm has not yet ended.

The monsters were sorted out one by one thanks to the efforts of countless heroes, and people were saying that the end of the cataclysm was imminent.

The giant monster, Beserk, suddenly appeared.

In fact, Seo-joon only knows the name Beserk, but doesn\'t even know what it looks like.

There are drawings based on the testimonies of the heroes at the time, but there are no photos, videos, or any other data left.

It\'s just a story told in legends, but Beserk\'s power is said to be more overwhelming than any monsters he\'s ever seen.

Even if all the heroes in the world joined forces, Seo-joon honestly couldn\'t imagine it.

To the point where it was said that it was the second cataclysm because they couldn\'t do anything about Beserk.

However, Beserk eventually fell, and it was the great voice and the seven apostles who defeated the great monster Beserk.

This was the exact meaning of the saying that the cataclysm would not have ended without Jinrihoe, and it was also the first and last moment when a great voice appeared.

And the swordsman was the person who shared that moment.

Seojun asked just in case, and Geomsung spat out words as if he was indifferent.

“I haven’t met you.”

And a word that follows.

“It\'s all I\'ve seen, even if it\'s far away.”

It was then.


“nice to meet you. Is this the first time we\'ve actually met?”

The door to the room where Seo Jun and Geomseong were located opened and someone came inside.

The voice that came at the same time was so clear that even just listening to it made me feel as if my ears were clear.

Unknowingly, Seo-joon turned his head in the direction the sound came from.

And what Seo-joon saw was a beautiful woman with blonde hair that reached below her shoulders.

At the same time, it was difficult to determine her age at a glance.

If you just look at his face, he\'s the same age as Seojun or slightly above him.

In addition, she was wearing simple armor except for the helmet, and because of that, Seo-jun\'s first impression of her was that of a paladin.

It was not difficult for Seo-jun to know that she was Calia, the successor to the apostle of chastity.

And I don\'t know if it\'s because of the title of the apostle of chastity, but Seo-joon could feel a strange atmosphere from Calia.

The swordsman said in a voice that was not happy with Calia\'s neat appearance.

“I wondered why you were late, but you were late because you were grooming yourself?”

“I would be grateful if you think of it as cleansing your body and mind before preaching the word of God.”

“That shit sounds pretty new to me actually.”

At the sarcastic words of the Sword Saint, Calia smiled softly.

Then he turned his gaze and looked at Seo-joon and said.

“My introduction is late. My name is Calia, a member of the Jinrihoe, who spreads the word of God, and is walking the path of purity. nice to meet you.”

Seojun met Calia\'s eyes and said.

“Nice to meet you. I...”

“Seojun Kim. Are you right? Thank you for coming.”

Then, as if she knew everything, Calia cut off her words and answered.

As Seo-jun looked at Calia, Calia continued.

“It\'s not like you don\'t know how we can have a conversation...”

Seo-joon continued to stare at Calia without saying anything.

Calia\'s appearance now was not Korean to anyone\'s eyes.

Therefore, the language Calia was now speaking was also not Korean.

Nevertheless, the reason Seo-jun could understand the words was because of Jinrihoe\'s special communication method.

A way of directly conveying the will that is nothing else.

Of course, it wasn\'t that he didn\'t use language in the process.

It uses language, but it is just a method of extracting and conveying the will contained in the language.

It is not clear how this can be, but they claim that it is because their words are the truth.

It was only their words, but it could not be denied that the fact that there was no language barrier was one of the reasons Jinrihoe was able to spread globally in an instant.

Calia then asked again.

“Or are you wondering how I know Seojun Kim?”

“You know me well. So, I\'ll ask Kim when the words came out. How the hell do you know me?”

Calia showed a slightly surprised expression at Seo-jun\'s straight-forward question.

It was unexpected that he would ask such a direct question.

“I think I need to clear up some misunderstandings before getting into the main topic.”

Calia immediately continued.

“Have you participated in an academy contest recently? At that time, one of our believers watched Seojun\'s actions. And how he praised me so much. I took the risk of being rude like this because I thought it was because of how great he was.”

And Calia doesn\'t open her mouth anymore.

“Is that the end?”

“yes. Need another reason?”

Seojun asked as if he were saying something obvious.

“Are you saying you know me just because of that?”

“Is there any reason not to do that?”

Then, Calia replied as if she was saying something obvious.

Seo-jun quietly raised his eyes and looked at Calia.

Of course, there was no reason not to.

But that doesn\'t explain enough that Calia knows Seo-jun.

And you wouldn\'t know that it was Calia.

Even so, Calia\'s refusal to speak could only be thought of as being on purpose.

Seojun changed the question.

“Then why did you want to see me? Surely this is not simply a reason to want to see it.”

Then Calia replied with a clean smile.

“I\'m going to talk about that from now on... Can I have a seat?”

Seojun, Geomseong, and Calia were seated like that.

“It looks like we just said hello, but am I the only one who’s already losing energy?”

“Isn’t it because of your damn talking style? Only your mouth is alive on the subject that you brought on yourself for four years.”

Calia shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth at the Sword Master’s blow.

“Then it doesn’t matter if I tell you right away. First of all, Swordsman. I want you to search a dungeon with me. ”

“Have you changed your strategy from a fucking speech to a blaspheming one? Why am I with four years...”

“You know better than anyone else that it\'s not over.”


For a moment, the Sword Saint opened his eyes and looked at Calia.

As if he wasn\'t usually surprised, the Sword Saint\'s body felt next to him was trembling

. “... What do you mean?”

“It is a report that a Distortion has occurred in a dungeon in Korea. I think Sword Saint-nim knows better what this means.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. At that time, obviously...”

“It is the judgment of the Jinrihoe that it is necessary to confirm.”

Sword Saint stared blankly at Calia, then looked down for a moment as if lost in thought.

And after a while, the Sword Master opened his mouth.

“...That\'s why you came to Korea for four years.”

“It\'s an internal situation in the church, but... Not very irrelevant.”

“At the same time, he solidifies his position as the heir of four years.”

Calia pauses for a moment.

“...As expected, Sword Saint-sama can’t be fooled.”

“It\'s not even funny to say that it\'s the judgment of the Jinrihoe shamelessly.”

Calia said at the appearance of the Sword Saint who snorted.

“Can you help?”

“It will depend on what your years can give you.”

“My favour... I shouldn\'t say that.”

Calia thought for a moment before continuing.

“Sword Saint-nim, you lack nothing in particular... I heard that your granddaughter runs the Hunter Academy. At the Jinrihoe side...”

That moment.


A tremendous amount of life erupted from the Sword Saint.

“one more time. If you want to weave Seoyoon, I won\'t let you go.”

It was Seo-joon who was only feeling it as a side branch rather than the person in charge, but the tremendous pressure made Seo-joon feel like he was numb.

This is the life force of the sword star spewing out with the true intention of killing.

Seo-joon was able to realize anew that Geomseong was really looking after him at the academy.


However, Calia\'s expression, receiving the killing blow, was nothing but calm.

It was unknown if it was actually like that, but Seo-joon was able to roughly gauge Calia\'s level just by looking like that.

“I made a mistake. I apologize. sorry.”

Calia\'s apology eventually follows.

Only then did the swordsman reap his life.

“Other than that, I don\'t have anything else to give to the Sword Saint... Then let\'s do this. I will always do the same for you, Sword Saint-nim.”

“Four years?”


The swordsman snorted once again and replied.

“Funny man. Do you want me to believe in a promise that will stop me pretending not to know then?”

“If you wish, you may swear by the name of the truth.”


At Calia’s determined answer, the Sword Saint kept her mouth shut.

An oath made in the name of truth.

It was because it was an oath that the members of Jinrihoe could never break.

That\'s why it was also an oath that I seldom make unless it\'s really important.

“Wouldn’t the position of an apostle be determined just by this?”

“I don\'t care what you think... but you can\'t just pretend you didn\'t see it, can you?”

Sword Saint seemed to think for a moment, then clicked his tongue and said.

“good night. If you swear in the name of truth, I will help you.”

After the transaction, a simple ceremony was performed between the two.

It was the first time Seo-joon had seen it, but the two moved quickly as if they were used to it.

To be precise, though, Calia had done something alone.

The ritual ended so quickly.


Calia looked at Seo-jun and said.

“It seems you haven’t shaken your doubts yet.”

“I will not deny it.”

Calia nodded softly and said.

“I don’t know what Seojun-nim would think, but what Seojun-nim showed at that time was really shocking to me.”

Then, Calia enumerated and explained Seo-joon\'s actions in the academy competition.

Calia speaks passionately as if she saw the situation firsthand.

The problem was that he didn\'t seem to know the end, so Seo-joon listened roughly and cut off Calia\'s words.

“So what do you want to say?”

“We, Jinrihoe, would like to support Seo-jun.”


Calia nodded.

Jinrihoe was a group with a strong religious color, and naturally, the activities following it were also strong.

And the representative of such activities was the support that Calia just talked about.

In other words, to support someone.

Similar to how it was proposed to the swordsman just before, Jinrihoe sponsored not only the academy but also individual students.

People who have talent but cannot realize their dreams because they are blocked by the wall of reality.

Jinrihoe was carrying out a lot of things like a kind of charity project to find such people and help them economically and materially.

And if you were Seojun just two months ago, thank you! proposals that would have been accepted.

“I already have an academy to which I belong.”

But it wasn\'t for Seojun now.

“I didn\'t mean to leave the academy. It\'s just that the academy is hard to take care of while Kim Seo-joon is active. It meant that we, Jinrihoe, would like to support such things.”

“Then what should I give you if I accept that support?”

“It is not a sponsorship expecting anything in return. If there is anything I wish for, the relationship between Jinrihoe and Seojun is enough.”

Seojun laughed inwardly.

It was because he knew very well that it could not be seen as a charity project.

Even if it was a charity on the giving side, he could not simply think of it as a charity on the receiving side.

A person or group that helped you when you were in trouble. It remains as a burden on the mind and becomes a debt in one way or another.

Whatever you say, you will get it back in some way later.

Seo-jun was well aware that large corporations did not donate scholarships to schools for no reason.

Well, I\'m not denying that Jinrihoe does good things.

“What if I refuse?”

“Then I can’t help it.”

Then, Calia replies with a no-no.

Seo-joon gently raised his eyes and looked at Calia.

A beautiful woman with white skin like drawing paper and gorgeous platinum hair.

Calia, whose eyes met, stared at Seo-joon like a noble paladin.

Clearly, Calia knew something about Seo-jun.

Something different from what he showed in the academy competition.

But Calia seemed unwilling to say anything.

Seojun opened his mouth after a little thought.

“Honestly, not a very attractive proposition.”

Seojun immediately spoke.

“But if you can be honest about the one question I ask, I’ll think positively.”

“What is it? Tell me.”

Calia nodded calmly.

Maybe it\'s a second...

Seo-joon shut his mouth for a moment.

It was a really sudden, literally sudden thought, but Seo-joon didn\'t feel like asking this question.

Calia might give an honest answer, and most of all, if Calia evaded the answer by giving her an answer, Seo-joon had no way to figure it out.

However, leaving it like this was an even worse choice.

Calia\'s behavior right now is too suspicious to pass it up.

one-time chance.

After a long thought, Seo-joon stood up straight away.

Then, he took out his smartphone and went straight to the transcendent academy to play Shakyamuni lectures.

He pushed the screen in front of Calia.


Confused Calia.

Seojun asked.

“What do you see on the screen of this smartphone right now?”

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